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Win10 just keeps getting "better". I've seen a few reports that I guess update "windows 10 1809" implements a purge old file mechanism that is removing old files, some reporting this to include old user data and pics. I'm not really willing to subject the My Daz3d folder to random file deletion just to find out how valid the claims are by doing the update.
I do suspect if the claims are true it is Only a matter of time before various software companies start to get flooded with missing file complaints, if this is true. It's bad enough if this is deleting users music and photos.
Don't worry, this was just a staged experiment, I renamed a bunch of folders that is much easier to fix than making deleted folders and files reappear, just to see what Daz Studio would do. From what I gather, the win10 update is claimed to be not just renaming folders tho, it is claimed to be outright deleting files, and that is much much much worse if true.
Given the lack of this basic tool in windows10, UbuntuMate is looking more and more attractive every day.
ok, got all the folders back to the correct names, and it looks like all is well, except I did need to set up the window layout and what tabs were where again. something that appears to easily get goofed up easily from the looks of it (even switching from 32bit and 64bit versions will do that, so I guess all is well again after that experiment).
I've uploaded a video that picks up the example of the rigged cylinder. As usual creating the Face Groups, using the Figure Setup, fixing the first joint with Joint Editor, converting to General Weight Map, then Fill Weight By Selction Groups and Smooth Weight. This time I followed SickleYields advice, selected all faces of the cylinder and all bones in the Scene pane distribute the Smooth Weight to all bone segments at once. Its not perfect and you always have to choose the right smoothing iterations depending on the densety of your mesh. I've tried to get the weightmaps right with Fill Selected on the end caps and a second Smooth Weight on the first segment while bending the cylinder to an arch. I din't use math to do that bending of 90 degeres on 6 segments just was guessing 25 no, 35 nope 30 OK these are values in rotation degeres I think.
The last two minutes show how to use Edge Selections in the Node Weight Map Brush Tool this can help if you realy want to have only one edge loop with full weight map. The more you smooth the more the mesh will bend away from the joint posistion and also by bending the cable it dosn't keep its diameter, thats why we need TriAxBulge Maps or JCMs in General Weight mode for joints to bend correctly and they can only be hand painted as far as I know. Example: AudioCable_2.png
DazStudio Rigging a Cylinder
Once upon a time not very long ago I've downloaded The Cape for V4 it costs only a few bucks and I thought it would be useful. I've just started to record a new video showing how I convert this item to fit to Genesis 2 Female, if only my antivirus software would let me work on my computer. I think this item could be useful if someone wears this in some star wars render like the desert scenes on tatooine.
I will use this environment as backround Dry Mud Desert. Now I just need to fill in a little village, star wars characters and space ships.
The Desert Outpost would also be a cool set for the star wars theme.
I've just started to work on The Cape, it took longer than I thought and even after almost two hours video recording it is not finished yet.
In this video series called DazStudio TheCapeV4 G2F I will show you some things about editing the geometry on existing items and how to convert old Poser compatible clothing, hair or whatever conforming item into a DazStudio compatible library asset, fitting it to a genesis figure without using auto-fit to also keep the extra helper bones that control the cape bending. DazStudio crashed two times as I deleted some hidden faces on this Poser imported item, so don't get confused if you see me doing some things twice in the beginning. I think the crashes also has something to do with the way those poser items gets converted and loaded into DazSudio, I remeber this "auto_adapted" folder somwhere that gets filled with the converted poser compatible items - have searched this lately but couldn't find it. First its just a temporary figure item and then I delete some faces and this will crash DazStudio sooner or later - another example wher its better to save the item as an Asset you are working on - this requires it to be converted to TriAx or General Weight map to save it as a Figure/Prop Asset - makes sense you cant edit Legacy rigging anyway.
A few things I've done in the video
Maybe I should add the timecode where you see these actions in the video, but I hope you get my workflow. It is not a linear workflow sometimes I just don't know how to continue and I didn't even planed to change the geometry but quickly did it as I saw the issues with the unsymmetry in the mesh that caused the weight map symmetry painting to stop working. Once I got the "flow" and things start to work or just need some fine tune to do so I forget the time and just experiment - if you are patient enouth to watch it you may learn some, maybe skip or speed up the boring parts.
Loaded the poser compatible The Cape V4 figure, converted it to TriAx weightmapping, normalized the weightmap on the cape, smoothed the weightmaps - found that in TriAx mode you have to smooth the weight map for every axis seperate, then I decided to split up the clothing into three parts the cape, the hood and the scarf.
I don't need those spheres as bending handles, there are other ways to do this but thats a thing to show in another video (maybe I replace the scarf with another), used the Transfer Utility with Merge Hierarchies to fit it to G2F while keeping the extra bones (haven't tried this with G3F and later, SickleYield wrote something about Merge Hierarchies dosn't work well with G3F), then I've tried to fix and smooth out some harsh weightmap transitions on the G2F projected maps for the collar and shoulder bone. While doing this I realized that the weightmap symmetry dosn't work because the mesh isn't symmetrical.
So I took the mesh and loaded it into Blender and then I fought with the spiral edgeloops and the strange topology to get a edge loop exactly in the center - a seperate plane helped me with that, the command Knife Project didn't worked like expected but finaly I was able to fix the center edge loop, deleted one half, added Mirror Modifier merged the center edge loop exported the OBJ, didn't take care of the UVs but there are mirror options as well.
Back in DazStudio you see how the imported mesh in white and the original red cape interfers with each other showing this flickering faces that is only the case if the faces are exactly in the same spot and its ideal for the Transfer Utility because the points are so close the projection will have no problem to transfer the data like weightmaps and morphs. Also I almost forget to mention I defined two Rigidity Groups in the Geometry Editor to prevent the front cape chain to deform with morphs - also a Rigid weight map was created to prevent deformations in the cape with character shapes.
In terms of "save a figure does crave too much in stone" it does not! Saving the asset for the first time saved me from DazStudio continues to crash and its just another intermediate step towards the final asset you just have to rename the item before you save another version of it to the library. I usualy count up some version number in the item name - for the final versoin you could save it once more without this number - but thats just how I manage this.
I also used Duplicate Node more often this time, to have a earlier stage backup version right within the scene, I just want to mention that by using Duplicate Node it seems to add another item with the same name but with another label so internaly its handled as the same item, if you for example edit something in the Geometry Editor all other duplicate nodes will inherit those changes - not if you renamed the node name first with Joint Editor - Rename Node that will split it up to a new independent item.
DazStudio TheCapeV4 G2F 01
[Edit1]: Now even better with SubTitles! Finaly I found the settings how to edit those.
My videos will be more or less subtitled in the future, still I wouldn't count them as tutorials but we are getting closer.
DazStudio TheCapeV4 G2F 02
[Edit2]: This one is also SubTitled now. The next one and a half hour will take some time to subtitle.
DazStudio TheCapeV4 G2F 03
been busy,
just dropping by to apologize over a small omission from a former post.
FwE Luci (left in the render) does have Eyebrows, they are just off in another location that I did not think of till I noticed them missing last night as I was falling asleep on the keyboard.
Other figures that I have, have dufs to load the fiber mesh eyebrows in the character folder with all the mat options. Because Luci did not have eyebrow apply stuff in the regular folder, I didn't even think of it. All is good with her, my mistake in the former test scenes. Oh, and BZ has a new shirt out, I'm still fussing with the maps for the shirt Sandi is wearing (I really like the new design).
I use "physical" folder structure, not smartcontent or the like, and I was astonished when I realised a lot of fibermesh eyebrow add-ons are to be found in the "Anatomy" folders. I mean, okay, new eye meshes go there, makes sense. But... brows??
Then again, a lot of those folder conventions don't make sense to me. I do use DIM to install DAZ stuff, but re-arranging the folders later is a must.
The Categories view I only use for Poser content.
yeah, I made a bunch of screen caps of other stuff that at least had a shortcut in the regular folder for the eyebrows, then I ended up dragging my feet for over a week, so sorry. So much has happened. I've been blindly watching YT vids and just looking through the stuff I have on the GN R7 build. There is a hairstyle I also had "Some thoughts on" that I never fully composed my disjointed thoughts on. I will try to get some of that together today as I wait for my Jeep to have the oil and fluids checked for winter. It got down to 28F( -2c) last night and I didn't sleep well with the cold drafts drifting over mee from windows I hadn't sealed up after the rather warm days last week.
There has been a flood of builds with the new i9 CPUs about to launch, and that gave me some thoughts about the current state of RGB and the crash-prone apps to control it.
(Credit, LANL CM-5)
Way back in the day, there was no RGB at all. Every single light on a computer was strictly to indicate the status of some part of the computer, and some supercomputers did have lots of indicator LEDs.
(Credit softpedia, Roadrunner )
The green and blue LEDs on each rack unit was not a fashion statement, those were just status indicators for that node in the Supercomputer. Somewhere along the line, someone decided it would be cool if their PC looked like a supercomputer with lots of randomly blinking lights. And that morphed into a fashion of color matching and other silly stuff that required multiple conflicting software apps that crash and conflict in so many ways that make it near impossible to manage ALL the RGB in a PC. There is a far better way to manage a "light show" that computer lighting has become, it's called DMX512 or RDM. It is a standard, has the ability to have multiple sequenced profiles for each song that can sync up with music and other sound sources, and it works from a single app that is far more reliable than Anything that computer product makers have managed to cobble together of late.
Give me this (as seen in the vid link).
Or make the LEDs indicate the state of stuff without it requiring software to function.
The current state of computer RGB is just an outright Pathetic wanna-be in my opinion, and that extends to GPU-OC&CLC soft as well. I shouldn't need to have a device not ready warning every time I boot the PC or have the app just fail to start at all, or worry about the RGB control soft wiping out the SPD chip in my memory DIMMs, it should "Just work".
(EDIT 25Oct2018) Ok, after a short bit of napkin sketches and an IC reality check at TI, I think it is more than doable. Never mind most of the multiple options in TI's examples that cover many more things than a basic 12VDC mini light, there is a lot of useful info there.
As for the parts in the example, the first Napkin sketch I think has one too many Microcontrollers as the C28x is only handling RDM/DMX512 calls and should have plenty of free resources to drive two motors. The Arm in the head will be busy enough driving the LCD equivalent for the GoBo wheels that full-size lights use, so I don't want to tax that Microcontroller by having it control the motors.
And it's not like the reduction from 380watt stage to more modest under ten-watt lights is going to be excessively large to make something doable. I'm looking at something about 2x2cm ballpark for a 3 to 4 cm long light can, depending on the lens assembly, that's small for a "3 in 1 moving head".
This is my first preliminary draft of the electronics for the light head, incomplete however enough to see it can work. Oh, and this is 1 of 4 projects in the works, lol.
I have this feeling that the trends of nonupgradable cellphone parts have started to get to a lot of people of late. The craze of needing a USB dongle to plug anything into modern cell phones has made people willing to demand similar lack of connectivity on their and other's PCs. And worst of all, the costume water cooling trend has made some demand that everyone else must do without stuff they want just so a reservoir can be installed in the front of a PC even if it does not have a custom water loop. And they feel so strongly, that they have started to say the rest of us need to "just get used to it".
There is far more useful for a CDrom bay than just for the DVD drive that some find revolting, and the same goes for the floppy drive bay. And I guess some do not realize that a 140mm fan will fit in the space that a DVD drive bay will, with nothing more than an adapter plate. Hard drive bays, or even SSDs will fit in a DVD drive bay. The only problem is that many cases would rivet in the DVD drive bay mount ears, making it a PITA to remove them for the portion of people that do work on costume water loops.
To compound the problem, manufacturers have slapped the name 'Gaming' on everything thinking it will increase sales, even on cases incomparable to the needs of gamers. And then the consumer complains about it having too many drive bays for there gaming rig, too many PCI slots for their gaming rig, and Steveism forbid it has drive bays on the front of a "gaming" rig. lol.
Another thing I often find annoying most of the time, is when someone asks about a specific part of a PC, the reply's often included demands they get the parts the respondent wants rather than what the person asking the question needs. Often resulting in something like a 20 dolly fan escalating into a complete multi-thousand dollar computer to replace the fan, and well before then the original person has long since left to get the cheapest thing that will do and is no longer involved in the conversation being put off by the inability of others comprehending that their dream computer had nothing to do with the original question. Just because it is something someone wants in there PC, they demand that others have the same thing even if it's not what they need. That is why the Jukebox is still without an AM2 motherboard years later, an MP3 player need not be a ten thousand dollar "Gaming rig", lol.
been distracted by so much of late, and as soon as I get back to 3D stuff and think I'm asking Google a simple question, I'm brain melted by stuff way more complex than what I need or was asking for, lol
My gut is telling me a simple 3 lens light spread assembly should do the job, with 2 fixed lenses (L1 and L3) with a moving lens to control the spread of the light coming out of the moving head. I may even be able to get away with just 2 lenses, the outer L1 and the moving L2, I really do want this to be as small as it can be.
All I wanted to know was if the lens could be a centimeter long or if it needed to be longer, nope, couldn't find a simple answer to that, lol. I know small lenses exist, so I know it's not impossible, lol. (ref from webcamerausb)
I'll just make a blind guess, as my Google-Fu has failed me, and just make something happen for 3D renders for now, lol. I have too much pilling up on my to-do list. I sort of wanted this thing drafted up over a week ago by now, lol. I haven't even gotten to sizing out the motors to move the mini 3-in1 moving head.
been distracted by so much of late. Some sad news for many, I've seen a lot of posts elsewhere on the topic, and it looks like a 'bug' on Microsoft's is doing bad things to Windows Pro.
Screen-pic form Gamers Nexus patreon discord (SuperShermanTanker)
I guess the advice is to try to ignore the message till Microsoft sorts things out.
P.S. the only win10 box I have here, has been unplugged from the eather-webs, so I have not seen this myself on my comps. If it affects windows7, I am unaware of it.
(EDIT, I think this has mostly been sorted out, I have not heard anything more on it since the initial news of it)
been distracted by so much of late. Still around and kicking, lol. I have seen much on that win10 authentication thing since it went down, I will presume most of it has been sorted out by now.
I finally found some legable measurements for the Naked Epyc pendant, yet more stuff to do, lol. I was nearly a centimeter off in both width and length with my former guess based on the size of the chips and a picture of them on the substrate. hopefully I can get this a tad closer this time. lol.
been distracted by so much of late. Short little on something. I see many complaining about graphics card sag on forums and in video comment sections. the honest history is a tad revealing tho. A quick google search for pics of older computer cases does show something that has been absent since around the 2000 to 2005 era give or take, something that got shunned out of computer cases at the time.
it was that simple bit of grooved plastic that held the front of long expansion cards to keep them from flexing. Thing was, many blocked airflow, were in the way of other stuff, or just "Looked ugly". Well, now that Expansion card slotted bracket is now evicted from cases, we have expansion card sag that everyone complains about, a tad ironic I think, lol.
ok, after some time just letting things ferment in the back of my mind, and just mindlessly looking around 3D models, I guess I should at least post something to let y'all know I am still here and still alive. It has just been busy of late with all kinds of stuff that doesn't relate that much to Daz3D. So, 3D models, well...
Out of everything I have looked at the past few months, the Katinga is the best-looking model and it is still not without 'difficulties', lol.
The D6, well (facepalm). At least the Lightwave version by BillyBowers converted to OBJ in a way that didn't break 3D rendering, mostly. (Actual D6 left, fan-made model right)
and the D5, well, there is one model that at least doesn't insta-crash 3D render engines, however, I do not know if it actually looks anything like a D5, lol.
So, I guess, I sort of having an 'ok' D7 modle now thanks to the diligent work of "Tex Turbo". I was more interested in getting a D6, however after sifting through 'All' of the eather-webs, I think it is fair to say there simply is not one that isn't broken in some way, I am sure of that beyond any doubt, I have looked. That and after STD, my interest has, in all honesty, fell off a cliff for almost anything Trek at this point. The way that fans of Trek have been treated, I'de rather work on other stuff anyway. I have posted my thoughts other places, so let's not dwell here. That and I don't feel like putting up with the likes of CBS and Paramount suing me out of my section-8 for having been 'past tense' a fan of Trek, lol. and on that note...
I think I have an ok version of the new "naked EPYC necklace" that I'm still playing with on the side. And the DAGE mini light, well, I've simply been trying to decide what kind of elevation drive motor I want to cram onto the side of the thing (direct flat stepping motor drive, or mini-DC motor with a worm gear drive). There are a few other things I simply haven't gotten around to looking at that was on my 'must do list', I will try to get to that ASAP.
That necklace and ear rings are really cool:) And good to see you're still around, too;) Great render! Have you looked into aweSurface and pathtracing with 3Delight? Think your stuff would look really nice with pathtracing;)
Something I noticed about both G3 and G8 figures that bugs me every single time I make a render: the eyes are slightly cross-eyed by default. It's not much, but enough that I find myself re-adjusting them 3-8 percent every time I make a render that has both eyes clearly visible. Especially when the figure is supposed to look at a point more than about 10 feet away.
Have you looked at the freebies over on for Star Trek stuff?
Sven Dullah, it's on the list of stuff I haven't gotten to. I think a few months back, I did install the stuff on the GN R7 for that, then life got complicated, and I have even had a chance to look at the readme for the thing. I know for a fact I at least sent it through the shopping card to DIM, so it's on me for not looking at that and many other things that are lingering between DIM and My content library.
Ugh, yeah, sorry, got dragged away from fun stuff to diagnose a shut-down issue and then patch-up a PSU in the render rig.
Hmm, 200mV ripple + 12.31VDC is a bit on the hot side... And some caps did look like they were starting to dome over.
I can't hate on the PSU too much, as it did last a year of 24/7 use, in a comp that was not an 8 hour a day 'GAMING' rig. This pore unit was out of its comfort zone to put it mildly, lol.
Welp, it sort of went back together, and I have spare parts, it must be good now, lol.
Patched up, and a replacement is on order. Expenses that wasn't planned on, and after I had already spent some play funds, ugh. Now, where was I, Oh, two more comments after the Render rig started acting up.
Drip, I never really noticed, as either the eyes are looking off camera and my level of care wasn't too much, or I take the time to line the eyes up at the cam, or at least have them facing that direction. I never really noticed a nearsighted-ness from the defacto-eye positions. I do know that some figure shapes do rotate the eyes in a way that breaks the pose control dials, tho let's not dwell on bad things I would like to forget (looks scoldingly at that cat figure), lol.
Prixat, I had done a search from a search engine, and yes I had seen quite a few 3DS 'max' files there that refused to even load due to being corrupted bad 'max' files. In the end, I had found a couple of models that others slaved over fixing up some for Blender/obj format at Share3d
, rrrr, share-something, ShareCG (that was it), it's before coffee here, been a long week. The models at least load up without kicking file load errors, the geometry is still a mess tho. And to blunt and honest, I want a Chiss ship (that is yet to be fleshed out in Star Wars canon), and the D6 from Axanar. The latter I'm sure CBS/Paramount won't let me have given their hatred of Prime Trek of late, lol.
Damn, I just remembered, I had that Zen2 EPYC model I was going to finalize and 'ship', ugh.
AFAIK, *.max, unlike *.3ds, isn't just a proprietary format, it's also kinda a procedural modelling format, that is, it's basically a recorded sequence of Max commands, so you can only open *.max in 3DS Max, and quite likely only in the version the file was made in or later, not in an older version.
yeah, I suspected it was something like that that would only work with 3DS. And because the models were not the actual Axanar D6, my ambition to 'make them work' was scraping the bottom of the barrel, lol. As for the 'max' files that no converter will work with, In my view, they either make a quad-based OBJ to share, or they do not really have a wish to share and are only teasing the model for clicks/Page-views, lol. Having a 3ds file is ok, if there is not a UV-mapped quad-based OBJ with the 3ds files, then they are just being a (pick a colorful metaphor). Because exporting OBJ is so stupidly easy to do in almost every 3D editor.
An elitist?
I was thinking a tad more vulger than that Kettu, that works, lol.
Ugh, as soon as I thought things would start progressing, I get a nasty head cold. I've been feeling slightly better the past few days, however, the sniffles are still here. And I'm not sure if its the head cold or the steaming piles of garbage I've seen just looking around at 3D ship models, lol.
The sheer number of broken zips and busticated file formats is, to say the least. I found one model that would actually load, and forget about UV mapping or even simple surface zones, it's bad, bad bad. lol.
It's about as bad as another TV show of late, that is just bad.
From what I've seen and read, I think they are trying to get back to the Trek universe in season 2, however, unless they retcon season 1 out of existence it will remain as broken as Starwars after the Holdo maneuver. No matter how you look at it, at the end of the day, you can no longer look at the show and not ask why didn't they just put a droid on a shuttle and fly it at the enemy. The one argument I have seen that brushes over just doing that involve the complexity or cost of the FTL drive, however, in contrast to the number of FTL capable ships and lives lost in each engagement, one ship with an FTL drive pales in comparison.
ah, yeah. Apparently, if that is any indication of tech at all, the Borg is I'm guessing an active member, not protagonist, member of the crew back before Kirk took command of the enterprise. Sadly the writing is so self-centered on one character in the show, that we still don't know who the rest of the bridge crew is on Disco. Oh, and apparently Data was not the first android in Starfleet, completely negating the Next Generation show about if Data had sentient rights or not (The Measure Of A Man). On to other stuff.
I'll try to get some stuff done, tho no promises, it's been a rough month.
So there's a new "Trek" show and it's apparently as atrocious as the Disney!Wars and the upcoming Netflix!Witcher.
Why does it seem to me there's a trend...
Yeah, a trend that has been the past year and change of companies trying to sell stuff as something it is not and underestimating just how much something can differ from described without fans of the franchise/brand speaking out. Things from Intel selling slightly refined versions of older CPUs as 'brand new generations' of product, to CBS outright lying about what universe Star Trek Discovery is in, lol. ok, enough, this is time happy thoughts, lol. It's the new year, and I've been under the weather the past few weeks and busy when not relaxing the headache induced mostly by whatever bug I caught, lol. I had a date marked on the calendar that I missed, however, the cool data just happen to be delayed for a bit. So the Cool stuff is only a couple of days behind in 3D land. I can almost picture this like a meatball landing on a plate, Splat, lol.

In reality, that does invoke a lot of how did they come together thoughts. Just fast enough to barely stick together, without liquifying or scattering either body in the process. really cool pic to see. As for the approach and capture of the data from New Horizons, I decided it would be funny to try to make a to-scale model of the objects.
New Horizons is that spec on Luci's fingertip at the bottom of the pic. The bowling pin was an early guess of the light blob from a few days ago of Ultima Thule, scaled down from the guess of 35x15 km to about 3.5x1.5cm (that is so out of date data now, and off by a factor of ten from Pluto and Charon, oops). as for the binary planetoid FW Carmelita is holding, Pluto (scaled to about 7.38cm) in the left hand and the best Charon I could cobble together with data I could find online (scaled to about 6.06cm) in her right hand.
ok, so there is a spec on Lucies left index finger that is to scale to the bowling pin roughly. Pluto and Charon are about 10x smaller than it should be relative to the bowling pin and the New Horizons spec. I need to redo the renders, however, I suspect it will make some things to small to see at all, lol. I decided last night that maybe I could make New Horizons a tad more visible if I made everything 10x larger, lol.
Well, I guess the craft is a tad more than three or so pixels. The STL 3D printer model is rather lacking for 3D renders tho, lol. There are some models I've seen around that are being sold for around a hundred USD, however, I really have doubts about some of them. Some appear to be 3DS Max only models, and none of them indicate if their actual models from the blueprints for the craft or if the PA was just winging it. I myself really do prefer to work with models a tad more faithful to what the thing is supposed to be, rather than blow it out one's ear as the STD team did with Klingon ships, lol.
Oh, the fingernail set really looks nice, I have a few notes on that that I fumbled across due to my RTFM deficiency, lol. So far the bracelet set Fisty made, really looks nice, I was hoping to get more stuff going and decided I should at least post something. Happy late new years Y'all.
I have a lot of stuff to play with that I hadn't had a chance to work with yet.
*That is not FW Carmelita's mats, I was feeling too under the weather to fuss with that. I had already made a simplified mat for FWSA Libby that I had used on Carmelita to make life easier for me. I do like her ears
Ok, fixed the scale error, lol. I had to bring in some help.
G3F1W and Fwsa Sandi are holding Charon at 60.6cm, HP Zelie and Fw Carmelita are holding Pluto at about 73.8cm. Luci is holding a new approximation of Ultima Thule at about 3.3x1.5cm ish. And the spec on the fingertip is new horizons at about 0.107mm across (and that's a tad large, at 1cm for each 10km scale, the 1.07meter craft should be about 0.000107cm across at this scale, My brain hurts now, lol). I am not redoing this render, at less than 0.00107mm across, you simply would not see the craft in the render, lol.
ok, not really ready to make a post with renders or anything like that. This is just a bit of filler about the claims that some have about just because there is space for a second chipset does not imply there will be one. I think there is a lot more than just the space for 2 chiplets, lol.
Left is an EPYC2that I had been working on when I had free time the past month-ish. right is an AM4 package that measures about 38x38mm. The dark green square on the EPYC2 is that 38x38mm (close enough to 37.8mm) AM4 substrate superimposed over the EPYC2's IO die and some chiplets. the IO die and two chiplets will fit with room to spare, lol. The pic was made before the Ryzen3000 announcement at CES, there are now pics of the actual CPU package, and some pics have light glair off them at just the right angle. the first is from the CES announcement that I screen capped from Tech Yes City's vid on the announcement.
Looks like there may be something there. The second is a much better look at the same CPU screen capped from PCWorld's vid, and shows the copper trace patron far better.
Now, that absolutely looks like the power and signal pads for a chip, and that is not something you waste the time putting on a PCB unless you eventually plan to put a chip there. Having just one chip off in the corner, will produce lopsided hot spots on the IHS, and that is not a great thing for long life with thermal expansion/contraction on the stuff. I really think, AMD intends to eventually put another chip there.
P.S. yes, I am aware that someone else has also come to this conclusion, with multiple sources of evidence that it was in the works, I simply am refraining in mentioning that Youtube channel due to some shady stuff that happened in the past that I chose to stay out of. It's a shame as he also has a really good vid about raytracing and newer forms of path tracing lights and shadows for 3D rendering. I need some time before I'm comfortable and willing to say more about that Youtuber here, and I need to be sure the shady stuff won't happen again.
Happy new year =) Same here...
I read somewhere the velocities of the objects in those far-off orbits are comparable to that of a pedestrian??
And, awesome renders (as usual =D).
yes, things out in the ort cloud do move rather slow, or they don't stay in the ort cloud for long, lol.
Thanks. I've been busy with life, and have had a little time to think and tinker with some stuff. To start, this is my thoughts and not that of Trekyards, I am only borrowing a screencap from them to scribble on. My thoughts do not reflect there's, and I do understand their point of view as well. oh, and a really cool version of Foley as a Klingon.
(Foley Klingon shirt, hint hint)
I do know that there was a 'hologram schematic' shown of a k'tinga that was called a D7 in the show, the actual ships used however depart drastically from the Trek universe. I am still dumbfounded why they had not used the established predecessors of the D7. I'm yet to see a D5, D4, Raptor, or any bird of prey that I'm sure they have the 3D models of (from Enterprise).
(better fan-made D6 ship, than the Disco-disarrangements)
Some have implied that they are working on a course correction...
(Wraith Queen Teyla 'mom' of the Kling-Orc Empire)
The course is, changing.
(Renard in charge of Section 31, cuz "The World is Not Enough")
At least we have an idea where Section31 in Star Trek came from, Hopefully, MI6 and James Bond can put an end to it before it gets out of control and starts to damage other franchises, lol. Or at least give the writers some pointers on how to make 'Secret' organizations believable.
(What Franchise is it)
It can be said that The Last Jedi had a few things that didn't go over so well with fans, and one major Plot invention that arguably destroys the universe (The Holdo Maneuver). At least The Lest Jedi looked and felt like Star Wars. I can only guess that the management at CBS and Paramount are deliberately trying to destroy the Star Trek franchise, with the way they have gone after fans and imploded there own canon, in some twisted effort to make all Trek merchandise ever made undesirable. To Quote EvA, "The mind boggles". I don't think the Franchise confusion in Discovery has gotten to the point it is tarnishing other franchises, yet. Star Wars has enough difficulties as it is without Discovery injecting itself into the universe. It would be nice if the Studio would stop the madness, and focus on making a good Trek show, and leave James Bond, Stargate, Riddick, Battlestar Galactica, Lost in Space, Games of Thrones, and other franchises alone and out of it. It would also be nice if they would reseal the Orc hostages and let them return to Lord of the Rings where they belong.
As for the artists in the trenches making the models, I can honestly give them a pass. When management gives you marching orders, ye got to do what ye is told to earn a living. I am a lucky outsider that has the liberty to play and kit-bash stuff as I like. And I am thankful for a friend that doesn't get upset whenever I use bits from different outfits together.
(Edit) from what I gather, episode4 of season 2 is better, more Science Fiction less Space Fantasy. as long as you don't think too much about some stuff. In the Space Fantasy, Discovery, Space Sonar works cuz sound travels through space, and yet the universal translator can scramble words between two people in a room cus sound does not travel through the air in that room, lol. Time to break out the 'midichlorian' field that magically stops sound making it from one person's mouth to the others ears, so the computer can inject what it 'thinks' was said, lol. The tower of Babel was a funny scene, It's also a Barin-Off plot. lol.
I have been suffering from a lack of ambition for the past few weeks. I have had lots of thoughts about random stuff that just doesn't belong here, so I've been keeping quiet. I have been looking around for a D4, and haven't found much. I did find a few really nice models from Vanishing Point (not all the Klingon ships, calm down, just the BoP). As sweet as all the other Klingon ships are, with the exception of VP's BoP, they all have significant problems (random missing surfaces, random inverted normals, long thin triangle gloss effects, etc).

Just ignore the things in the trash can in the corner, I HATE working with 3D printer STL files, lol.
funny thing, is, when I went looking for 'anything' to toss in that trash can with the Orc sarcophagus ship, I didn't even care if it was UV mapped, just some 3D file of the Kling-Orc ships...
it appears that that the Disco Orc fleet is so well appreciated and respected, that no one has bothered to make even a crude 3D printer model of them, let alone 'anything' that would work in 3D rendering. It's not like I am asking for one anyway, I was just looking for something to toss it in the trash, lol. I did locate a very nice USS Discovery by VP and had to redo the renders (the Disco ship is a very good model for Daz3d, Vue, and Poser). VP did a fantastic job on the Orville ship (Daz3d, Vue, and Poser), looks really good in 3DL, even with Iray shaders in 3DL, lol. I haven't looked for a Kril ship to go with the Orville, however, I didn't notice one browsing through the VP's free stuff pages, Maybe I'll look later on for a Kril ship (I would rather have a Kril ship, than another Disco-Orc Space-Turd, lol).
here is the Orville and Disco model in Iray.
and including the BoP (left) in Iray. Articulating wings was not something I was expecting from a fan model, very impressive. Bird of Pray (Daz3d, Vue, and Poser)
So, these three ships are very nice, Great work VP and associated artist.
Someday I will find a good D4/D6, K'tinga, and Bilskirnir, for 3D rendering, even if I need to make the damn things myself. At least there has been some progress off screen, and I guess Disco-7of9 has changed her name to a name in Discovery. That said, It would be really nice if the crew at CBS including management would take the class I keep seeing ads for on Discovery discussion vids, They really need the help. It is sad that many movies and TV shows of late have deligated the story and plot to nothing more than a substanceless vehicle to connect flashy action scenes and distracting lens flares with overcropped blurry cinematography.
I should know better than to make a post before coffee, however, I've been dragging my feet for some time now. I've been looking at various broken ship model files of late, and came across a couple that at least are not broken.

for rental fees, lol.

I am humbly thankful for getting a D7 and K'tinga from 'someone' that are not broken meshes. I could nitpick the hell out of them like the other K'tinga's I've found...
However, I won't. I am thankful that unlike almost ALL the other models, the two ships do not have random holes in the mesh, random inverted normals all over the place, or long thin triangle gloss anomalies everywhere. The two low poly ships load up into daz from the FBX files fine and ready to render, from a good distance. As for that third ship, That was a random can I find one ANYWHERE that is not utter junk, lol.
The D4 has a very interesting back story (Trekyards & VFX Supervisor on the D4), and I really wish it had been used instead of the "The fans won't notice" mistake that had been, lol. I found a game model in some obscure MS3D format that I had to use some dairy product to convert to OBJ. At least the 30day trial, let me do that much, unlike anything that will read 3DS files that don't cost an arm a leg and your firstborn child
Once that was done, there was an odd white ghost effect until I noticed that there was a fifth zone that was a complete copy of the mesh that needed to be deleted from the object. I can only guess that was for game collision mechanics or something like that.
So, after all that, I have an 'ok' D4 that isn't entirely faithful to the original studio model, that also has no mesh issues other than being rather sparse with detail in many areas.
It's a shame the Poly count is so low that some things are not round like they should be, however, it still looks fantastic in 3delight. Very nice work MRJOHN, and whoever made the D7 and Ktinga I got from "someone else" (the artist is unknown at this time).
FYI, there is also a 2-parter Trekyards briefing on the D4, Part1, and Part2. Very interesting watch.
Oh, and to be blatantly clear to anyone that may be lathering up the Non-Skid coating on the Legal reaming devices expecting to get water from a stone, I simply do not know who made these two models at this time, and I don't want everyone and there mother pestering the individual that gave them to me.
The individual is quite busy, and was brief in the email stating that the two models were something that could be given to me. I have replied asking who do I give credit to, and understandably have not received a response yet. I looked briefly on google, and didn't see anything quite like the two low-poly models. It is also clear, that the two models are not Studio models due to the differences between them and what was on screen in the show.
A short status of things. As Sandi (Vanessa's ears) ponders just how many glowy bits the D7 had and trying to remember where she last had the XF-66 Light Gray model paint to fix it, lol.

In all honesty, that is a nice FBX file to play with, to quote 'The Leather Jacket' (Jensen Huang), "It Just Works". On that thought, it sounds like Trekyards is working with someone on a fan film, and I actually look forward to seeing a derivative of a D7 made by someone that actually likes trek. On that note of making 3D models, I have been borderline criminally negligent in doing anything with the stuff on my list. There is them Twi'lek Lekku, that I honestly dread doing what I originally wanted to do, just by how dials for one item cannot be simply copied over to another item for a different gender/generation, resulting in a grueling tedious process of making the same dial multiple times from almost scratch (for G2F, G2M, G3F, G3M, etc etc etc). Ugh, way more than I've had energy for, considering the most I managed to do the past few months is load up a genesis figure, toss on some mats, fuss with surface settings, fail to make it look good, give up, watch Isaac Arthur vids for the rest of the day, and repeat the process the next day (G2F Aiyana, G2F Wachiwi, and G8F Uki came out ok, the rest needs work, a lot of work). The CPUs are also in limbo as well.
The geometry for the Epyc2 is mostly done (seen in the first render of this post), it's just not UV mapped, and I would need to replace all them caps any way with UV mapped ones. The EPYC1 hasn't been touched, so it's dimensions are still wrong. And there is the AM4 Zen2 that is in uncertainty limbo. I made the mistake of UV mapping the caps on the AM2Zen2, and it worked so well that I realized I would need to go back and UV map the other hundred caps on both EPYC models, a tedious task I do not look forward to, lol.
Also, on the AM4zen2, there are some clear breaks in the top ground/power plane, that I can't quite make out where they go in some spots. I can kind of see in the shading splotches what is going on in the few photos I found, just not well enough to place mesh there to make the boundaries for surface zones (like I did for the EPYC2). I decided to put that on the back burner and wait for more photos to surface, and so far nothing, so it's in limbo for now.
Oh, in other news, Buildzoid managed to resurrect a card, with far better SMD soldering than I ever managed with a wand soldering iron, And Steve and crew have been making rounds of various factories. So things have been going on, I've just been in a 'mah' level of ambition of late. And Grammarly is up to its normal flaky stuff, lol. Oh, speaking of AI acting up, Jay ran into some flaky AI thing reported a vid
, just because it was some give away with a link to where to enter for that giveaway,
, This AI thing is getting out of hand Kind of like Generation Tech joking about Roomba's taking over. Hash-tag LetJ2CgiveAwayStuff or something like that.
I do get the impression that the corporate overloads think AI is just some kind of Deferred Equity Bonds that magically make them money off of others debt, and tell them to go off and do things like wash the dishes without realizing that AI is not some obscure Dishwasher you turn on and forget about. You need to watch over them like a child or you will find your cupboards and sink empty with the trash full of all of your dishes broken into small pieces, because the AI decided to rid you of ever putting up with dirty dishes ever again, lol.
ok, 4 parter with a lingering "I've yet to do the project on the back burner".
ok, as I point out some changes to the outer walls of the test chamber for some fun renders and going over some stuff. I have a bunch of tidbits that I made notes of and never dove into enough to bother making a post on, that I feel is time to go over.

As you can sort of see, it is the same test chamber and lights. I just removed the outer walls to have something a tad more interesting in the background for now. That note on the lights will be important for one of my random incomplete thoughts later on. First, something that I was wrong about. Ninive6 is not an Elf, a mistake I had made due to all the add-on figures for her that had Elf/Fai ears.
Ignore Zyra (far left) for now, she was just wandering by to feed the Microraptor and Archeopteryx. As for the Ninive6 crew, from left to right, FWSA Amalthea (in the lime Jungle Girl outfit) and (gypsyangel) Larian (in the Elven Fantasy-kini) are both in the Ninive6 Pro bundle to the left of Ninive6 (in the Arthurian Dress, included in the pro bundle). FWSA Amalthea is the only one in the Pro bundle with Elf ears, oops, my bad. RS Vivienne (in the pink-trimmed Twisted Dress) also includes her own Elf ears, she is not in the Pro bundle. And last, well, all I have is a name and a receipt for buying her, (3aEPSB ?) Harmony (far right) with her own ear shape dials.
Sorry about that, I'm not sure what happened with her since 2015. I do not know what the product number was for her, where her support page is that lists who made her, or who the PA is for that matter. I did save her promos for a quick "what do I have" list, and I do not remember what the number-letter string (3aEPSB ?) in the filename for the PA referred to, that was too many cups of coffee ago, and the website "Product Library" listing for her is of no help. I am aware of what happened then and why I thought Ninive6 was an elf. Out of four add-on figures for the Daz original, three have elf ears, and the forth (Larian) would make a cute elf with her face makeup as shown above. Unfortunately for the bunch of them, Ninive6 was released about when Generation 7 was unleashed upon the world and the Daz Forum upended itself during a change in layouts and technical server stuff behind the scene, resulting in Ninive6 being completely forgotten about other than what I wrongly thought was "The Last Adult Elf Daz Original". That's not to say there weren't other Elves...
Like RS Zyra. I tossed the "Faylinn - 4 Seasons" stuff on her for the fun of it. EJ also made a lot of really cool Elves back then, fewer now from the looks of things however they do have a nice Elf ear set, and Sickelyield also has a nice Elf Ear set. I'm not really complaining about the lack of a daz-o elf, as there are lots of elves around. I was only looking at the faces of figures like Izabella 7, Karyssa 8, and Mika 8 and thinking about the large eye fairy/pixy look and wondering why they had to have the childlike face and why was there no elf-like daz originals of late... I guess there had never been a daz original elf, lol. That mistake clarified, on to the rest.