Genesis 8 and Carrara?

I just have a quick question...
Does the latest Genesis 8 content (figures etc) work in Carrara? Or am I SOOL?
I've only just installed it, but haven't tried loading any of the stuff that came with the bundle, and not sure which version it is.
Don't want to stuff anything up :)
You need the following Preset Freebies (thanks to Misty) :-
All clothes and hair also need to be converted to Blended Weight in DAZ Studio
Autofit also does not work, so clothes and hair need to be fitted to your character in DAZ Studio, I then save mine as a Scene Subset.
No,. Genesis 8 doesn't work natively n Carrara 8.5
Genesis 8 was built for use in Daz3D Studio.
Genesis 1 and 2 both work,. as do all previous generations of Daz3D and Poser figures,... there are some workaround options for genesis 8,. ..See Misty.
The people at Daz3D still aren't embarrased by this, and have no idea what a great piece of software carrara is.
Hope it helps ya
Thanks that helps :)
Whether I'll be able to do this, no idea, but I'll try.
I used to use Carrara years and years ago (and Poser), never got into Studio at all.
But I still have all the old Poser content, so...
I had to rub my eyes, haven't seen postings from you in a while, but I have been half asleep last few months...glad to see you here and hope you are well.
Because of Misty's presets, there are quite a few ways to use G8M and G8F in Carrara, ways to use Daz Studio as a useful free plugin for Carrara, and ways to use Carrara as a useful tool for Daz Studio. I've put together a couple of examples.
Example 1 - using Carrara to create a morph for G8M, which can then be used in either Daz Studio or Carrara (with Misty's preset).
Hopefully, you got this version. And the included G1 bundles should work fine. You need to learn how to open things properly in Carrara, apply shaders properly, etc., and all this takes time. But in my experience, it was well worth it. Carrara is a vast program.
As Bunyip said, G3 and G8 are usable in Carrara, but you have to jump through a few hoops. If you are looking for premade quality and little effort, then Daz Studio is the way to go. If you want more control over your final product, and want to more fully understand 3D technology, then learning Carrara is a no-brainer.
+1 !!!
Example 2 - using Carrara to create a conforming tank top which can then be converted to conforming item using Daz Studio's transfer utility, and then used in Daz Studio or Carrara.
Example 3 - using Carrara to create strand based hair, convert to prop and conforming, then used in Daz Studio or Carrara.
Why convert strand to prop? Probably usually avoid, but if you use toon filter, NPR renderer, and some other niche, then might prefer render attributes of mesh to strand based hair.
Note that compatibility is better with the Genesis 3 figures and Misty's presets, but can't link to them. If you go to the links to her freebie G8 presets, you should be able to navigate to her store to find the G3 presets.
And me !!!! How have you been?
Thank goodness for Misty. She's had a rough time with her eyes and surgery, and we hope she will be back soon. Her work on G3 and G8 is pure genius! I use G3 all the time.
I must say, UB, it's been wonderful watching you grow in talent and technique with Carrara since you've come aboard!
Very nice of you to say, Dart. Many thanks for your encouragement over the last 4 years, and for all the helpful posts. I assumed that I would be animating by now, but the time to dive in and learn it is not yet right. Someday...
Worry not, my friend. Animation comes when you want it to - and Carrara will make it a breeze for you!
Animation was the passion that brought me to (finally!!!) find Carrara when I did. I'm not very good with still image rendering yet. One day I'll shift my focus to that for a total change of pace. If you notice, my website articles (as well as most here, too) are geared toward getting fast renders, something I'll tone back on drastically when I want to do good still work. It's been a while, but when I saw Ringo perform his Caustics demo on the Carrara 6 bonus disc I was blown away seeing controls I never paid attention to before. With Carrara such things exist right in plain sight everywhere I look!
Like you said: Carrara is VAST!
That said, I still haven't given Genesis 2, 3 or 8 a fair shot in Carrara. I've done a lot with 2, but with J&J and the beta G8 presets I've seen how nicely we can work with these figures - Finally! Thanks Misty!!! When I first got her J&J presets I made a really cool Rosie 7 character using Mika 7 and a bunch of other shapes I injected into her using GenX2. I don't have many assets for 3 or 8, so that helped me to continue to ignore them for the time being. I've been collecting a tid bit here and there... so one day! :)
UB... you have been an inspiration. You are one of my favourite posters and I bookmark your projects all the time along with Diomede and almost EVERY contributor here. THere is always something to learn and the renders are so motivating to keep trying something new.
Dart... hope you will be posting more as well!
I have been quiet and in the background, lots going on in Real Life and my vision problems are still causing dry eye in spite of lubricating tears. Trouble is, I have tear duct plugs in and I must be very careful not to dislodge them as I cannot get an appointment to get any replaced. Then I would really have a dry eye problem. Ack, just want the cataracts done and get sorted. I hope Misty gets hers sorted, too. I do miss her posts!
This weekend I am going to try working with G8 for the first time. Fingers crossed! And thanks for the re-visit on managing it Diomede. You are a star!
Thank you, Silene.
Life is a challenge. Hope your current trials get resolved soon.
Hi everyone. :)
I just popped in to check what's happening,. also,. I was asked to do some stuff for a friend so, checking out some models, ...but apart from that,..i'm pretty much out, ...still keeping an eye on any developments.
it's really ironic that daz are selling third party Bridge's when they own the only 3D program which works with their own models directly.
Anyway,. good to see you all :)
I often think DAZ studio diehards are unaware of what Carrara can actually do and far easier than Blender
I ended up ignoring one user always seeking ways to do stuff that won't try Carrara,
she is trying Bryce now apparently but having trouble using DAZ figures in it, well duh I mean duf
Thanks for all the info, guys. I've been too busy to do anything really, but will hopefully get to practicing some when the days get shorter.
Right now I'm trying to figure out how (if) the conforming stuff works in Carrara, or if I have to do all that stuff in Poser (I can't use Studio, I am lost in there.)
Man, I used to know all this stuff... 10 years ago or thereabouts.
still lovin the kitchen set
hi andy
Wendy, unfortunately these days if it's not click & go it's too hard...