King Laundromat Poses - Panty Thieves Beware!

From the product description -

  • 20 Poses for Genesis 8 Female(for Rifle or Carbine)
  • 20 Poses for Genesis 8 Male(for Rifle or Carbine)

Man, I know that getting an empty machine can be hard at times, and there's always the risk of an occasional item being swiped from a basket or dryer, but isn't this a bit excessive?


  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    *laughs like a demented hyena* OMG that is Perfect!!

  • rifling through the delicates

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842


    That's obviously a copy/paste error, but I love the idea ;)

  • I had a good laugh but I think the idea is that the set and poses could be used for PA/zombie renders...
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Good thing the laundromat isn't in Japan, or they might have to contend with one of these:

    Rocket Punch

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    rifling through the delicates

    Ouch!  And here I was, NOT making a pun about "getting a shot at the next open dryer." 

    mainly because I was debating ending with the tag Only In America...

  • I guess you guys have never tried to get the last open dryer at the laundromat on Saturday afternoon in Chicago. 

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