Delete frames cause I just want to keep the final simulation frame in dforce

So I played around with dforce and got a nice transform from the A-pose to the final pose with the cloth mesh suiting perfectly in the last frame (30 frames transition).

Now I want to delete all the transition frames and just keep the final one. And I can't get rid of these in animate light. So I tried to memorize the models pose, go back to frame one and restore the pose. The pose is messed up and the dforced cloth is a total mess. I think it's possible to export the pose, the shape, the figure etc etc and put all together in a new scene without an animation. But that can't be the solution to how to get rid of 30 unwanted frames.

I did some research on this topic, but all I got was either outdated or did not work.

What am I doing wrong or is it Studio...?


  • If you just want the final drape I would hide everything but the dforce item (or if the re aremultiples, all bar one), export as OBJ, clear the simulation from the item, then import as a morph (Edit>Figure>Morph Loader Pro) with the Reverse Deformations option set - that should recreate the result without needing the animation.

  • arnonarnon Posts: 90

    I don't understand. I hid everything but the dforce cloth, exported (Poser config without touching anything) it, hit "clear" in the simulation setting, the cloth "falls back" to before animation, fine. However still the animation track shows 30 frames. When I limit it to 1 frame only, my figure goes back to the A pose. Ok, I think I can save the wanted pose at the end of the animation as "save as pose" and load it upon a new genesis 8 character in a new scene. So I get the pose back. But, when I import the saved cloth.OBJ with Morph Loader Pro (still with Poser setting), I don't find the Reverse Deformations option. When I load it, I got the error "Warning, Geometry did not match,...."

  • why do you need to get rid of the frames before 30 ? what is stopping you from doing your work at frame 30 and onward ?

    anyway you'll need to make sure that you export the object at base resolution and not subD if you want to import it back as a morph. hide all objects except the cloth mesh (don't forget the figures eyelashes/eybrows if they have) set your cloth mesh to base resolution smoothing off and export to obj. save your pose as you did before, apply it at frame 0 and clear simulation. select your cloth mesh object and launch morph loader pro, in morph loader pro after choosing your morph files don't click accept straight away, the morph file has a drop down arrow to the left, clicking that shows the options for the morph, reverse deformations is in there, right click on it and change it to yes, this should give you a morph that works with the current pose.

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  • arnonarnon Posts: 90
    edited September 2020

    In my mind the unused frames still eat up some ressources and in case I want to dforce / animate another set I fear I run into some problems as the original cloth is getting animated again, the character moves from A-pose to the final again etc. Due to my very limited knowledge I would like to have the set "as is" without any past burden. That was the idea.

    The cloth had no SubD, smoothing was off. But I forgot to check, yes.

    I did all steps, but I must have misunderstood something... still geometry mismatch...

    edit: why I need zero frame: I merge two sceneries. The 1st got a dforce wind node having effect on hair of figure A with exact the right hair pose in frame 0. Now I merge figure B into this scene with the dforce cloth exactly simulated in frame 30. As both A and B are in the same timesetting I cant use frame 0 nor frame 30 for both figures, as either the hair A or the cloth B isn't the way I want them to be. Ok, the workaround would limiting A to frame zero, so there wouldnt be any more motion. Yes, you may ask why I did an animation on this A at all.. well, experimenting with the wind node and noticed the the effect took place at once, other than dforcing cloth and the first "blow impact" was the best.

    WIthout any "time", both frozen at a current condition, it would be quite simple. Still I wonder why there's no.. intuitive solution to this problem. The program should just discard any time information and that's it?!


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    Post edited by arnon on
  • ok looking at the pictures it's probably that ring on the front just below the bust, it looks like an attachment on a rigid follow node and not part of the dress itself, you'll need to hide it too when doing the export.

    it'll probably be under chest upper in the scene tree of the dress.

    your idea of getting the set "as is" is fair, nothing worng with having a clean scene. Some extra info regarding the dress resimulating when you sim other stuff, there is an option under parameters>general>simulation called freeze simulation this will make it so that the object won't reset or move again in other simulations until you turn it off.

  • arnonarnon Posts: 90

    I am getting lost... never thought the ring (as being part of the cloth) is causing this.

    Well, I learned it's not possible to delete the frames. I think best is to dial in "Current frame" only  when doing the simulation, not the full range. So the final frame is kind of the same as the first, and the amount of frames just makes the transitions smoother.

    A lot of thanks to both of you for taking your time and helping me! I realized it's kind of dangerous to play around with Studio, highly addictive but unforgiving and sometimes not very logical to me.

    Kind regards!

  • arnonarnon Posts: 90
    edited December 2020

    For other with similar problems: I redid the setting with a simple cloth dropping down. After importing the morph you also have to ... morph it / apply it / dial it in the Parameters setting (from 0 to 100%). The morph's name is the same as the save file name. I was quite noobish then and should have left the timeline idea, just back to pure morphing.Finally it works :). Another step taken!

    Post edited by arnon on
  • yeah sadly Dforce lacks the baked morphs which Optitex dynamic cloth produced when running freeze

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