Attaching a helmet

So I created this helmet in blender but not sure about the correct way to attach it to G8. When I rotate the head the model deforms. Do I follow the same process as clothing, creating morphs for each movement? Thansk in advance.


  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    What have you parented the helmet to.... the head? Does the helmet have separate parts to it? If it has separate parts I'd save the parts as a "new group" in DS and parent the new group to the head.

  • fred9803,

    I'm a bit of DazStudio noob so please for give me. This helmet is actually extremely minialistic and basic. Its one piece. I createed it to fit the base G8 figure. I attach it using the transfer utility. I'd like it to fit my other models and not warp when the figure moves. Thanks!

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    You've probably made it conforming, so it will follow the underlying mesh. Helmets and other rigid elements are usually just parented to the appropriate body part.  They'll follow the movement, but not deform. You can, however, add morphs to help make it fit whatever character is wearing it.

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    If you made this in a modelling program, export it as an .obj file and parent it to the G8 head. It will be a rigid object and no longer conforn, but it won't deform either.

  • you can use a rigidity group to stop it from autofollowing individual head morphs, also adjust the weight mapping so that the helmet is mapped only to head, if you used the transfer utility it might have other nearby bones mapped which would also distort when posing.

    for the rigidity thing, switch to the geometry editor tool and set it to vertex mode, then right click > geometry selection > select all, right click > geometry assignment > create rigidity group from selected.

    you'll then want to select small groups of vertices on the front back left and right of the helmet and assign them to the references for the rigidity group in the tool settings pane for the geometry editor.

    or by selecting them and right clicking > geometry assignment> assign to rigidity group as reference

    you can then play around with the scale and rotation settings in the rigidity group editor, right click > rigidity group editor.

    you might also need to weight map the rigidity but I can't remember if its neccesary.

  • it depends on the style of helmet.  But the transfer tool turns it into a conforming clothing item, one that does 'fit to'. Which means it has a copy of g8's rigging now and it will autofollow morphs.  Sometimes this is good and sometimes .. not so good.  This is where we start in rigging a clothing item.  Usually we then ahve to go and fix all the issues, adding rigidity, smoothing out wightmaps, adding or fixing JointCorrectiveMorphs, and so forth and so on. It can be a lot of work even on a single item.

    The simplest thing would be to load the object and parent it to the Head bone of the figure. Then it will stay glued on but it WONT follow the rigging (so not an option if you have a chinstrap) and it wont pick up all of g8's head and ear morphs.  For big old knights helmets that go over the entire head, or hats that float on top that is usually simplest.

    Rigidity only applies to autogenerated morphs, it doesnt help with bend (rotation) related issues.  If it is warping when the figure moves, that will be a weightmap and/or JCM related issue.

    That would get saved as a figure/prop asset


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