High Garden Tunic and Texture Add-On (Commercial) NOW AVAILABLE!

Now available here
Thanks everyone!
Hi Everyone,
Here's my latest creation so far. It's been quite a journey to here but it's finally done!
Hope you like :)
A two piece, fantasy-imbued ensemble to appease those who muse over the days of yore. Adrift in dreaminess and a sense of wonder. Equiped with a pair of boots and ever-flowing frills, doth command the flux of winds.
Fits Victoria's, Stephanie's, Giselles's, Gia's, Olympia's, The Girl's, Aiko's fantasy needs. Comes with style and movement morphs for that added flexibity.
Questions welcomed :)

Really cute! I don't know if you like that description, but it is meant as a good thing. I really like the boots, especially
Some more additional Textures.
environment used free at http://www.hdri-hub.com/
My free mountain scene at http://www.sharecg.com/v/70351/related/21/DAZ-Studio/Shifting-Images-Free-Stuff-Mountain-Scene
Hi Slosh,
..and you are fast as lighting! Thanks! Cute is quite fitting. It is a girly outfit afterall and tattered with pink medleys. Yeps, the boots and its topology were given special attention ;). It should only have 33k points, more or less.
Looks good! I love those movement morphs.
I really love your work! Can't wait to see it in the store. Instant purchase! :D
I wouldn't mind this dress in real. For me.
Oh it is Gorgeous with a capital G! Stunning texturing too.
Honestly, I feel like you read my mind for the kind of outfit I wish we could see but didn't know was possible. I don't know whether to hug you or be annoyed as I haven't really been buying for G2F, I like my generation 5 figures. But now this, and your other stunning dress, and I find I'm powerless to resist.
Only one question. How long do I have to wait?
What a gorgeous and different looking dress! I really like it! Instant buy for me and a highlight in my G2F closet.
Love the dress and also the boots. In fact I was just thinking recently that my G2F could do with some slouch boots - buying a pair for V4 and converting to G2F may be quite hit and miss. So looking forward to this product :) I'll buy it on the day it will be released :)
If you don't mind me asking, as I am seeing a couple length morphs on the dress, how long can the dress be made without too many repercussions on the texture stretching side and such?
Lovely and very classy!
You’ve produced another first day purchase and I concur with Kerya, such a beautiful garment would be lovely addition to my real life wardrobe. But alas I do not possess the required figure to carry such a delightful dress. So I must remain contented and wear it vicariously through my creation, I’ll create with this chef-d'oeuvre. :-)
I LOVE it!
Can I have another one with sleeves?
Wow, it looks really beautiful!
Absolutely exquisite!! Can't wait to see it in the store, it flows so uniquely and the boots are icing on the cake! Beautiful work :)
Gosh, I want it so desperately, it is awesome! My only idea - it would be great if there was a heel-less version of the boots. More moccassin-like.
Hi Kerya,
Thanks a bunch . I'm thankful that it warrants as much credit :)
Hi Jindi,
Hahahaha! I like your comment. Yup, I've stopped creating outfits for Genesis 1 since G2F's arrival. Yet I know that creating a Genesis 1 version will cover a larger market but I've been hesitant primarily due to lack of time and also since my own preference leans towards G2F. For that I think I may need a thorough slapping. In the future, I'm planning to partner with Shox-Design to be able to provide more content. I hope it comes out this July :)
Hi Khoyan,
Thanks! It's actually loosely based on what Daenerys would wear :)
Hi Renpatsu!
Glad you asked :) I'll post a couple of examples and let you be the judge.
Neutral: Base comparison.
Morph 1 and Morph 2: Shows which parts of the mesh are stretched with the two options for skirt length, I dialed Style 1 as well to lengthen the skirt further.
Morph 3: I lengthened the skirt further by disabling the limits just to see how far it can go.
Morph 4: Same as Morph 3 but uses another texture.
Morph 5 and 6: Same as Morph 1 and 2 but uses the add-on textures.
Morph 7,8,9: Uses Morphs and ERC freeze Generated Morphs. Showcases effect of morphs on diff tex maps.
Wireframe: Showcases how the mesh is deformed when morphs are applied.
The skirt is divided into 6 parts. 12 if you include the lower skirt bones. Some simple ERC freeze morphs were included so the user can choose not to dial each bone.
I'm glad you asked that question :)
one last itsy bitsy..
Hi SickleYield!
Thank you! It's an honor. I learned so much from your tutorials and online articles! Thanks for spreading information so that we may be more aware :)
Hi fallingfromcloud9,
You need to start creating product descriptions =P I need more of your vicarious adjectives =P
Hi BurstAngel,
Thanks a bunch! I'll see what I can do but no promises yet until I'm sure I can deliver. :)
Hi SkatingJesus,
Thank you for that bit :) I appreciatte it.
Hi Kharma,
Thanks for the descriptive comment :)
Hi cecilia.robinson,
Thanks for suggesting :) At the moment, this is as "moccasinic" as it could get (with morph limits applied). I could add more moccasin-like morphs in a future update or post it for free but no promises yet :).
-Edited to attach the image-
Great, I will stay tuned for the commercial set and hopefully the boots at some point :).
Oh, no slaps here if you have a particular base you love to work with, you've got to do what works for you. I was only playing at being annoyed, actually I'm too excited about the outfit for that. :)
Make something as lovely as this (and the Victorian dress) and I will certainly make room for it, even if that means following you to the newer characters.
Looking forward to seeing what you and Shox-Design come up with, and here's hoping we'll see this one in store very soon.
Well I guess it's not going to be July then for this gorgeous outfit. :( How about August... early August? ;)
Hi Jindi,
It's ready for release. It could come out this early August :). Oh and I I think slaps can serve as reality checks. There are times when I get too focused on the details and lose the bigger picture. Helps me zoom out =P
Cheerios :)
Excellent news! I'll continue to keep some store credit set aside.
that's an amazing outfit!! I just love the morphs part. I add it to my must buy as soon as released :)
Go on with such good products.
Wow...another beautiful outfit! I will buy this for sure...even though it is not for Gen1 or Dawn which is who I use. I know that with Sickles converter to Gen1 that I can get good results. I did post this in the original thread for the Victorian dress but this image is of it on Gen1 steph5 iirc. You can see from the pattern at the front there is no distortion whatsoever.
Between the skirt clone and sickles converter it works very well. Now I just have to manage to convert it to Dawn.
Hi sioc,
Thanks a lot! I do try my best. It'll be released on the 18th :)
Hi Pendria,
A big thanks to you for showcasing this solution. I haven't delved as far into model conversions. I've been trying to expand but sadly I haven't yet discovered how to replicate self. I'm betting the case of distortions or lack of distortions is due to the weight map of the model but I'm not sure. I've yet to see the code.
Anyway, than you very much for taking the time to showcase this :)
No problem...I know that there are probably other Genesis users that wanted to know how well this converted.
I fully understand what it is to lack time myself...; )
I think that the lack of distortions is due to the fact that instead of using a figure to convert they actually have a skirt clone which is quite high poly from the look of the wireframe.