Questions about licensing

I may be interested in licenses some time in the future for VR but are models by Mousso and hair by Lindsay even usable in VR? Can you use dforce hair? And doesn’t everything have to be really low poly for VR? Would Genesis 1 or 2 be better? Or can you use G8 with Decimator? And what hair would work in VR? 

Also, if I get a license for a PA character based on a Genesis model, can I re-morph it? Is there a license just for the plain generic free Daz Genesis models? 

So confused about this licensing thing...


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    If you're just using these for your own purposes, no additional license should be necessary.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    Not for my own purposes, if I want to create a VR app for sale.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Ah, then you would need the license, and products that don't offer licenses would be off-limits. Also, G8 is actually lower-poly than G1 or G2, so that would be the way to go if you're looking to keep poly count down. I would guess that dForce hair wouldn't work well in VR since it's tricky to use outside of DS period, but I could be wrong. It's certainly possible to import it into other 3D apps, so maybe it could thus be optimized for VR. You can apply whatever morphs you want as long as you own the license for those morphs, and yes, you will need the license for whatever generation of figures you end up using.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    Wow, so I just read the EULA and I do NOT nead a license for what I want to do in VR. It says you only need it if you want to have the user manipulate the scene/assets. And what I want to do, if I ever get around to it, is a passive experience that people just observe like a VR movie experience and not really interact with the assets. Although I could change my mind. Debating whether I should just get a couple of things while they are cheap but I may never even get around to doing what I want to do and I doubt I could even do it myself anyway. 

    I am still confused though. If I buy a character let’s say from Mousso, can I alter it? Do I need to license morphs or what if I use free morphs from online or bring it into Zbrush? I still don’t see how to license the free G8 that comes with DS... 

  • I may be interested in licenses some time in the future for VR but are models by Mousso and hair by Lindsay even usable in VR? Can you use dforce hair? And doesn’t everything have to be really low poly for VR? Would Genesis 1 or 2 be better? Or can you use G8 with Decimator? And what hair would work in VR? 

    Also, if I get a license for a PA character based on a Genesis model, can I re-morph it? Is there a license just for the plain generic free Daz Genesis models? 

    So confused about this licensing thing...

    Should be no problem with the base models, Lindsay clothing is pretty low poly but I think the hair might cause problems.

    As far as I understand on the license and where I've started....  You need to buy the license for the starter essentials to get the G8 or G3 etc..  (to use the generation at all).  Then for the Mousso item and if you use the morphs, expression etc..a license for each of those.  Very cheap at the moment, try to buy bundles if you can for one license (Slaying the dragon comes with G1 and G2 starter essentials and some of the older generations bundle the morphs)





  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    Yes, you're allowed to alter items you bought, but you need a license for all items you didn't create.
    For items not from here the license/readme must allow that kind of use, even for freebies. From what I've read many don't allow it.

    You can buy a license for the starter essentials in the store, they have a product page.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    But what confuses me is if you get the license for any G8 character, G8 is part of that character. To use it, you’d have to get the starter essential license in addition to just a character? This is all too complicated. Probably will pass and if some day I get serious about my idea, deal with it then. And what if you have a partner or team helping you? Do they all need individual licenses and their own copies of the assets? It just seems too complicated figuring out the rules creating anything beyond the scope of what I can do myself...

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    But what confuses me is if you get the license for any G8 character, G8 is part of that character.

    G8 is not part of the character product, it's a prerequisite. If you have only the character installed then you don't have G8 figure.

    To use it, you’d have to get the starter essential license in addition to just a character?

    Yes. You need the license for the starter essentials to use the base figure, and the license for the character.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    well to be fair that is the perfect moment to buy all the start licenses, everything is just 4 buckets and if you buy a "new stuff" they get a 20& discount and goes down to 3.2, then you can buy all the licenses easy.

    by starting you can get "both g1 and g2 licenses by buying this product license:


    if you don't already have the bundle, you don't need to buy the bundle, just the license, you can buy "any license even without buying the "main stuff", mark the license then buy while in the cart just remove the product the license will remain and you will "own the license", while for the others stuffs than the "essentials" you need to buy to own the products the essenstials you don't need, this is a way for you to buy both without have to pay to 2 times.



    those are to buy the licenses, for the starts, with that you can buy all the 4 genesis for only 12 buckets( 4 for each) if you want more discount buy a "new stuff" and you get each one for 3.2, but it's only good if you plans to buy "lots" of licenses, also the 4 and 3.2 is for daz original for non daz originals you will pay the 8 and 6.4, i recomend you aways focus on "pay first" for bundles", any bundle with a license will give you the right to pay for all the licenses paying only one time, i means a bundle have like 3 stuffs each stuff alone have a license of let's say 50, if you pay for each product license you would had to pay 150, but if the product have a bundle and that bundle is let's say 50, then paying that 50 price will automatically give you all the 3 licenses, then instead of pay 150 you payed only 50 for all the 3 licenses.


    then aways try to focus on pay bundles even if you have "only 1 stuff" from the bundle" not everything in the bundle, if you pay the bundle license instead of the "stuff alone" it allow you later to also when buy the "others stuffs in the bundle auto get the license for then aswell, then again even if you have only 1 stuff in a bundle pay for the bundle not the "stuff", then only stuffs which are not part of the bundle you have to pay it's own license.


    about the dforce hair as someone told "neither dforce hair or fur work outside daz because they are not really "polygons", like for exemple fibermesh or old regular hairs.


    for hair uses i would recomend you go for "old g1 and g2 hairs specially the "pure hair series", for "more new hairs" i would recomend you go for lady little fox and also 3d universe since they normally make "not high poly hairs"


    don't waste time using decimator, it will just "break" the outfit morphs and weight influence, i would recomend you just use "low poly" stuffs and by low poly i means for exemple a full character can't go let's say "above 200 k vertices( counting, base character, outfit, hair, eyeslash and any other extra, in some cases maybe you can go to 300k and in worst case maybe 500k, but since is for "VR which is even worst than game" i really think you must stick with less than 100k


    stuffs like fibermesh are terrible options, also again dforce hair and fur, dforce outfits are fine since they are regular mesh with just a "effect applied"

  • I seem to recall that Linday's 'dforce' hairs are traditional polygon hair sets using dforce the way clothes do, as opposed to the dforce hair styles that are made through the dforce hair simulation stuff.m

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    Well I now have in my cart licenses for the G8 F Starter Essentials, G8 F head morphs, Aiko & Kanade Pro Bubdles and two sci-fi bundle licenses for under $20 which would definitely be enough to get me started on a sci-fi VR project. I may never use them but maybe it will motivate me to try! 

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