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That of course is a selling point of curved monitors, though I haven't seen much about those recently.
Yea, same here. I've only seen the ultra wide curved ones used to test graphics cards with gaming benchmarks, and the only thing discussed is how a few of the displays can bring GPUs to there knees with some 'titles'. It is also possible that the curve may make it difficult to do accrete consistency testing for the two or three sites that actually do that stuff (I'm fairly sure the test equipment was made for flat displays).
Morning, I guess there has been a lot going on lately.
Well, as for the first one in that list, that is fantastic. And now I'm thinking about the possibility of using such things for hardware acceleration of FFT, DCT, DFT algorithms for signal processing (for something like a DSP chip), and am curious if such a thing could one day make life better for the rest of us here with Ray-trace algorithms. I have been ripping the world apart looking for an affordable GPU that can do Iray for individuals rather then major organizations, honestly I have not found much at all that dose not have major detractors. To be fare tho, I suspect that day is a long way off.
When the GTX 10xx line gets Iray drivers, it looks like the GTX1060 is 'About' on par with the GTX970 with many gaming bench marks, the GTX10xx line of cards is still rather unattractive for a secondary Iray compute card (Both in lacking memory for Iray scenes, and in watts). I am faced with a decision of just how much wasted power for a second card that is useless for all my other hobbies is worth having, just to be able to do some 'Small' Iray scenes on occasion.
Quantum computing sounds to have a lot of potential. But just how far before it's commercially viable...
And I want to see Jupiter moons with my own eyes. I may be a physicist, but I still secretly believe that one day FTL will be a thing, so that a Jupiter tour could become a casual trip =) // there are more problems to taking humanoids far outside Earth orbits than just the drive, of course //
Well, I'm not sure how much is the scientific removal of all 'External contributing factors' verses just simply necessary to get the 'spins' of the stuff in the core of the Quantum computer. My knowledge is rather limited, tho cooling is a major requirement as of now, to remove thermal noise from the 'experiments'.
Most of that is just cooling chambers inside other cooling chambers, to get the core as cold as possible.
The actual Quantum computer, is in Seth's hands there, the rest of it is no more high tech then what is in the back of your kitchen refrigerator.
So I managed to gat my computer to operate at around room temperature under load, that's nothing, Seth's comp runs at almost Zero Kelvin under load. Kind of makes all those enthusiast gaming water cooled rigs look like child's play, lol.
So, I honestly do not know if Quantum computing will ever be possible in a PC at room temperature or not. I am sure that it would allow some interesting stuff in the future even if we do not have personal Q-bit computers in future portable devices. That thing on the set of SGU may be the closest we ever get to a 'personal Q-bit computer' in the end.
Who knows. There are things like "quantum biology" emerging now, and while ideas of someone like Sir R.Penrose are debatable, some are more sound. It's all still quite new.
There is always something unexpected around the corner. Even a luminary like Lord Kelvin thought some things impossible which are now ubiquitous... like heavier-than-air flying machines.
yea, things like building molecular things that work on the basic principles of atomic bonds between atoms at room temperature are very possible, I do have doubts about other things. The nano-bots work on the same exact principles that stuff in a living cell use (like DNA/RNA for example). There basic machines in a way, they just work on a much smaller scale and are made of atoms that interact with other atoms, instead of machined bolts and gears from a machine shop. Making smaller quantum sized things gets into the 'probability' of weather or not what you put somewhere to make something, is actually there or not.
Quantum computing is based on the 'spins' of stuff inside an atom, and need to be detected from a distance via rather crude methods (at this point in time). When an electric charge (AKA an electron) moves, it produces a magnetic field around it. Just the movement of the atom from heat causes the electrons in it to produce an enormous amount of electromagnetic energy compared to the fields produced by the 'spin' of the stuff you want to measure in the atoms of a Q-bit computer. It would be an extraordinary feet of electron-voodoo to be able to measure 'spins' at room temperature in an unshielded Q-bit computer chip to put it lightly, lol. It would take putting the atoms into a crystal lattice that does not move at all from heat, I do not think such a thing is possible without chilling it to some really cold temperatures to be honest.
It would probably be easier to build a FTL drive that defeats the laws of Space-time threw "brute force acceleration", then it would be to get atoms to "sit still" in a smartphone, lol. I guess it comes down to how small and portable can you make a 0.01K cooler and all the other stuff needed to measure the spins.
As for FTL, well, how much energy is in a star, I honestly think SGU got that part correct at least.
This is going to take some getting use to, not to say I still need to attempt to calibrate the thing.
I knew the old B243pwl (on the right) had a serious lack of an important color, black, I never noticed the edge bleed threw as seen in the photo. The new PB278Q (on the left) is better, however it is nothing like the old G220fb CRT that died recently. As for other aspects of the new display, it will take some time to look threw settings and stuff.
It's not perfect, not by a long shot. At the very least, I can start to get some stuff done now.
DVI cables, yea it is kind of important. At first I just used the one that was already on the desk, and the monitor started flaking out as if the GPU had a bad frame buffer. After looking at the cable that came with the PB278Q, I noticed that the old cable was missing a section of pins in the middle of the plug, and the new one had all of them. Swapping the cable fixed that, so I guess the correct DVI cable is kind of important for large pixel count displays.
(EDIT 06Aug2016)
Dose vs Does is a spellcheck goof (Das ist kaputt), I'm going to have to go threw my thread and fix one of these days, I don't know what I was thinking when I clicked that in the spellcheck list. Ich bin dumm kopf, lol.
Yes, the Heisenberg principle (aka uncertainty principle) is what limits a lot of potential miniaturisation stuff. IIRC it even factors into how far you can go with "conventional" silicon chips and their "transistor" density.
What was that in SGU about star energy? I never finished it. I just know SW Ep VII was horrid in that regard.
They never really got into just what Destiny uses in a star for energy, and I honestly think that was a good thing. There is a lot that can be collected from a star for things other then just 'energy' and leaving it at "Powered by the stars" leaves it up to the imagination of the viewer. It was the same with other stuff, and the sublight engines did look a lot like large Plasma engines in a remote way. Well, you need something to turn into plasma and propel out of a Plasma engine, and there is lots of that stuff available in a star, so why not scoop some up every recharge in a star.
Energy, well, I'm not sure to be honest. Collecting heat for a thermal mass heat engine of a sorts, could work. And/or Perhaps it is collecting radiation, I'm just not sure how that could be stored and used to be honest. Collecting only the radiation would be like making a reactor that you only put rods in to charge it up, then remove the rods before using it, We don't have power plants that work like that today, lol. There may be other kinds of energy as well, like electric charge or something, and nothing saying that collecting more then one kind of energy from a star is not done.
It is interesting to consider how such a ship could be made if that was to be actually attempted. We have experience with building stuff for a few thousand years now, and sadly even the Great pyramids needed to be maintained over time. Building a real ship for an unmanned multi-million year voyage would be considerably more difficult then anything mankind has manufactured over our "brief time here on earth" in comparison.
I guess I'll post this now, this was done some time ago and all I remember was that I had resized the cross and parented it to the hat.
The rest was just a funny based off my first impression of G3M, lol. The glasses, shirt, and pants came from elsewhere (G2M stuff I think?), and are not part of the Liam bundle. And no, I don't think that pose was included as well, that was custom from scratch based on a 'Bravo' cartoon from eons ago.
Alright, yesterday was an interesting day and I need to wrap up some stuff here so I can get onto some other stuff (shaderPack02 and gym mats). I did see an interesting article about the status of some stuff, and while I am for further testing, I think the "Standard model" is just wrong. It was incomplete back in the 80s and I got kicked out of many science classes over bringing up the shortfalls of it back then. It just feels like it was patched and bandaged over time to get around the limitations of the particle zoo and complete absence of other things. lol.
Elegant it is not, simple it is not, and it completely fails to describe so much of the universe, lol. I think S. James Gates Jr. put it best, "If the laws of gravity are supposed to apply everywhere, and the laws of quantum mechanics are supposed to apply everywhere.... You can't have two separate everywheres," (NOVA, "The Elegant Universe").
I don't know what would be a better model, tho I'm sure what is around now is not it. It's almost in a way, like Luigi Aloisio Galvani describing Animal Electricity as something completely different from the rest of Electromagnetism as described by Maxwell and Faraday. I'm not even sure that saying that energy can only exist in discrete units of a minimum quantity is accrete, it's not like modern computer parts can't work with less then a single volt going threw the circuits even tho a Silicon diode will not turn on with less then around 0.7 volts. It's akin to saying that the smallest unit of volts is 0.7 even tho that fails to describe how a germanium diode reacts at over 0.3 volts or how Shockley diodes function at under 0.3 volts. There is just so much that that just dose not feel right. I am not questioning the Universe, I'm questioning the current interpretation of the Universe.
So, in any case, yea, I put that Alt Shader Pack01 up at ShareCG, and it appears to be going well. It is just G3F, G3M, M7 and V7 in Pack01. I plan to try to cobble together some other figures as well in the future, tho that is not going to happen this week. There is just so much I don't have yet for generation 7 figures, and funds will be incredibly limited for some time (heating fuel, and other bills). I can try to get that gym mat set out of the way.
By the way, the G3M basic AltShader from the first Pack dose not look all that bad on Liam (above spot-render), tho some work may be needed to make it a bit better with his and other maps.
Collecting stuff from stars, yeah, it's best not to specify =) In theory, you can have photovoltaic and thermovoltaic converters, but the devil is in the converter efficiency.
The lazy-yet-not-that-implausible answer for the "eternal" ship maintenance may be nanobots. But I have no idea if they are a thing in SG. I have seen a lot of random SG seasons/series/whaddayacallems, but I am not a "fan" in the sense that I don't know the lore well enough.
What I am a fan of is Andromeda... so much of a fan that I don't even try to think about whether the tech described makes sense. It's set a few _thousand_ years into the future. Anything goes. Besides, it was that one weird show meant to be more poetic than just "sensible" from the get-go, either way.
They needed a supernova explosion once to refuel - must have been a nod to that S.R.Delany classic novel "Nova", where Captain Lorq von Ray is obsessed with harvesting a rare chemical element "illyrion" from a star explosion (can't recall ATM if it was actual nova or supernova in the novel). Which is, in turn, something of a Moby Dick nod, of course.
Now, theoretical physics is all like those proverbial blind men describing an elephant. And I'm okay with that. Of course it would be awesome to see a solid "theory of everything" developed, but as of right now, when we need to ride the elephant, we know how to climb it, and when we need to pull the elephant's tail, we know where to find it, too. We still have no idea how the elephant looks for real... Just like with an actual elephant seen by human eyes - it's not "the real deal". What we see is just a projection distorted by our imperfect eye optics and image processing in the brain... let alone limited range of EM frequencies we can perceive...
I should shut up now - we're approaching philosophical topics that probably have no place on these forums since most would find them extra boring.
Yea, I'm trying to get back on track as well, and I keep running into bad things. As for that show, I had seen the first two episodes and when I got back to it they were off on some wild west like thing with no ships at all. I lost interest as I thought it may be like another show that only had cool stuff in the pilot and nothing from the pilot after that. So I am not fluent in the Andromeda universe, tho I will say the ship in the Pilot looked a tad delicate for being a warship.
So, I've picked up another PSU in the hopes of testing more graphics cards (assuming the breaker dose not explode), and I was stupid enough to think that I could just plug in the old cables into the new PSU and be on with it. Apparently the 'KM3' is vastly different from all there former units.
After reading some unnerving reviews on the unit I figured I better check the pin-outs, to be sure this one does not blow up a graphics card. As you can guess from the photo above and the lack of info from Seasonic, it's been a tad difficult and disconcerting to put it lightly. I'm not going to just blindly plug this thing in to my computer, and clearly I will need to make some new cables. I may have a slight shred of confidence if there was a pin-out for the plugs on this power supply at there website instead of the dozen conflicting ones on other forums, and the wires were color coded in accordance with the ATX12V standard, and I did not already get cables wired wrong from other places in the past. I've seen melted plugs from shorted out motherboards in the past because of a standoff in the wrong place or melted from overload because the CPU12v cable was not plugged in, so I initially had some doubts. however after seeing the x-850 cables with my own eyes, I want the correct SS-850KM3 pin-outs to verify these cables with first.
What has the world come to, and why are we going down this path. I don't know how many had gotten stuff based on my word that it was good stuff, I am sorry. I feel insulted and let down by the very people that I had trusted dearly in the past to make good stuff that worked.
It maters not that I figured out the correct pin-out of the SS-850KM3, or that the Concept of the design inside the X-series is a solid one.
I wanted to say good things about this Power supply. The truth is, that the cloth bag that came with the power supply is vastly higher quality and will work far longer then the cables that were included with the unit.
I am appalled that Seasonic would mix aluminum wires with copper crimp-on pins on the cables in there top of the line units, a combination guaranteed to fail rapidly for multiple reasons. It is tragic.
It's a nice steamy 94F (34.444c) outside right now, so it's a good day to camp out in the much cooler APLCR room, lol.
(vid ref above, it's funny)
Well, I decided on a whim to look at some possible alt shader settings for FWSA Taia from the Egypt bundle, and it is still a WIP.
I'm still tinkering with the settings, tho I think I got it close.
Just a tad bit on the red side still, tho not that bad.
Taia has a quite golden complexion so she'd look more like herself if you tinted it a little bit more in the yellow dirrection. =) (not a lot, just a tiny bit)
Yea, I was thinking something like that possibly, or a touch more blue for the diffuse/spec maps to equal out.
I was playing with lowering the 'Sat' and increasing the 'Val' settings before. Thing is, it kept going more dark brown rather then the more golden like in the promos, lol. So more yellow it is then.
Umm... you missed a whole four seasons then =D The "Wild West" Tatooine/MadMax lo-tek setting was the Seefra system from the 5th (final) season. It's actually not exactly lo-tek as it turns out, and they do get out of that trap towards the end, but as I said, it's a show that is more poetry/character-driven than anything. Even more so than the Moffat era Doctor Who. And it's at least as "weird". Not really Farscape-weird, different direction. Weirder than B5 got towards the end.
The Roddenberry name is more of a ruse actually - he may have come up with the name "Captain Dylan Hunt" in his notes, but Robert Hewitt Wolffe wrote a very trippy show bible. Way more trippy than anything on ST:TOS. And even though they deviated from the originally planned ark after RHW's departure (as much as I respect his work, I'd say the change was to the better, IMO), they didn't tone down the trippiness actually. Just upped the Hunt screen time. Kevin Sorbo is the weakest actor of the bunch, but still, not the worst in the biz. So it's okay.
Well, Andromeda Ascendant is over a kilometer long, so "everything is an illusion" (c)... and she's way hardier than she looks even in her android form. And if a cute lady doesn't look intimidating enough, she can deploy Tweedledum and Tweedledee (I think you will recognise them in the video even without seeing them before).
Yeah, there is a hefty dose of anime inspiration in there, too =)
Angel of death, dose kind of fit well with her, lol.
A bit of a matrix like hint as well. I've been catching up on that show, tho I've yet to see all of them.
A different character in that show did have me thinking about some one else.
Yeah, that episode did have a The Matrix feel to the costumes etc.
I think Naida could make a good base for a Lexa Doig lookalike - I'll need to transfer the morph back to Genesis, though, because I'm a stubborn dino.
And what's the character in your render? She does have a bit of a serious Laura Bertram vibe to her.
...This is probably my favourite fan vid, featuring the leading trio:
Oh wow, thanks, Fisty =) The promos make it look as if there were not two different heard morphs in the package but, like, six. Very cool!
Then I'm missing something. There is only two Eve's, the one I keep using and a younger version.
with a separate ear morph.
There is some variations possible as well with the separate head and body dials.
You're only missing me marveling at the promo artist pulling off that traditional feminine trick, where one woman can look like three depending on what she does to herself. =D It's like every promo has a new hairstyle and makeup.
Good point. Hair (or the lack of) does tend to do a lot for figures.
I was just saying something similar to Fisty, lol.
Not an exact match, tho the similarity is uncanny.
Perhaps with minor adjustments, tho even that is limited in some regards.
Having my first cup of caffeine as I wake up and ponder some stuff. There was two cool music vids that I liked that are no more. One was called "StargateInfinity" by Riku (not to be confused with the cartoon series), and the other was "The Reign Of the System Lords" at that is no more.
And after my experience with the Braziers that had many variations that did not come from any Stargate show, I am understandably reluctant to do many things.
Most disturbing of all, was that I never did get a reply from inquiries after that, it was just yanked without any explanation. I am even more confused by the fact that others have made Stargates and other SG1 stuff that did not get yanked, so I don't even know what the rules of the game is that's going on. I don't even know if I can make my own variation of a "Ribbon Device" or not without losing my account, that Asgard chair and ship is definitely out of the question tho, never going to happen.
It may be easy to get FW Eve's face to look exactly like that of Trance as portrayed by Laura Bertram in Andromeda. The body I honestly do not think so, and I am not inclined to try. FW Eve is fine just the way she is, and I would rather spare others the grief.
The biggest debate that I am pondering at this point, is if 'they' will take away my food and cloths for making and sharing a FIG gymnastic floor and mats with a balance beam.
The steps are giving me a lot of geometry density shading grief, so it's been difficult to get them to look good. In a funny sense of irony, it would be an extraordinary effort making my own grave this way, lol.
Well, after some more tinkering, I think I got it, sort of.
I lost track of the scale of the thing, so that is going to be the next fun part, lol.
BTW, the texture maps used on the test is from the AElflaed's Fancy set, that will NOT be included with the gym set. I'll see what I can bake up for simple maps, tho there are better ones out there you can get.
Yeah, kinda like a toon version. Wonder if it's intentional. Probably not.
I have my own Trance for V4 actually. Here's one of the test renders (no makeup). She has a different body than that of Laura Bertram's, taller and more athletic, - and a different build is not even non-canon, if you read the Andromeda novels (specifically Waystation), because Trance is, well, Trance and can do a lot of things others cannot =)
One day I'll need to sit down with my DVD boxset and make a load of Andromeda interior references.
I'm almost afraid to say, that looks a tad like the pilot (Lisa Ryder) then Trance, probably the hair that foils it as pointed out before.
Granted Laura and Lisa do have different noses chin and eyes, they can look rather similar in some ways. Yea, it's the hair in that test render. BTW, very good on the mouth width, that is much more realistic then some figures I've seen around.
So, The steps look OK, and I have been thinking about a skydome, tho honestly that is beyond my abilities. I don't even know where to begin with illumination and stadium surroundings for the floor. In the end it may be best to let the user bake that up for there work any way.
I have a few different ideas (or approaches) for how to make the mat geometry fit around the balance beam legs, That will be today's challenge. I can try to extrude the sides in where the legs are, or I can cut them out of plane and then drop the edge down. I think cutting out a plane may be easier in the long run.
(Note to self, name the zones on the stuff. Now where did I put the dimensions for the mats, lol)