New Parameter Property
I have a few questions about my 'brand new', not yet saved, parameter controls.
3 Sets of wings
Left and Right
Saved as Anatomy
Total: 6 Individual Items
G8 and G3
Wearables Preset is working great for both.
As I was about to save my 24 brand new controls, a few questions came up:
1. Should I be creating my ERCs under the G8 figure as an OVERALL set of morphs or Under EACH Item as an individual morph?
Right now, the morphs are under the G8 figure as an overall.
2. Will I be doing this for both the Male and Female or will it be fine to CREATE under one and SAVE as both?
3. Will I have to also recreate the morphs for G3, or can I change the environment and figure and re-export the morphs to the correct folders?
I probably should have started with just 1 morph to answer all the questions but, now that I have 24, I'm afraid to let my computer go to sleep.
Any and all answers welcome.
Bonus Points:
4. Is it possible to create a New Group for the parameters so that the 60+ controls planned for posing the wings aren't lumped in with everything else and overpower the brain?
I'll go for the bonus points!
Thank you so much.
1 down 3 to go.
"any and all answers" ... what if I'm wrong? [I hope not]
The morphs are made for the wings. IF you are putting the exact same figure on the male as on the female, then a normal saved morph would still work on either 'cause it's the same wing. But control morphs are different.
Safest bet would be to create 2 wing sets. One for the female and one for the male. Then make the control morphs for one of the figures and save the morphs. While making those morphs keep aside the .obj used for creating the morphs. When done with the wings on one figure; work on the next figure loading their wings on. Make the control morphs for that figure [whether or not the previous .obj for morphs will be adequate or not you'll soon enough find out].
{disclaimer: I have not created ERCs since ever learning enough about them to know that if one doesn't know what they're doing one [as in me] could really mess up their figures [and I don't want to do that].} [I'm working on a project now bravely hoping to get a handle on making pJCMs]
eta: VERY important if saving the same model [i.e. the wings] for two different figures, save them to DIFFERENT data folders or one will overwrite the other.
((I somehow complete messed up this thread))
I'm pretty sure there was a thank you here, and some other things, but somehow managed to overwrite instead of quote.
Very tired.
I think you may have it right. We expect to find pose controls on the figure for the actual figure. i.e. Emotions for G8F are somewhere under Head, etc. for G8F - not G8M or her hair, etc.
Considering how many morphs the figures have, finding the Pose Controls for a pair of wings should not be a problem ;-)
Right. My confusion was in the wings being part of Anatomy. So I did the initial setup of the controls under that mindset.
Wasn't until I went to save the morphs that all the other questions starting raising Red Flags (left and right, pun intended).
Back to the drawing board
You're 2 for 2.
So a part b question to this is:
If I create the morphs for the individual wing, not as part of the figure, does this also create issue for the Data folder re: G3/8/M/F?
Morphs for the individual wings have nothing to do with what goes into the data folder for any figure.
Where control morphs come into play - has something to do with when morph A kicks in, it triggers morph B to work. I hope these are fantastic wings :-)
Now, if/when the wing is posed/morphed [to do whatever] and that action makes the figure's body do something strange. Then one makes a morph to that figure, a correction morph, and one could connect the pose/morph of the wing to trigger that new morph that was made for the figure [not a law that one has to]. That morph for the figure would be stored under the the morphs folder for the concerned figure [main folders are selected by D/S, we just name the folders "vendor" and for "product" ...
[and given the number of shapes the Genesis clan can have, the above method can be limiting obviously. Hence some products are sold aimed for certain characters of the clans. Like if you were making wings specifically for the Yeti they'd be a lot different than wings for the faeries ;-) ]
Note: Before making any correction morphs and connecting them, all these new morphs must first be saved. After making changes, save them again to the SAME subfolders.
If posing the figure makes the wings do something strange, then one finds the hidden morph of the figure that's in play, find on the Parameters Tab the same morph that was autodialed into the wings, and dial it down or whatever. Again one needs to make a morph to correct the appearance when that particular hidden morph of the figure is used. Before bringing the correction .obj back into D/S to make the morph, on the Parameters Tab make note of the EXACT name of the naughty morph, and change the name of that morph and its label [something like "delete this" so you remember which morph not to save] ... then you can bring in the correction .obj and make the morph naming it EXACTLY the same as that hidden morph in the figure. Put all the figures back to default poses, i.e. zero out the morphs, Save the New Correction morph.
Might want to reload the figure and wings to be sure everything is working as expected before making more. As you pose the figure to trigger that hidden morph that caused issue, it will automatically dial in the correction morph that was made for the wings!
Hope this helps, my eyes are getting fatigued too.
Oh yes, in making morphs, if they move the mesh away from the bones, morph dialed in 100% - then one uses the geometry editor brush, right-clicks on a bone, select the option to adjust rigging to the mesh, then over on the Parameters Tab [in edit mode], on the concerned slider get the Parameters options appearing and click on ERC. I usually have all three of the bottom options selected and touch NOTHING else, click accept. Then zero the morph and save it.
To make one morph control another morph ... well I have nothing for examples right now. It's not super hard. Maybe someone else has a ready example.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Still a newbie at all of this so my brain is going to absorb all of this very slowly, but I think I'm now on the right track. Thank you so much.
Going to do the controls for the individual wings for the F, and then repeat the process for the M. I'll worry about the G3 later.
I'm sure I'll have more questions for another thread, but thank you so much for your help.
I hope they're fantastic, too.
Thank you and Thank you again, and again.
You're quite welcome, glad I could help.
Yes those are quite different, lovely. I could see those a-buzz with energy for crossing portals, thanks for showing us :-)
Two issues which may be unrelated but....
My pose controls are all done and appear to be working, EXCEPT, one set of pose controls, Bottom Left, just disappears.
I'm not sure what I'm doing to make this happen.
I first noticed this when I was working on a multi figure test run. I chalked it up to "too many figures / duplicates".
So my next test run was a single figure and no duplicates.
All pose controls were there in the beginning but, somewhere along the way, 1 wing (bottom left) complete lost all custom controls. No category. Just gone.
That's problem number 1.
Problem number 2, and I'm not sure if it's a problem or related in any way:
When I created the pose controls in the folder that is active now (I went through several iterations and multiple attempts), my Top Right Wing has a BASE folder in Morphs heirarchy. None of the other Morphs folders created this file.
What is it? And is it messing with my Bottom Left Wing?
Is this part of a previous discussion? I can merge the threads if you like.
I wasn't sure.....That would be wonderful.
Thank you.
This one?
That would be fantastic. I was just assuming it was a different topic.
Thank you so much.
OK, merged. If you look at the links in Property Hierarchy do theya ll have the same setting for what they save with (not literally the same, but are they saving with the property itself or with the other end of the link)?
I think I understand the question and I think the answer is Yes. All of the Morph files were saved using the same settings. I not sure what the "other end of the link" means....
In the Property Hierarchy, in the details of the link, one of the settings should be Save With. I was just doing a screen shot and found I already had one from a previous occasion, so here you are:
Ok, wow. I'm really slow (and late).
Is this window from the Figure/Prop Assets or the Morphs Assets?
And in that respect, the answer would be: No. I'm pretty sure I have never see that window and have no idea how to even get to it.
It's the Property Hierarchy pane - if you have the Parameters pane in Edit mode you can right-click on a property and select Show in Property Hierarchy.
Ok, thank you. The deeper you go...
Here is what came up.....
.....and a closer/deeper look.
Just wanted to add:
When the Control goes away, it isn't "a" Control. It's the whole category of Controls. Only the basic controls remain.
All custom Controls + the Category disappear.
But only for the Bottom Left.
Hope that helps.
That looks OK, do the ones that don't vanish look the same (with the names changed to match the selected item)?
They all look the same, but it's the whole Category + Controls that disappear.
I think I *might* have figured it out, though. (Or maybe not)
I've gone through several attempts at saving the Wings and Controls.
Always making a different file and adding t that file to the Library.
I did find one of the older files still added to the library (undeleted). I removed that directory and all seems to be going well.
No occurance of the Disappearing Controls since.
I haven't had much time to test this theory today, but I will keep you posted.
Let me know if this could be the issue for the Disappearing Controls or the Base File under Morphs.
So, it looks like the undeleted folder was the issue in the 'disappearing controls'. Since I removed the file, all the controls have been functioning with zero issues.
I seem to have "Save As" myself into a 'Base' Folder issue and I'm hoping someone could explain what I'm doing wrong.
I added about another hundred controls (15ish for each wing) and decided to check my export structure on the new morphs. My file structure has a few issues.
Top Wing Right - contains a Base folder (3 dsf)
Top Wing Left - no issues
Mid Wing Left - no issues
Mid Wing Right - no issues
Bottom Wing Right - contains a Base folder (1 dsf)
Bottom Wing Left - no Base folder and no Product folder
I belive the pilot has offically crashed the plane.
The only options I see are:
A) New Product folder,
New Save: Figure/Prop Assets
New Save: Morph Assets
New Save: Heriarchical Presets
Remove Old Folder from Library
*This options knocks out ALL the Scenes created using the old Figures and Morphs
B) ????
If there is another option......please?
What do you mean when you save base folder, or not. Are the wings all distinct geometry (and rigging)?
Yes, each wing has it's own geo and rigging. I'm just not sure how I'm getting Base folders under morphs. I can see the Base folders under UV Sets and those are all consistent and line up nicely. No issues. The Base folders under Morphs are not.
If it weren't for losing artwork connections, I wouldn't worry about it and just start over. I've already lost the connection to two scenes in this testing phase. And it doesn't make sense to start over until I know how I'm creating the Base folders under Morphs (or in the case of Bottom Left, no Base and no Product).
Hope that makes sense.
Ah, base just means the morphs that are part of the base product rather than an add-on, morph expansion product - if anything I'd be surprised at those which don't have the sub-folder.
Ah! So those are nothing to worry about? And as long as the morphs are functioning, I can just ignore??
If that's the case, I'll just tell my OCD meter to sit down?