Upgrade for earlier versions of Filter Forge & Dogwaffle

i have Filter Forge 7.0 for Mac and 8.0 for Windows. Is there a way to get an upgrade rather than buy the whole program again? Same question for Dogwaffle...


  • I use FF, and unfortunately I don't think so... you can probably reach out to them on their site and ask, though.  I had an older version, as well, and my license didn't work for the new version and I decided to move to the subscription plan.  I'm one of the few that prefers that option, though, so I didn't really try to get an upgrade or anything.  If you go to their site you can send the CS team a message in the "Contact Us" tab at the top...

  • Maybe buy it direct from the developer? https://filterforge.com/buy/upgrades.html

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited September 2020

    You can still upgrade version 8 of Filter Forge to version 9 on their website:  https://filterforge.com/buy/upgrades.html. There is also an upgrade from version 7 but the cost of that is more than buying the complete version from DAZ.

    Note also: If you use today's MY-FLASH coupon to buy Filter Forge here  it is a better price ($40) than buying any of the upgrades.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    Yeah, it’s $65 on sale to upgrade on their site. It’s cheaper to wait till there’s another sale here and buy a whole new version. I was hoping Daz offered a discounted upgrade, but I guess not...

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited September 2020

    Yeah, it’s $65 on sale to upgrade on their site. It’s cheaper to wait till there’s another sale here and buy a whole new version. I was hoping Daz offered a discounted upgrade, but I guess not...

    Do you have an account on the Filter Forge site with a registration for your version 8? If so you may sometime get a better offer from them by email. Every once in awhile they put out special offers. Awhile ago I was able to get the version 9 pro upgrade (from version 8) together with free librarian 9 and Libray backup 9 , all for $54 

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited September 2020

    If you like Filter Forge, you should check their site for sales... on occasion they'll have a sale for the lifetime upgrade... having been a longtime customer (from probably around version 3), so I decided it was probably a good idea to do... I think I got it at around version 7, for around $170 (?) for the professional version lifetime upgrade.

    I don't know if they still do it, because I stopped following the sales, but I still do frequently see 80% or 70% off sales...

    Also I don't know if the upgrade discounts count if you didn't buy it from their site.

    EDITED TO ADD- I checked their site, and they don't have any big sale at the moment, and apparently they renamed the lifetime upgrade version to "Professional Plus". 

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • jjoynerjjoyner Posts: 642

    The best route to go is to register your FF product on the web site so that you received their emails.  The best upgrade offers are via the emails - not the web site.  The best email offer that I've seen (several times this year) for an upgrade from FF 8 to FF 9 is $44 and $149 for the lifetime upgrade.  FF10 is coming out soon - likely, later this year.

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited September 2020
    jjoyner said:

    The best route to go is to register your FF product on the web site so that you received their emails.  The best upgrade offers are via the emails - not the web site.  The best email offer that I've seen (several times this year) for an upgrade from FF 8 to FF 9 is $44 and $149 for the lifetime upgrade.  FF10 is coming out soon - likely, later this year.

    I agree. The best offer I have seen is the email one I got in July to upgrade from FF 8 to FF9 and get Librarian with Library Backup free -- all for $54. That's the one  I went for..

    I had considered the Lifetime upgrade on sale for $149 but i didn't buy it because with each upgrade I have to buy a new version of Librarian with Library Backup for $69 in order to keep using Librarian. Plus at my age I might not live long enough to go through but one or two more upgrades.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,646

    Dogwaffle can be ordered direct from thebest3d.com . They have upgrade discounts, but you may need to email them to request a discount coupon code.

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