Product identity/source of two items in Zahara Hair 2 promos?

I was looking at the promos to the item Zahara Hair 2 for Genesis 8 Female(s), and I noticed a couple of things that look interesting that don't seem to be listed under the additional products used in promo images.

Collars 1

Collar 2 + Earring

The first of the items I'd like to know the identity of is the beaded collar-type garment worn by both women in the first image and the "background" woman in the second image.  I tried several search terms looking for it (including, but not limited to, beaded, beads and collar), but nothing turned it up.  The other item I'm looking for is the bone-looking earring worn by the same woman in the second image, which I also tried and failed to locate on my own.  So, I'm turning to the community.  Can anyone point me in the direction of either of these two items?

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