Ilona lights

Anyone know where I can find these lights used in some of Ilona's pose packages? Thanks


380 x 494 - 85K


  • JUJUJUJU Posts: 1,131

    Gives me some Fabiana feelings... the candles in the left front could be from "SageBabylon" on Rendero

  • JUJUJUJU Posts: 1,131

    The others are from "AlterZen 2 - Iray Emissives and Props" by Fabiana on Rendero


  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited September 2020

    Lights as in scene lights, or lights as in candles?

    If you're looking for the candles, everything looks to be from the AlterZen 2 set that JUJU mentioned, including the ones in the front left.

    If you're looking for the scene lights, my money would be on Theory of Light - Zen Moods Iray Lights and HDRIs. Also by Fabiana, also over at Rendo. Ilona uses it in the promos for another pose pack and the setup looks identical.

    Either way, check the promo credits tab (or bottom of the description) on the pose set you're looking at. Ilona is usually very good about crediting promo resources, which is so nice!

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • Not the scene lights, the lanterns and candle holder. I vaguely remember having something like this ages ago but can't find them.

  • Just found them AlterZen 2 thanks very much. x

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