Meta Data - it's getting worser and worser



  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    NylonGirl said:

    Smart Content either works or it doesn't. If metadata is wrong, then Smart Content doesn't work. I'm going to give this another chance. I get my new computer in a few days. I will use DIM to install everything automagically. Then I will see just how well Smart Content works. I've done this before, and found Smart Content to be very disappointing.

    I think you will be disappointed. Particularly, if a product supports both G3 and G8 or both male and female then, even if you click on a figure, it will show both the G3 and G8 and male and female products together even though your figure is only one of them. And some of the icons have no indication of which figure it's for. They all look the same.

    And when I go to the material settings, even if I specifically select the IRAY category, I get two copies of every material setting. Two of material 01, two of material 02, and so on.

    No support for older items whatsoever. No easy way to manually add items that didn't have metadata in the first place.

    And blaming this on the pandemic doesn't explain tickets being left open from a year ago. This seems to be the worserest  things have ever been.


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    PerttiA said:
    Robinson said:

    Don't use it.  I make my own folder structure and manually copy the icons in.  So in effect I have two libraries attached.  Daz and Library, the latter being my own structure and the one I use and the former being whatever gets installed.  Anything based on meta-data that isn't rigorously policed (by Daz) is going to end up a mess (thermodynamics).  The default Daz folder structure is a mess so there's that too.  Then there's 3rd party things that almost never have "correct" metadata. 


    Same here. A little discipline each time I install adds up, and as a bonus makes the whole thing drop easy to backup and restore (the latter whenever I get a new computer.)

    Same... Reading in disbelief how everybody is continuously re-downloading their content in order to "fix" the problems with content not showing up.

    Another reason to avoid them both like the plague.:)


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