Morph importing problem
Hi :)
I'm experimenting an issue when I want to import my morph from Blender.
I'm relatively new to Daz to Blender workflow so for sure I made something wrong.
I exported my genesis female 8 mesh with daz to blender bridge as usual but in the subdiv menu I checked "subdiv 1" in order to have more polygon to play with in Blender.
Now when I'm trying to import back my morph in daz studio, in the debug console I have this message "geometry did not match, failed to create morph."
No matter what I select in the subdiv slider in my parameter tabs of my figure, I keep getting this message.
I don't have any issue if I select "subdiv 0" when I export my model with daz bridge. Is it because of that ? Is there any solution on how to solve this problem or do I have to make my morph only with the "subdiv 0" option ?
Thanks for your help :D
you have to make your morph at base resolution or subd 0 unless you are a daz store vendor. only they get the privelege of hd morphs apparently.
subdiv 0 / base resolution is the only option to create morphs
If you are using Genesis 8 Female, there is "Export Base Resolution OBJ.dse" in ...\People\Genesis 8 Female\Developer Kit\, use that and you don't have to change the resolution yourself an/or think about subd.
Thank you all for your answers :) !
My first guess was correct, I'll keep exporting with subdiv 0 then.
@ PixelReaper :
I would like to add to the conversation, because this is my wheel-house, and I am currently working on a Blender 2.8x Daz-to-Blender 'Morphs ONLY' Bridge (in development way before Daz-to-Blender release -- from a 2.79 addon) to be released soon.
For OBJ exports that go through the Studio exporters, the others in this thread are correct that you need both the Resolution set to 'Base' and the Sub-D level set to 0 for 1-to-1 vertex count/order fidelity in order to import and apply the morphs back in Studio.
The addon I am working on takes care of this for you (like the script that PerttiA suggests to use [which is for stand-alone exporting]), and automatically applies the return morph, and optionally auto-saves it as well.
Now, for morphing in Blender, you can add the Sub-D modifier to your Base Daz figure and set at what ever level you wish to work with for your morphing venture.
But, you must deselect the Sub-D modifier to export your morphed figure back to Studio, so you might not achieve the exact morph you are working towards.
lilweep is correct regarding HD morphs, so if that is your goal, I am afraid you will only be able to create low level basic body/body parts morphs.
Both Studio and Blender utilize Pixar Open Sub-D; Studio/Catmark, and Blender/Catmull-Clark (even though it says CC, they implemented OSD in it's place in the 2.8x series -- 2.79 is still legacy CC, though). However, both implementations are slightly different, so you won't get 1-to-1 fidelity, but you can get close approximations which is good for most cases.
* Alpha WIP's (Inline GIF's still not working - so I attached links to see working GIF's):
Thank you for the tips, I've just tried to sculpt with a subdiv modifier in blender then turn it off before import back into daz and the result is pretty similar :)