Right moment for shopping

LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817


today got a lot stuff which I like into sale, now is the question is NOW a good moment to buy it all, or should I wait a few hours? atm, I see only a Giftcard sale banner, will there maybe come another so I could get aditional stuff?

I also wanna buy new release stuff.

I am really happy we get finall such thing :


I hated that it was always for females only >_<



  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    looks like we dont get today any special sale action, just the giftcard bonus :(

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    The whole store except new and PC items is on sale. I really doubt there will be more today.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    did just hope on something free/cheaper, when I buy something New labeld :)

    but well...

  • It would not be the first time they add stacking flash sales. One base in general and one limited to a couple items with coupon code. I would wait a few more hours.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    yeah... maybe they make a late night thing :o

    I just hope they dont remove the other sales O_O would be sad :(

  • Well, you know what they say: there's always another sale.

    If you want it now and are comfortable with the prices, go ahead. I did this for several things this morning, they've gone for (sometimes quite a bit) cheaper and I hate buying at less than 75% off but Daz-Deals shows the last time they went to their deepest discount as being six weeks to several months out from this time last year. Plus, two days ago Daz ripped a sale price out of my cart with 90 minutes left, more than tripling it when I went to buy after waiting to see if there was going to be some sort of eleventh hour flash sale. I was sorely tempted to wait until it inevitably goes for less than HALF of what I was willing to buy it at in October, but I need it much sooner.

    You never know with Daz, because they will never EVER tell us when a sale begins and ends. A flash sale could end in an hour, or it could be one of those "4 hOuRs OnLy" flash sales that run from 6:00PM to midnight if they're the last sale of the day. In this case, it's starting to look like it's from midnight to midnight, and may only be "flash" in the sense that it lasts one day -- just like everything else has for the PA Sale.

    I shaved a few items off my order so if they post a coupon I might pick those up. This whole sale has been so underwhelming that I wouldn't count on it. New sale additions seem to stop around 6:00PM Mountain (Daz time). At least, anything that shows up at 8:00PM Eastern (Cora time) always seems to last until Daz midnight. If nothing new has shown up four hours from now, it's reasonable to assume that nothing will.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    I will buy my stuff now, mainly because I am very tired and can no longer sit here...

    and tomorrow I will rage that they still have the 60% sale BUT also have a "buy new stuff and get xy" :)


  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited September 2020
    Loony said:

    I will buy my stuff now, mainly because I am very tired and can no longer sit here...

    and tomorrow I will rage that they still have the 60% sale BUT also have a "buy new stuff and get xy" :)


    Rofl that always seems to be how it goes! I'm probably going to be raging that I could have gotten everything I did for like, a dollar less apiece. And $8 is $8, or another product that I wanted.

    Wednesday is usually the big midweek sale day when they drop bundles and core characters, which they've been doing with exhausting frequency lately. With those you should always wait because of the artificial delay with supporting bundles + "buy them all" discounts, like how early Sukai 8 buyers got bent over a barrel last week.

    Perhaps this is them taking a break from it. If so, the 60% off sale may really only be for today. The coupons last week were one-day things also.

    For the record I am entirely in favor of a break from big bundles and new core characters. The last one I got excited about was Ashan 8, and the constant release schedule + Daz sale gymnastics that go along with it are exhausting.

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    I had it kinda everytime, that the next day new sale stuff did come and my last purchase looked a bit bad xD

    but on the other side did sometimes the sales end, so it was good I bought it :P


    But I grabbed first the 10% discount on Giftcards, win win :D

    Sadly the bigger discounts are just for BIG values, 200 and 400$ (okay at 400$ you get 120$ discount! thats huge! but... its then still 280$ which you should "Just have" ready to throw away^^).

  • That's one reason I rarely partake in the gift card sales, you can get awesome deals but it's $$$$$ up front for them.

    Plus using store credit can lock you out of incentives for some sales that earn equally good or better discounts. I think it was last fall's PC+ sale or something similar where people were using store credit and not getting "you've spent $XXX.XX this sale, here's a coupon for %off" perks because the money was already in Daz's pocket and they weren't going to stack a purchase discount on top of what was probably already discounted credit.

    I'll probably look at my Daz spending after this sale season (it's... high), and next year go for gift card sales based on previous expenditure so long as they're not near any major sales that have historically had incentive conflicts.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    well... I am happy with my gift cards I also get sometimes extra discount from banners.

  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309

    Gift Cards are AWESOME for those of us on a budget!  Buy one for a time period (in my case either for the month or two months) - on sale - and then you only buy while you have store credit = you are always on/under budget.  Just wish I had waited a few more days this month for today's sale before buying mine.

    ... definitely saves me from arguements with my sweetie! wink


    As far as today's sale - love it!  Yes, you can (rarely) get items cheaper... when the Moon is in the 7th House and Jupiter aligns with Mars.... and all the ghosts hold their mouths just right while you just *happened* to swing the dead small animal of your choice over your head the previous midnight!!   And some PAs / Product types almost never are in those groups, so... rather than waiting a couple more years, I jumped on some utilities and Ultra-scenery items I have been waiting on!

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited September 2020

    well, shop is still the same, it does not even have new products :O

    Normally is only at sunday nothing new. weird.

    Post edited by Loony on
  • Loony said:

    well, shop is still the same, it does not even have new products :O

    Normally is only at sunday nothing new. weird.

    As has been posted in other threads, there were severe storms with very high winds, in Salt Lake City, where Daz is located. There are downed trees and power outages--which might take some time to restore--so many employees are probably unable to work. Even if they have power they may be dealing with property damage.

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