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lol, yeah. Gradually earning the name of the mad scientist, even tho I'm more engineer than scientist, lol. So, ever wonder what happens when you have so many browser windows open that it eats up need about 26GB when you decide to get some shuteye with several windows churning away with banner adds, lol.
That's not the entire story, the little thing on the taskbar (System internals GPU/CPU/Memory system tray thing) indicated about 31.7GB used. AparentlyAfterburner can't see something that System internals can, not sure what (shrugs shoulders).
(Screencap of taskbar thing after a reboot) , and Discord and firefox were complaining about having crashed due to a lack of memory, lol. It's all good, I was planning to close all the watched Generation Tech, Star Wars Theory, and Star Wars Reading Club vids I had watched over the past few days (it was over 20 windows with Lots of tabs each), and started fussing in hex anyway. It was a lack of ambition more than anything else for tediously gluing together mesh parts in hex than any major difficulties with working in hex. Ok, time to make some coffee and to get to work.
14.9GB commit charge and tunes cued up (The Techno Union, by EliteMasterLordofAll), good good.
Much to be doings, not much time.
I guess Discord's update could not handle "The Techno Union", lol.
Grueling and tedious, lol.
That is some really really nice modeling!
Thanks. Almost there for this one part, just need to make and glue on the rubber pads.
And then, only 5 more parts to go
I must be a glutton for self-torment, lol.
Those few almost equalateral tris won't mess anything up, it's the long thin tris that DS has issues with a lot of times.
Yeah, I guess some see that 3delight/OpenGL/DazStudio have no issues with equilateral tris, and decide to go nuts on them, lol.
On some things like some dynamic clothes that aren't meant to have sub-d applied it can work quite a bit better than quads.
yeah, and on other things, where there long and thin enough, well, that's why I'm just making this thing again from scratch.
That and CAD likes to increase the poly count the smaller the feature size, kind of the opposite of what is needed for 3D rendering.
So, That UV mapped.
I forgot to UV map the rad mounts, oops. I should probably UV map the bolts too, so a thread map can be used on them if needed.
Setting up to start making the 'mini' foot, and I notice stuff that just seems, well, skimped on. There is a chamfer on all the holes in the regular v1.0 foot, yet the mini cad file only has a chamfer on one side of the threaded holes.
(EDIT) errr,
photos hint at a chamfer there, must be the cad file being off. Ripping the Eather-webs apart for any other photos of the mini, did not show much.
It looks like the important deburring has been done, even tho I have some lesser thoughts about not having all ends of the threaded holes chamfered. I had received stuff in the past that had shredded the shipping packaging because it wasn't even deburred with every single edge razor sharp, so I Overreacted a tad here. I should have looked for more pics before typing anything, the cad file gave me the impression that some spots were not treated at all, My bad.
ok, that done, on to the next one.
I had to take some creative guesswork for the foot pads, as all I could find was the mounting hole for them. Both the 1.0 mini and the 1.1 full variants completely lacked anything beyond the large parts. Granted all three use the same nuts and bolts from what I gather, so it's just the rad mounts, feet and main part that really have any dif between them.
There was an odd set of extra hole cylinders for both of them, not sure what that is about.
well, with luck, I should be able to use most of the work put into the 1.0 full-size foot for a foundation for the 1.1 foot.
I will assume both the 1.0 mini and the 1.1 full use the same foot pads. As I started to point out, there is a 5.5mm opening for the pad in the mini, so I will guess the rubber pad is about that size, and about a millimeter beyond the metal part of the foot. Rounded up to the nearest zero-point-one millimeter
As if that is a crude accuracy for something intended for 3D renders, lol. I will not guarantee that I will keep to that level of accuracy when I get to work on the three major parts, all I will say is it will be good enough for 3D renders.
Spot the difference, hmm.
Thanks so much for not making my life complete hell, just minor differences.
morning, ended up spending the rest of the night putting with minor details, lol.
I think I got that all sorted out, and then had some fun in Headus. Even tho this time 'Fast' did the same thing that 'Best' took an hour to do, lol.
I still need to UV map a bunch of parts, and I'm trying to decide just how small to make that deburr/chamfer edge on them holes on the 1.1 foot.
Time for some coffee I guess, much to do. And much to think about.
Remember how I said the threads had to be on that one part, that's way, lol.
ok, getting there bit by bit.
oops, meant to say something yesterday, guess later is better than not at all.
So I got some stuff UV mapped, and I still have one more to do. Most of the stuff went ok, even tho I kept bouncing back to Hexagon to tweak some of the mesh on some of the parts.
I'm really not sure about the threaded rod one tho, that is a tad long for a square UV map, and going UDIM will not let you span a single part across multiple zones (as a single item, or lined up with multiple split up parts).
So, in any case, I need to triple check the alignment of the feet on the v1.1 open-bench foot, then UV map that, then I can start on the most tedious part of this project.
P.S. I was a tad vague about the name of the thing at the start, cuz I really only wanted a crude backdrop item initially for funny renders. Then after getting CAD files, I felt I had to do this correctly or not at all. I wasn't initially sure I could make the main part of the bench table, tho after getting the smaller parts closer to done (and getting my mind around the Tessellation thing in hex), I'm really sure I can do this. It won't be done in an hour, but it can be done. I don't know how many people on this forum know what it is or figured out what it is that I'm making, at this point, it is happening.
Also, I have not forgotten about the wild shelf and speaker set. I think I have figured out that Tessellation thing just enough to barely be able to do that. The major diff is the bench table is mostly Tessellation in a 2D plane and the speaker is far more complex curved surfaces that if each point is not exactly in the correct spot (that takes complex trig to calc the XYZ location of each one) the thing will not look correct at all.
ok, making some progress.
It looks like this may work.
I just got to get the map to be tialeble with just blind clicking in GIMP, somehow.
and Gramerlyhas gone stupid, I need some coffee and to wake up some, lol.
Grammarly has had its issues, with not working without refreshing some web pages multiple times, it will stop working entirely sometimes when you go to edit a post anywhere, when you try to type on a misspelled word to hint at something other than what it suggests as a correctly spelled word the keystrokes end up kicked off to window function commands at random (minimize window, close window, back page, refresh, etc), that they have Never fixed (in Firefox, 64bit waterfox, etc). Not exactly behavior that I feel comfortable with chancing the standalone app not doing similar to the key control interface of programs like Hexagon, Headus UV mapper or other stuff.
And about a week ago the new page form became a pay only service from the looks of it, there is no green thing to let me know if the text is spelled correctly or not. I feel it's only a matter of time before even the correct your post while typing it becomes a pay only service making Open Office with no glamor check more useful to me again.
so, need to make coffee, and I have much to do.
Yeah, I use Open Office to spell check stuff, or google search if I know I'm having trouble with a specific word.. thoguh there are some I don't know are wrong.
(my very common dyslexic swap left in there on purpose, I do see it)
Edit: Speaking of writing, I'm a day late on my self imposed deadline, I guess I need to just get it over with. gah.
Sometimes you can just look at something, and just know, without doing any maths at all, that there is just no way it can dissipate around 20 watts of heat without becoming a Pyroclastic flow, lol.
Buildzoid did a thoughts vid on the latest x470 boards (about 52 min, many boards talked about), and it kind of was in line with what I was thinking. There are a few top end boards that most can't afford that are good, and the rest I would not trust with days on end of 3D rendering loads without a quick death and acrid burning electronic orders filling your dwelling. There is that other thing as well with Zen+ where it asks the motherboard "Hello motherboard, how much do you suck?" and the motherboard responds "A lot!", resulting in the CPU refusing to boost as far as it otherwise would with good cooling, all because the VRMs suck that bad, lol. Just because FETs are ok at temps over 120c does not imply that the 105c rated capacitors will be very happy (or alive for long) above 120c, lol. first x299 (Der8auer) (GN testing), now this, (things I can't type here, lol). It looks like there are only two choices for a 3D rendering board, the Gigabyte x470 Gaming 7 or the Asus C7H, there is nothing else on this planet that would survive a Zen+ doing rendering for days on end.
News flash, Blender uses AVX, it's not just Prime95 that bakes CPUs and VRMs. 
So, on to happier thoughts. I ended up not doing anything productive yesterday, and today I started marking out where I need to slice the cube to insert the round corners for the outer edge of the first bench table. I also noted a few spots that I will need to get a tad creative to get all the mesh in, and I'm not sure I can get it done without some gloss anomalies. I may be able to minimize them, not sure if I can eliminate them yet.
lol, well, merging them cylinder bits into a shape went rather smooth after getting past that one spot. Then the GPU driver crashed taking out hex, daz studio, and Discord, again. Well, a fresh reboot, and I'm back at it.
This is one of them, in progress messes that I know what I want to get it to, it's just a bit of brain tease as to what points need to move where and what ones not to merge over. I do know where I want to get the shape too, it's just going to take some detangling after getting this far.
Many of these bits I'm making, should be reusable for making the other two benches, so that should help a lot.
I thought I would get to plugging away at that OBT the past two days after doing other stuff in life, and by the time I got home at the end of the day I was to brain dead to fuss around with geometric puzzles. Yesterday I also got a tad distracted with a fun what-if game. Some time ago I did a test to see what hilt and blade I would have, and it came out ok I thought. In fact, I took the test a step further, and answered in two columns what My first response would be, followed by what the second choice would be if the first was for whatever reason, not a choice.
I thought it came out rather well, as both the first choice and second choice column added up to the same result for the hilt and blade color. A few months later, after the sticky notes got kicked around and fell on the floor a few times, I discovered a few more that sparked my interest, and well, this time it didn't really go so well, lol. Other than the lightsaber form, that actually goes very well with the other two I got many months ago from the set of tests.
Before I get to the funny part, well, I feel the results may not be exactly me, given just who the races actually are in canon and noncannon lore. Also, two of the three races I do sort of like are not even an option in the quiz, Mirialan, and Chiss. I understand that Chiss are sort of an outsider to the universe, however, the lack of Mirialan as a result given vid snip-its from the shows they were in being used in the quiz, does have me a tad confused. Are Mirialan just considered to be an offshoot of humans in some version of the SW universe, or was that the point where the test would need to include so many races that it would be impossible to make it a short fun to do quiz? I also guess Twi'leks are way more aggressive than I am, (confused emoji) oh well. So in all, I'm not overly enthusiastic about the rest of the results, tho they are kind of funny to think about what it would be like, lol. So, Who does the test say I am, for both my first and second choices.
Now, to be fair, i did pause the vid to add up the scores, and when I had seen the one test added up exactly the same, I looked threw the quiz to see if there were any desperate third options I would be willing to take, Only when I was ready, did I watch the rest of the vid to see what the answers were and number ranges for them, and the result was the same in the end, 25 and 25 and 22 are all Yellow, ok, lol. So, A yellow curved hilt, and form 2, I can live with that, sounds kind of cool. On to the funny bit now, lol.
Choice 1, I am (blink) a cat, that lives on a cloud and trained by Old Ben. Hmmm, only one of them sounds cool to me and it's not the first two, lol. Admittedly, I don't know anything about Togruta other than the head shape looks like hell to duplicate for daz Studio, uh, can I be anything easier to make pleas, lol. Oh, but it gets better. Second choices add up to a Water dweller, that lives on a desert planet, and trained by Mace Windu, lol. Mace teaching a Gungan student form 2 on Tatooine just sounds like torment for all involved, lol.
So I guess the hilt, color and form quiz’s had a lot of thought put into them, however, I guess if you do not know what race you are, we can't help you, lol. As much respect as I have for both of them, I'm not really sure Old Ben or Mace Windu would really be a good teacher for form 2 (Makashi), It was still a lot of fun. At some point in time, I need to revisit the lightsaber glow effect and get the end of the blade working, and get good enough in hex to make myself a curved hilt.
What Blade color, What hilt style (color is a Q in this one so take it after the color one), What fighting style.
What race, What Planet, Teacher.
ok, was just going through a few housekeeping things, and decided to look at the state of affairs, and it looks like things have not changed at all. At first glance, this combo looks ok, before getting to the last few things in the list.
16GB of not even 3200 memory that is not b-die, is not worth the asking price at all, and is a very bad combo for the R7 systems that can't do between 2933 and 3133 memory clocks. that memory would end up running at 2900MHz, if the R7 boots at all with it. The CPU Motherboard SSD and even debatably the PSU is a good combo. The rest is iffy at best. The case may need major mods done to the front to keep the system cool, you may be able to do better with the PSU tho I don't think that one is complete junk, and that memory is a complete combo breaker, to be honest. It is the wrong memory to be combining with a 2000 series R7 (Zen+) that should be using 3200 to 3400 MHz memory for the best performance (due to internal clock stuff in the CPU). 16GB of antique sub-par DDR4 should be around 50 to 70 bucks, not nearly 200. b-die at under 3233MHz is CL14-14-14, and not 15+ latency, if it is not CL14 or lower at 3200MHz or lower clocks, it ain't b-die, and shouldn't be so stupidly priced.
This is closer to what an R7 should be paired up with for memory clocks, you should still check the motherboard for the supported memory kits before getting anything. The latency isn't really that important, just that junk OCing memory should not be as stupid priced as the b-die stuff. So apparently memory prices are still stupid of late.
In other news, I took the GN R7 build aside to clean it, and to take some more pics to think about a cut I will need to make for the new rad location I made. It involves the removal of a few mounts, so I really need to be sure the top will have enough support left without it.
Well, I sort of thought something was going to be kind of cool, and it turned out to be cool and a bit of a lacking feeling to it. Sometimes it is obvious that something was scrubbed, especially when a preset is calling for specific files that had been removed from a product. I do understand why it is an acceptable thing to just not include some stuff with a product, other times I just can not comprehend why it was removed after the fact.
It is some work to make extra stuff for a product, that I get. What I don't get, is going through twice the effort or more headache to go through a product to remove some small part of it after taking the effort to make it in the first place. Again, I do understand why it is acceptable to not include some things sometimes. You do need to make absolutely shure, that ALL the presets that call the files that were scrubbed from a product, no longer kick an error after there removal. That includes ALL of the Iray presets, and ALL the 3delight ones. Even when it is acceptable to not include some things, when a preset kicks an error calling for multiple specific files that had been removed from a product, it does leave a bit of an "I didn't get all of the product I paid for" feeling.
Yes, Ticket submitted with the zen desk, we will leave it at that. No need to call out or embarrass a PA over this, as none of the figures from the set has them files from the looks of it. (Then again, there is one that is all there, so I have no clue why the scrubbing was so important, lol)
While I go through something unrelated to this, Here is a sample of what I had started working on today, and I am beyond impressed for so many reasons.
Brisen for Mika 8, is really nice. Her 3DL shadders do not take bloody ages to compute the subsurface scatter, clocking in at just under 2 minutes (instead of over half an hour). It was Incredibly easy to get her skin tone to match the promos in the test chamber with only the simplest of adjustments to the diffuse and subsurface color values (I need to screen-cap them changes still). The necklace I was going to use anyway, it is sort of cool it came up elsewhere as well, it is a really nice set and I totally understand wanting to use such incredible geometry. I can get so close that the view field tends to just go through the pendants, and I still strain to see all the fine detail
The Sparkle earrings and the hair is on a null, to preserve the pose bones for the stuff, that took a bit of work to get the stuff lined up, tho it works. The mage cloak is also altered a tad, I turned the diffuse map into a B&W image to get the style I had in mind for Brisen, it is also not a dForce item by default, and it put up a bit of a fight to get it to not spontaneously fill the test chamber, lol.
P.S. the necklace and earrings are using there default 3DL mats in that render, I'm still looking through the other thing.
Ugh, I totally didn't notice her ear dials, So sorry, I will need to do another full Brisen render with her ears.
I noticed it as soon as I started getting the idea of mixing Karyssa8 with Mika8 on her.
As for the skin mats, well, as I said, because the shaders were really nice and responsive, I didn't have to wait forever to see the results of minor changes, and was able to just use her default shader and adjust it to my liking.
That was it, two RGB values, and two strength dials, Again, overall, I am really impressed.
If you load the earrings when the character is in default A pose without any morphs applied yet (but not selected so it doesn't try to auto-fit) you can just parent the earrings figure to the head, then when you pose or apply a shape that scales the character they'll bascially follow along, still needs some adjustment but it's usually minor. (Note - for fitting full figure earrings like Sparkle's to a generation they wearn't made for, if you put them on any Genesis 3 Female they just work normally)
yeah, autofit is quite persistent at times, and I find it easier to use the null trick, instead of repeatedly saying no and going and setting the follow back to nothing. Also, I noticed a lot of jewelry gets quite distorted when auto-fit crosses the gen7 to gen8 barrier. Just like outfits when posed.
I had already put the null there for the hair, so it was simple to just do that, then manually move the stuff to about the correct spot for her.
The necklace, Auto-fit as "full-body", and perfect everything for that.
Ok, a quick little project in the works, to test something else out.
This I know isn't remotely the correct dimensions, as I'm mostly guessing off pics and an overall listing for 140mm x 100mm x 50mm. At least it should be close enough in appearance to give an idea of what it may be hinting at being, lol. Given the lack of actual refs to make it exact, I think I can get away with calling it the "D8R-R3" as merely a hint of what it's supposed to look like, lol. ... That will do for now
Hmmm, some BCI OpenBench stuff, a cup of coffee, a Tesla V100 card, and a der8aur raptor3 Ln2 pot. That's a combo that would probably make even "The Suede Jacket" (Jensen Huang) cringe, lol.
(edit, I just got a message from the zen desk, that this particular product will be looked at by the bug tracker, and I am thankful for the person I was chatting with for that. I know this was not anything to do with individuals, merely a conflict between a policy in one department and another departments policy. While I'm glad and thankful this is being looked at, I still have deep concerns about the conflicting policies and what they imply for the future. The rest of this post is unedited and as it was then.)
This is not something I expected when I woke up this morning, and it is beyond the 3DS PA at this point, it appears to be a new daz3d policy. Case and point, to the best of my knowledge (I have yet to purchase all of them) all of the gen 7 and 8 figures by Fred and Sabby (FWSA) actually do include 3delight presets. I just assumed the removal of 3delight as an included with the figure item on the non-daz product pages, was a marketing ploy to get people to buy the daz buyout (daz original) items instead of the PA's own stuff. I got a message this morning that appears to hint at that going a tad further than just not listing 3delight on some pages as a marketing ploy.
I'm not sure if this is just tech-support trying not to be bothered by a minor thing, or if this is actually a new policy, that stuff not listed as included on the product page, will no longer be supported by tech support, or if this is a misunderstanding at this point. At this point, I just don't know.
I totally get, daz telling a PA to change something mid-development that can be a major pain, they do it to me all the time as a tester. They will tell Fisty, change this or that, then I need to go through Everything again to make sure the change didn't break something, lol. This I don't think is a scripted 3delight converter preset, I think it is just a regular material preset that is far easier to fix than fixing rotating eyes in a figure shaping dial. Either load up the preset on G8F, and resave it without the gen maps, or open up the DUF file in notepadd++ and remove the gen section from the preset, easy fix. It would be nice if the maps were just put back into the product, so I could use the mats on kit-bashed figures, however for whatever reason, I guess that is not what some wanted, and hence the errors on the 3DL preset now. It is also a possibility that during the process the PA decided to go with another skin merchant resource kit that didn't include the maps, and the missing files were from an earlier beta version of the figure. Someone just forgot to open up the 3DL preset, and resave it without the maps is all it was, or so I thought before talking to the zen desk and getting the "we are not supporting this" hint.
So I guess in the future, I simply will not be getting anything, unless it explicitly lists 3delight in the 'Supported' not just "included items" product page list, lol. Now, to be fair, I've never have been a big fan of the exaggerated barbie shape, and thus only got 'The Girl' to make sure stuff worked on the figure. The way daz is really trying to sell this did have me take a second look, because at first glance none of the items looked that bad, and I did like some of the outfits and hair included in the pro bundle. That Iray only thing, is even more of a show stopper for me now. The discount offer is an incredibly good tempting offer, if it was stuff I could use, however, I would be throwing away money for stuff I can't use that would be needlessly filling my hard drives (excluding rants about limited memory on GPU cards, and lack of hard drive bays in modern computer cases).
Yeah, All of that, and I have yet to have my morning coffee, Rough morning, I guess Intell is not the only company to pull shenanigans, lol
Because I don't like starting the weekend on such a bad note, perhaps I should look at just what is all the fuss over this thing called Iray, as it isn't so bad according to some, you "can run it on a cpu", it just takes bloody ages. so you either got to trim down the geometry and texture maps sizes so the scene will completely fit in each individual graphics card's memory, or get a CPU that isn't quite as fast.
And their lies one of the major stumbling blocks with individuals and hobbyists getting onto the Iray train. A GPU that has a large amount of memory is not cheep, forget consumer cards at this point. The largest 'frame buffer' that I've seen so far, is on the ten-thousand-dollar Tesla V100 card weighing in at 32GB of memory, and I don't even know if that card has Iray support at all. That happens to be the same amount of memory that is in my FX8350 workstation that cost me only around two hundred dollars before NAND prices went stupid.
ok, so maybe nobody has ten thousand dollars to toss away for a graphics card that may or may not even do Iray, what else is there, and I'll get back to that render, lol. Next in line are Quadro cards with somewhere between 24GB and 16GB of memory. The good news is that those cards do have Iray mentioned as supports quite a few places between the Quaro6000 to quaro4000 part of the line. Below the 4000 Quadros, the memory is no more than consumer cards and the price is a bit steep for a hobiest, aka, not worth it for only Iray rendering. well, before NAND prices went stupid anyway. When an 11GB GTX1080ti card goes for just as much as a 12GB Titan V card or a 16GB Quadro card, it gets a bit silly, lol. So, there are GPU cards with enough memory to be able to do more than portraits in Iray, they're just expensive. So I can understand why many hobbyists simply don't bother with Iray, however, I do have that nagging Q as well.
Nvidia, with all due respect, Does Iray have a Resume at all yet? It's not like there are not GPUs out there that can't do movie scenes, or are there? Blener Cycles has at least been used to make YouTube channel intro clips, like the spinning 'GN' thing on Gamers Nexus vids, What has Iray done?
Well, looking back, it has been an interesting few years. Looking at some renders I had attempted to do of Phoebe and others I probably didn't show them in the best light, literally.

That was back when I had a 2 core 2.2GHz computer with not quite 4GB in it, due to address limitations with a 512mb graphics card eating into the 4GB address space on the 32bit computer. So size mattered a lot, and things that I didn't think would be visible simply didn't get used. I've also learned a lot about lighting in 3delight since then as well thanks to many others on this forum.
I figured why not just go and try some of the old things just one more time. I can see that there was a few things that I just didn't bother with back then for Phoebe. One being the earrings that are completely hidden by the hair. Another was the choker that clashed with many outfits, not that I'm a big fan of 'enslaving' devices, lol.
Something to note about going back to the gen6 days, is that not all figures had shaping dials, many were DUF file all or nothing presets that could only be applied or not. You couldn’t have some of the figure, and mix it with other figures for as some call it kit-bashing a shape. Not all were on/off only figure shapes, many others had dials, and some had dials for the head shape and body shape independently, so you could really get into making your own customization of the figure for your renders. (I elected to simply dial Phoebe back to "0.75" for the head and body shape for the following, Personal taste) The same applies in a way for the outfit as well.
This is among the better end of the spectrum for outfits, and has a few dials to adjust the shape of stuff as needed to make it fit various poses and some figure shapes. Some outfits to this day only have an expand-all dial if anything at all, and that really isn't enough to be useful. I do admit that this was before I was remotely close to being knowledgeable enough to find things that needed tweaking, and as such, I did note that one pose had a difficulty with the choker that I had not used before now (fix in the next postt). I was able to find a combo of dials that got the choker out of the neck, however if this was today instead of over 4 years ago, a better solution could have been worked out, however I question if such effort is worth it at all for such an old item that I myself probably will not use again. Such isn't the case for the rest of the outfit, the skirt, shirt, and earrings are very nice, and I think look quite good. Even if you can't see the earrings through the hair, lol.
Oh, and there are foot poses, to help work with the anti-run devices on the feet after applying poses to the figure. The foot poses work well, even tho some poses will need some work to get both feet back on the ground (that applies to every gen, not just Phoebe), and the corset anti-breath chest pose also works, I just elected to not use it, lol. I sort of think, chokers, high heels, and corsets are like modern computer cases and RGB with Tempered Glass, they hurt the performance of the machine, but they sell a lot better than more functional designs, lol. Oh, And another from the past in the background there in that render, FW Eve.
About the only note I have for her is her ear dial is not named 'Eve' (it's "Fae Ears"), so it can be a tad confusing the first time you look for it, or if your forgetful like me. Thankfully there is an apply DUF file in the figures content library folder, that will kick that up to 100% making it easy to locate in the 'currently used' sub tab thing. The rest of the stuff really isn't noteworthy, cuz it just works.
Same goes for Eve's outfit, It just works. (edit, and I don't think there has been a cute freckled figure since FW Eve)
Ah.. pulling out my really old stuff. LOL
The joys of a prop necklace, newer rigged ones have JCMs to fix those pesky bending issues. And you're right, not worth updating a G2 product with Daz to add morphs, but I can give ya'll some.
This adds two morphs that just fix the front left and right areas, and two more that are made specifically for the pose control "Neck Head Twist" in G2F which fix that front area and also the gaps in the back that happen with an extreme neck twist.
And front left and right morphs for Wachiwi's necklace.. didn't do the full pose control ones, got stuff I need to do today, but it comes with a bunch of adjustment morphs already.
When that gen8 goth outfit came out, I had this outlandish idea of auto-fitting it onto a gen 6 figure FWSA Aiyana for more bad glowing RGB console joke renders.
well, that wasn't looking so good, and the result was just as bad.
I guess because the zeroed out pose is drastically different with G8F than gen 7 and former figures, outfits just explode when converted over. For other major improvements, it would really be cool if the three figures were made again for gen8, tho I guess I can't have everything, lol. It's not like gen 6 just stopped working entirely, so I can still have lots of fun with them. As For FWSA Wachiwi, the figure actually contains two head shapes and two body shapes.
so there is at least 4 possible combinations not including mixing them.
Left is Wachiwi head and body shape 1 at 75%, right is Wachiwi body and head shape 2 at 75%, and Aiyana in the middle, also at 75% shaping dial strength. Aiyana is wearing a kit-bash mess of an outfit, so I'll try to list what I have there in a sec. The Wachi hair (all stock as shown) has a lot of options, the outfits as well (all stock mats there as well). The hair has a lot of dials for posing the ponytail/braid-things, and that can be a tad confusing to figure out what one is best for the particular pose. At least it has dials to fix some poses, I have a couple of hair products that I purchased that has no dials at all, and only one color preset, lol. The outfit again, has lots of adjustments as well, and the only thing I had to fuss with, was the choker again, not that I wasn't able to get it to a point that it would be fine for rendering and looking good.
Because I really don't want to be bugging Fisty over such old stuff, and it's been a very long day, I think I'll call it there for now. Besides, I don't remember anything else having a choker like necklace, and nothing else that I have used a lot has given me any grief.
(Aiyana outfit item list pending, I'll spell check that as I get the links for the stuff, lol) Eve's pants with AElflaed shaders, Ghawazee shirt again with AElflaed shaders. FWSA Tempie earings if they're visible at all using the gunmetal preset. The necklace I copied the surface off the earrings onto the flower for that more goth like look, and the bracelets are actually a ring morphed all to hell into bracelets, again with AElflaed shaders. The moccasins, you guessed it, AElflaed (I'm never going to remember how to spell that and Grammarly is completely lost, lol) shaders.
(time to hunt down links for that stuff, lol) And, Desideria Hair by EJ.
(Edit, and thanks for the Phoebe necklace dials, errrr, and the other one as well. Getting tired I guess)
I posted the download for Wachiwi above your post =P
Æ (ash) is an old english character, it's pronouced like "a" in cat. So it's AElflaed (Ælflæd) pronounced Alf-Lad. No, I don't expect you to remember that. =)
ok, thank you and I totally missed the second post, because I was taking some time working on the text and where to put what render and screen cap. On that note, Thanks Grammarly for the subtle changes that make a huge if and don't have me second guessing if the browser had crashed or something, lol.
The glitchy stuff is still in the text-entry-thing with sites like this and youtube, however, it is nice to be aware that the spelling is at least good, thanks.
There are other things that do tend to have me wondering if the PA was in a rush, or just didn't care at all. It has more than just an Expand-All dial, isn't that enough, lol.
Well, If I wanted to waste my time spinning each dial to figure out what random number was for what generic pose, then I guess, lol. That was why I just gave up and put the dForce modifier on the robe, it was quicker and did more than the complete lack of usable pose bones below the knee.
I did eventually get it there after a lot of fussing around, the lack of pose bones, and the randomly numbered dials didn't exactly make that easy. I'm not yet decided if I want to keep that wizard's robe for DES Brisen yet or not, and I'm still fooling around with mixing other elf bases with her (20% Karyssa8 and 30% Mika8 shown here, including a mix of ear shape dials)
So, as I type this, I am about to go back to the store page to see if there is a score-card, pose list, or something to let me know what dial is for what kind of pose. As I do that, here is the rest of yesterday's fooling around.
I said I would get back to this render, lol. Far left is 3DS Madelyn, and right is 3DS Kendall. I do like both, and the face plant time isn't that bad, around 2 to 5 minutes (Not over half an hour) for Madelyn, however, a show stopper for some may be a lack of 'equipment' maps for them. Other than that one caveat, they really are nice figures. While I was fussing with the draping and posing of that's wizards robe, I had used my alt FWSA Paloma's mats on Kendall (zip for the preset is a few pages back in the "G3F alt shader pack", you will need FWSA Paloma for the maps for that to work), and I think the results were really close to the original skin tone, enough to set up the scene anyway.
So there was 3DS Kendall with my alt FWSA Paloma's mats on her far right from a former post. I just don't want the PA's to think I have something against them or there works, this is something else, the reply I got from the zen desk really has me worried about the direction that daz3D is going with stripping 3delight listings from product pages and refusing to support a product because it lacks the listed item on the product page that was included with the product.
I've had some enjoyable short informative chats with Silver, Fred, and Sabby over simple things or just basic questions about a product in the past. Fisty was willing to take time to make some fixes for some stuff that I noticed eons after the product came out, and uploaded the patches for everyone to have, and I don't blame fisty or daz3d for not wanting to take the time and manhours to process an updated product package for them at this point. 3DS Juniper is a brand new product that just came out last month, and the zen desk is giving me the runaround because the part that's kicking errors was not listed on the product page. That is just wrong. I know that people care, it's just that sometimes policies add up to a bad situation.
I would like to thank the zen desk for taking a second look at the former thing, and looking into having that fixed. Despite having some concerns about the conflicting policies the situation brought to my attention, I do feel better about that now.
It' has been a busy few days and I didn't really get anything done as far as a complete idea, so here are some random thoughts as of now on other things. I took some time to redo the lighting under my desk, and to get the power setup for that a tad more finalized, considering it was in a state of lingering will this work condition for the past couple of years.

At one time this was a free USB hub that was given to me for plugging in some USB led strips that Staples no longer sells, and it had some behavior issues that I had to address. It would refuse to turn on power to the LED strips unless it got a data signal from a PC telling it to turn on. So I delete the control IC and bypassed the power relay so I could actually work on my computer under the desk without needing to power cycle the PC to get the lights to turn on, lol.
I also decided to look over the power plug for the thing, and gave it some cooling vents. So, with the under desk lighting back in place, and the HUB put back together instead of being a mess of random parts laying on the floor, on to other stuff. Some fooling around with Des Brisen and Sweet summer outfit.
I had fussed with the shaping dials for Des Brisen some more. While I'm really happy with the figure, I'm not completely happy with my kit-bash using her yet. The outfit is working very well. I'll probably fuss with the figure shaping dials some more later on.
On to yet another thing, a couple of vids Buildzoidd came out with. It looks like one of the MSI x470 (AMD AM4) boards are not quite as bad as I thought it would be, however that will depend on just how good your case is with keeping the VRM cool, and how cold you keep your place.
I would not advise using that board for a 3Delight render/development/creation rig, tho for light gaming it may be ok in cooler environments (like Antarctica, lol). Also, there was an interesting vid about the 28core setup, and that had me thinking about the power delivery for such a massive system. Way back in the late 90's early 2k's CRAY had mentioned a small detail in a presentation almost in passing about delivering a lot of power to CPUs. I could not find a pic or anything anywhere after a few hours of looking, so I made a crude approximation of the setup to show what CRAY was doing back then.

Because the copper layers are so thin on a PCB, an incredible amount of power is wasted between the VRM and the CPU/MCM of Massive parallel CPUs (like the 28-core Xeon, or the Power9, etc). So they placed the VRM behind the motherboard with a connection going straight up through the CPU socket to the CPU. The VRM assembly also doubled as the back-plate for the socket to mount the cooling block onto the CPU. Unlike most PC's, CRAY at least had cooling for the VRM behind the motherboard. As Buildzoid pointed out in another vid, Most PC cases that have anything close to resembling good airflow, still have nothing at all behind the motherboard, so VRM components would bake to death back there. That being my thoughts, I'll let y'all listen to buildzoid's thoughts on the rest of the setup and how silly it was. Akch, this is getting long-winded, I'll call it there, and post more on other stuff, later on, have fun Y'all.