Looking for a product I can swear I purchased

I seem to remember, in about 2010 (after the M4 and V4 Army Uniforms came out) that there was a product which was a military motorpool (parking lot). It had a small building, a chain link fence with a gate, and and an asphalt paving, with, IIRC, both dry and wet (with puddles) texture. I kept always meaning to use this, and now that I have the time, I can't find it in my purchases, runtime, or the shop. Does this description ring a bell? It was for Poser (or possibly Poser and DS), so it isn't the newer Army Base.



  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Maybe this?

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    Yes, I think it included a deuce & a half or maybe the trailer the 2 1/2 truck pulled. I bought it but have not used it either. You should look in the alphabetical listings in DAZ Studio or search online in your product library. Some products just don't seem to be configured to be easy to find in DAZ Studio.

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