Make text/logo to appear on clothes

I have a question, I want to make some  text/picture/logo to appear on some clothes, how do I make this in the easiest/best way? besides photoshoping the texture I mean. Is a decal node or geoshell best to use? I have very little experience in using geoshell and no at all in decal nodes. 


  • If the background is transparent, you could go into layered image editor and add it as a layer over the base texture. Then scale the layer as needed and move it where you want it to go.
  • Thanks for the reply and advice! smiley I googled decal node and found this very good tutorial, he has more Daz tutorials also, I'll bookmark his  page to watch more videos later, here is the decal node tutorial: . I made this decal for my Lara character to use on clothes (just a screenshot from the pre-rendering mode) 

    I wish there were a way to save a preset, there seam to only be possible to save the material preset. I would value advice on what works better for this purpose, even if I managed to make this work smiley

  • Thanks for the reply! smiley I have had my eye on that product, but I wonder if you can use your own texture/logo with that set, I would use it mostly for the Tomb Raider logo and such things that needs to be the correct font, and perhaps for pictures as well. 

  • jjmainor said:
    If the background is transparent, you could go into layered image editor and add it as a layer over the base texture. Then scale the layer as needed and move it where you want it to go.

    This is what I've done. It's fiddly as heck but it works.

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