Do I need an interactive licence if I don't distribute anything interactive?

If I just play around with the bridge to Unreal and make stuff for my own amusement, do I need to buy interactive licences for Daz content?

I'm thinking of having a look at the Unreal engine, I don't think you have to pay anything for non-commercial use of it. These days I'm  a bit of a hobbyist programmer, used to be professional but I'm retired now. I've used a few programming languages including C but not C++. I've probably got a chance of leanring Unreal programming but I haven't investigated enough to find out what language it uses or how complicated it is. Anyway, if it's all free I might as well try it.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614


    you can use it to do renders entirely for free and "games" on your own computer not shared

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