Uninstall/Reinstall DAZ Studio

EvolveXEvolveX Posts: 0
edited September 2020 in Daz Studio Discussion

With this new DAZ Central I am completely lost. How do I Uninstall/Reinstall DAZ studio?
Unless someone tells me how to reset workspace and get menu items back, I figured I would uninstall and reinstall DAZ studio.

(I did attach an image showing my top menu was missing most of the links, but it is gone surprise)

But I cannot even do that. It's not in Programs and Features and I cannot find any uninstall executable.
Please help...


Update 1: DAZ central is quite useless. I found an uninstall link, but it did not do anything. For 2 hours it stayed on 50% uninstall progress. I had to kill it, delete DAZ manually from program files, user profile, registry. Now I cannot install. Installation has stuck on 57%. Where can I download installation files and install it manually?

Update 2: OK, I uninstalled DAZ Central completely. Cleaned the drives of all possible DAZ content and related files. Downloaded, installed it fresh. Installed Studio, got my menus back finally. But there is no any links in Start Menu. Had to Pin executables shortcuts for DAZ Central and Studio to Start. Reinstalled all content one by one (Where is a button for installing all content at once as it used to be in Install Manager??)  My content folder is now 10 GB, it used to be 20 GB. I do not create any assets myself, nor have many projects saved. Where is another 10GB? Luckily I have a backup, if I see something missing I hope I can reinstate.

Anyway, it was frustrating few hours of wasted time. That is given I am a power computer user. Average user would never be able to pull it through and would probably stuck for days.


Post edited by EvolveX on


  • You can still use Install manager.

    To reload the layout in DS, should you need to do so in future, it's Window>Workspace>Select Layout. Uninstalling would not have helped as it does not touch user files or settings.

  • Hi,
    Thanks. Unfortunately I lost the screenshot I posted yesterday, but I did not even have anything under Windows menu. There was one entry there: Panes (Tabs)
    As to Install Manager, I was looking for it all over the place. Seem it was automatically uninstalled, when I installed DAZ central for the first time.
    There was Uninstall option in Programs and Features for Install Manager and I have found a folder for it, but there was no any executables to fire it up.
    So I ended up manually wiping all out, including user settings in the profile and then install DAZ Central and Studio.

    I am just glad it is over...

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