ASIAN District HDRIs - where???

First, these do look like nice HDRIs as far as it goes on a technical basis, but I'm really perplexed as to exactly where these images are supposed to be set geographically, as the majority of the signage is in English only while the the Asian signage seems to be written in a random mix of language systems.  In the product demos I see Hangul, Katakana and Chinese logograms, and the only sign that's clear enough to read in it's entirety just says "Earth Station" in Hangul (Korean).   


  • I don't see this as supposed to be any specific place. This PA uses 3d assets to make their HDRI, so it could be anywhere or no where.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    It's just made up from different models pieced together from different sets it looks like.

    If you want a real 3D modeled set that is similar in style to that HRDI set, use Urban Sprawl 2 or Urban Sprawl 3 by StoneMason.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    What would be nice is if the PA were to include the scene files, so that we could recreate the settings, provided that we own the included elements, so that we'd have the option to interact with the environment, as well as use it as a background.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191
    edited September 2020

    Actually, there's also 주차금지구역, which means "no parking zone".

    Maybe I'm not looking closely enough, but I don't see any katakana in any of the promos. You can see hanja in Korean areas around the Seattle area, so it's entirely conceivable that this is just a Korean enclave in America.

    Post edited by Gordig on
  • I really like the set. I use a lot of JDA HDRIS. all very dark and noir, which I find appealing.

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