How can I remove Simulation settings from Shader Presets

I have several Shader Preset products from HinkyPunk (Now called SR3, I guess). Every one of the presets overwrites dForce Simulation surface settings and turns Visible in Simulation OFF. These are just presets that change fabric pattern or texture. There is no reason they should be touching simulation settings. Is there a script or some other tool I can use to remove the simulation settings from these presets? I looked at the old Preset Cleaner product, but it is too old and I couldn't find a way that it could help. I don't want to have to manually resave each one in DS or edit each one in Notepad++. There must be a better way!


  • This could probably be edited to exclude all but the desired properties . I assume you've made a bug report for the product?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    There are three products and all have the same problem. I haven't submitted bug reports yet. I just discovered the problem. I thought if I could just fix it myself, it would be much faster than waiting on Daz QA.

    Thank you for the link. I took a look at the script, but it is for Materials Preset and have Shader Presets. I think script editing is probably over my head. I don't even know where to begin. I was hoping this wheel had already been invented. 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,610
    edited September 2020

    you probably need to resave them with simulation options unchecked

    would be under properties or advanced properties in the save dialogue popup somewhere (I haven't checked but drill down in these things frequently saving poses etc)

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    you probably need to resave them with simulation options unchecked

    would be under properties or advanced properties in the save dialogue popup somewhere (I haven't checked but drill down in these things frequently saving poses etc)

    I started doing that, actually, before I created this forum thread. Then I realized that it was check marking things that I didn't think were part of the original shader preset (???). I don't want to add in a bunch of other settings by letting it check unrelated stuff. So then I tried starting with a primitive cube and applying the shader to that and checking "only modified". It still seemed like it was putting check marks on unrelated things, like Render Priority. You don't have to change Render Priority to change the base image pattern. So far I've wasted a bunch of time. If I had any confidence that a help request would get it fixed, I'd just wait, but I don't have any confidence.

     I think I will just go the Notepad++ route of deleting those simulation related lines. They seem pretty easy to find. But I don't know how to automate that process either. If it turns out that the simulation statements are identical in every file, I can do a folder wide search and replace. But if they aren't, it is a lot of manual editing. That is why I was hoping somebody had already scripted a solution to this problem.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    You could load the shader to a primitive, select the surface, then go to the simulation pane, click on the menu (that you usually use to add dforce modifier), and then select "remove dforce modifier", which will remove the dforce preset. Then you could save the preset again.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    BeeMKay said:

    You could load the shader to a primitive, select the surface, then go to the simulation pane, click on the menu (that you usually use to add dforce modifier), and then select "remove dforce modifier", which will remove the dforce preset. Then you could save the preset again.

    There is already a checkbox to exclude simulation settings when saving a Shader Preset. The problem with resaving the preset is that I don't know what other boxes should be checked.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    I don't know what shader sets you are having this problem with, but please submit a bug report to Daz, just so that they're aware of the problem.  Some PAs make too many sloppy mistakes.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited September 2020
    Sevrin said:

    I don't know what shader sets you are having this problem with, but please submit a bug report to Daz, just so that they're aware of the problem.  Some PAs make too many sloppy mistakes.

    I have reported the bugs in all three products. For reference, they are:

    Make Me Itsy Bitsy Baby Props and Shaders
    Make Me Punk Shaders and Decals
    Make Me Teen for Genesis 8 Female

    After you apply one of the IMO faulty shaders to a surface that was setup for dForce, dForce no longer works on that surface. Visible in Simulation has been turned off and the other simulation settings have been modified, so that even if you turn Visible in Simulation back on, the surface doesn't behave properly.

    Post edited by barbult on
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