Anyone use Studio and Iclone7?

     I was wondering how well things transfer between the 2 programs with pipeline.  Reallusion was saying that it will ALL transfer, but I'ld like confirmation from someone who has used it.  Do the morphs and animations transfer reliably?  Is the animation capability worth it?  How is the renderer speed and looks?



  • there is a free 30 day trial AFAIK

    I only am on iC6 myself so not the best to answer

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    I have iClone7 Pipeline and CC3 plus their latest morph pack.

    I have already invested so much in Reallusion products, that is hard to resist

    while they offer their products with big discounts.

    Rendering in iRay from iClone7 or CC3 takes similar time as in Daz Studio.

    I do not like to wait for animations to finish rendering,

    so I use Unity game engine for rendering videos because of the speed.

    Most of the time it is real time 30 to 60 frames per second and the quality of the renders

    has greatly improved nowadays.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    As far as I know, JCMs from Daz 3D characters does not transfer to iClone7 or CC3,

    so one need to fix pokethroughs with the clothes.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited September 2020

    I have bought iClone first from Daz 3D shop, but later versions were not available here.


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