Transparent Image Front and Back

I'm curious if anyone has tried to create a 2d primitive transparent image but have it on both sides (have the front of the image show the front on the primitive, and the back of the image show the back)?   You could do two, but I'm not sure if there is anyway to make the transparent image show two sides on a primitive.   

I'm using the tried and true black/white image and primary image and it works great with the exception of an occasional white border, but easy enough to fix that.


  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979

    What kind of primitive?  A plane will automatically do what you want in Iray, if you apply a picture to it.  But you will only see the backside when you render, otherwise it will be black.  

  • jjmainorjjmainor Posts: 490

    What you have to do is take the two separate images into an image editing program and lay them side by side.  Make sure they line up in their respective halves of the if you printed the image out and folded it in half, the front and back would be touching perfectly.  Then make a transparency for the new image.


    Take the two into DS and load them into the proper sliders under the surface tab.  If you lined it up properly, You should have a flat plane with a different image on each side.  You might have to tweak the tiling sliders if it's not perfect, or take it back into the image editing software.

    This is something I did for a project.  I needed the medal prop, but it didn't have to have depth or anything, so I put the image onto a flat plane.  I had a matching transparency map so all you saw was a medal-shaped plane with the front of the medal on one side, and the back of the medal on the other.


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