can't connect to DAZ

I just made a purchase. When I tried to download my purchase via the Install Manager, it said that I could not log in. I also tried to work ONLINE when using DAZ and it also told me that I could not log in. Is anyone else having this problem?


  • Same here having, having both issues.

  • vonHobovonHobo Posts: 1,706

    Same here. When I try to log in to Daz Studio, it just hangs and I have to kill DAZ Studio from Windows Task Manager.

    I can use DAZ Studio without logging in luckily.




  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited September 2020

    Yeah, for a while now. DIM won't connect, the site is incredibly slow, searches just hang for infinity, downloading through the site to do a manual DIM install doesn't work (lots of "failed - server problem" errors when it even makes the attempt at all, and then the failures are for HTML pages that I assume are Cloudflare notices), there are swirlies all over the place...

    It's been a mess for at least an hour. I took a chance on checking out and somehow that worked, so giving them money doesn't seem to be a problem -- just getting the content we paid for. The forums have also been doing fine, it's just been DIM + the store and its other functions specifically. Oddly, in all of that, I haven't gotten a single "couldn't load personalized data" error, just DIM failing the login.

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • The email and password are the same that I am using to post here so I'm typing my login info on corectly

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  • The fact that two people are having the same issue suggest that the problem is not on our end. I mean it's possible two random individuals are having the same problem at the same time, just highly unlikely. Unless we're in the same house or something. If that's the case please get out of my attic. laugh

  • vonHobovonHobo Posts: 1,706
    Akyda81 said:

    The fact that two people are having the same issue suggest that the problem is not on our end. I mean it's possible two random individuals are having the same problem at the same time, just highly unlikely. Unless we're in the same house or something. If that's the case please get out of my attic. laugh

    Four people now. wink

  • vonHobovonHobo Posts: 1,706

    I set DAZ Studio to not log in at start up. So at least I can use the software. 

    Hope it gets fixed soon so that people can install their purchases.


  • Akyda81 said:

    The fact that two people are having the same issue suggest that the problem is not on our end. I mean it's possible two random individuals are having the same problem at the same time, just highly unlikely. Unless we're in the same house or something. If that's the case please get out of my attic. laugh

    The store sometimes goes really wonky at the end of the day, starting a few-ple hours before midnight and occasionally leading into the daily changeover; "wait for the store to settle" is the new "DAZ soon." It does seem to be doing it more and more lately. Could be because they keep reusing the same sale page day after day and the background work starts before midnight (seriously, it's taking hours for things to settle these days and it's been the worst since they started doing that), could be due to the new store software they're working on. I have no idea, I've just seen it happen repeatedly.

    The good news is DIM finally logged in and I was able to install things. Downloads through the website also started working again, so I was able to back up my most recent purchases that way while I was waiting. So, give it a try now and see if it works.

  • ColinFrenchColinFrench Posts: 648
    edited September 2020

    I'm having the same problem.

    I did connect using DIM and download a recent purchase but when I went to use it in Studio it was missing. Shut it down, fired up DIM again and it won't connect. Times out. Even here at the site, I'm logged in, but if I try to reach the My Account page it fails.

    Edit: I'm now getting a Bad Gateway error from Cloudflare.

    Post edited by ColinFrench on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    Yep they've screwed it up again another reason I'm pretty much done with this place.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    I loaded up a character that I loaded not all that long ago, and today Studio tells me there are half a dozen products with missing files.  Really?


    And now I can't login with DIM or Connect, but I can login to the website.


    I just wanted to make some art today, after avoiding it for soo long because the world.

  • JamieMJamieM Posts: 356

    In UK. Can't connect to Daz Central, Studio or DIM. 

  • I can't log in on DIM either - I believe there was meant to be an update (for the blender bridge) yesterday, it's possible that may be a factor though it shouldn't affect Connect. It may just be all the traffic for the wrap-up on the PA sale. In any event, I will flag this up.

  • Ok I have the same issue, Daz Central and Studio are stuck, don't accept my password. Looks like a general issue currently? Store is however working fine. 

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Threads merged


  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited September 2020

    Same here. I can't login to DIM. I also keep getting host errors from cloudflare when I try to access the galleries or to access my gallery. 

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • Daz Central is quite possibly the worst thing Daz has ever created. Not just because of the current issue with access, but it is the slowest buggiest POC software, and I've been forced to use Sophos at work, which until now was the lamest.

  • Cart wont proceed to payment

  • Same problem here, just getting a hanging splash screen for Studio and the error window above for DIM.

  • I can't even get things to add to the cart.  TIme to take a two hour break and hope I remember to buy something later today.

  • Should be fixed now, DIM/DS log-in at least

  • and I can get to the cart and then the payment screen too, though I din't try completing the order.

  • vonHobovonHobo Posts: 1,706
    edited September 2020

    DIM works for me now. But between yesterday and today, all these legacy products showed up in the Ready to Download tab.

    I already own all these products. Why would all these "legacy" versions suddenly show up in DIM? They were not there yesterday afternoon.


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    Post edited by vonHobo on
  • von Hobo said:

    DIM works for me now. But between yesterday and today, all these legacy products showed up in the Ready to Download tab.

    I already own all these products. Why would all these "legacy" versions suddenly show up in DIM? They were not there yesterday afternoon.


    I saw several also, mine included Jolly Boat (which I own).

  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited September 2020
    von Hobo said:

    DIM works for me now. But between yesterday and today, all these legacy products showed up in the Ready to Download tab.

    I already own all these products. Why would all these "legacy" versions suddenly show up in DIM? They were not there yesterday afternoon.


    A help desk article from... god, seven years ago now (yikes!) explains Legacy installers as being for older versions of Studio (pre-4.5) that don't use the .duf format. They shouldn't be used in current releases of the software. I'm not sure why they'd supply them, since DAZ doesn't support anything other than the very latest version of their software and bridged programs have discrete versions, but I'm glad they're there for those who may require them, especially as someone who uses an older installation herself due to hardware limitations (4.10).

    I've had a few products recently spawn Legacy versions as well, all of them older props that have been part of the various bridge sales. Opening the DS and DS Legacy zips for Modular Ruins and comparing them shows a different file structure for the Legacy version, with a 3_0 folder inside of data rather than then Stonemason folder I would expect and the older .dso and .dsv files.

    I guess they've been adding updates slowly. We've had Legacy installers for quite a few years now and people have been asking about them for as long as they've existed, I suppose some lower priority products are just now getting theirs.

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • von Hobo said:

    DIM works for me now. But between yesterday and today, all these legacy products showed up in the Ready to Download tab.

    I already own all these products. Why would all these "legacy" versions suddenly show up in DIM? They were not there yesterday afternoon.

    It's a transient thing, you can safely ignore them.

  • I have a cart ready to purchase but when I try, it says my card was declined. My card info is correct and my bank account shows no issues.

  • I haven't been able to log in to DIM for almost a month...

  • I can't log into Daz Connect, DIM or Daz Studio. I get an error that the password is wrong on DIM and Daz Connect. Daz Studio says there's a server connection error.

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