Face Mojo using something other than Apple

I'm very interested in the Face Mojo for Genesis 8 product,
but I don't have any Apple products, is there any reason it specifically needs mocap data from an Apple device? Since it's just importing an FBX file, could it work with one made using a Kinect for example? 

Does anyone have any experience with the product that can tell me if this will work? 


  • The Iphone X and beyond comes with a very good depth camera built into the phone which doesn't exist on 99% of Android phones right now(There are some that do now, but they are playing catchup to Apple). A few years back, Apple purchased a company called Faceshift in 2015 which pioneered using a kinect for windows/360 and other depth cameras to capture facial motion. Since that time, they managed to shrink it into the Iphone X and beyond, and with that technology they re-launched the facial motion capture market. The kinect is bulky and not verywell suited towards motion capture without a lot of tinkering. Back in the day you basically had to build a body camera rig in order to perch it in front of your face, and then you were stuck on a cord because it wasn't wireless. Now that the technology is phone sized, it's rather easy to set up and use and you're not limited by any wires. 

    I bought the Iphone X solely for that purpose. (I really don't like it but I wanted facial mocap and this was the best option to get it.) The facial motion capture requires no complicated setup, which you had to do with the old faceshift --you had to train it to recognize your face and it didn't capture eye movement well. In the five years since they acquired it they improved the process immensely. I used Facecap X with Maya and it was very straight forward. If your aim is to animate facial motion, then it's really the only option in DAZ studio right now. You have a few other options that use the Kinect or Orbecc Astra, or the Intel Realsense but the setups are awkward and you're stuck to a cord for the most part. 

  • hesperasmithhesperasmith Posts: 52
    edited October 2020

    I'm not worried about being stuck to a cord, I can do facial mocap specifically while sat in place and combine it with body animation later. 

    I can't afford to drop £1000 on an iPhone X and I already own a Kinect 2.0, what were the other options that would allow me to use that instead? 

    Post edited by hesperasmith on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,610

    they are apparently updating Facerig (with a free tier too) so I am hoping something can come from that

    I would happily pay for a version that let me import DAZ models!

  • Absolutely same, it would have to mean building some sort of complete face converter though, since Facerig uses face bones for animation since that's a LOT easier, and DAZ uses facial morphs because they look smoother. 

  • winmathwinmath Posts: 140

    I have a similar plugin for iClone. I don't have an iPhone, but have been borrowing an iPad pro which has the same camera. I'm waiting for a good deal to buy my own. I would recommend the iPad pro over the iPhone for artists.

  • Rod Wise DriggoRod Wise Driggo Posts: 2,230
    edited June 2023

    Does anybody use this? And is it working with 8.1 as well or only 8? // Mean Face Mojo for G8F

    Post edited by Rod Wise Driggo on
  • KeikuKeiku Posts: 143

    I was pretty excited seeing this too until noticing the iPhone requirement. Perhaps there is a way to do this by shifting the focus point to establish depth?

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