Product to sort and organize MORPHS

The foggy parts of my brain are telling me that there was a product released to help organize and sort morphs,

But maybe I'm confusing the various Skin Managers and Iray Light Managers and..and...

I would have sworn the tag line was like "Stop wasting time sorting through hundreds of morphs to..."

I have such a memory...

At any rate, I'd like to sort Morphs by a specific vendor or package.

Obviously, it's all sorted Alphabetically or locks in- based on selected body part.
We don't want that.

In my search results, I found the thread talking about a script.

I think there was some kind of official product released based on sorting morphs.

Have I gone crazy (again)?


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,679
    edited September 2020

    There was a tool I recall that was actually to convert characters maybe for gen 3 or  2. It allowed you to manage the converted morphs and turn them on and off. I don't recall the name but will look in my purchase history.



    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • I couldn't eyeball its name but I think the pa is no longer around and it was pulled. I recall going hog wild converting early figures, most of which were kinda useles, then turning the morphs off when Studio became laggy.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779
    edited September 2020

    Great news and awesome that you searched. I am playing with the Materials Wizard Script and I think I mixed the two up.

    It still seems familiar like a recent thing in the store, so I think it must be the Materials Wizard. And they do use a similar selling point.

    By the way, I throw A LOT of Daz Studio references in my comics. From my main two antagonists being clones of Victorias to FaceGen as a real Sci-fi technology.

    Your name appears as a location in my most recent comic. lol.

    Click the attached thumb for the better-sized page.


    Capture_Serene Night Coast.PNG
    1365 x 878 - 3M
    Post edited by Griffin Avid on
  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited September 2020

    Great news and awesome that you searched. I am playing with the Materials Wizard Script and I think I mixed the two up.

    It still seems familiar like a recent thing in the store, so I think it must be the Materials Wizard. And they do use a similar selling point.

    By the way, I throw A LOT of Daz Studio references in my comics. From my main two antagonists being clones of Victorias to FaceGen as a real Sci-fi technology.

    Your name appears as a location in my most recent comic. lol.

    Click the attached thumb for the better-sized page.


    Totally unrelated to the question, but whatever you did with the Nydo Hair looks AMAZING, holy cow. I've been trying to achieve a similar look for one of my guys without half as much success.

    Also, that "I'm hungry" panel is such a mood. Oof.

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,679
    edited September 2020



    That's cool! I love having things named after me. So far I have a can of whipped cream named after me and a city! Love it.heart

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • The product predated zevs. It was a character and morph converter. That's all I recall.

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