How Do You Get This to Work: iRadiance HDR Resources - Parks and Rec Vol 1

I click on it, and nothing happens. All the other HDRIs I have, you click on the one you want and hit Render and you get a scene.  What do I have to do with this to get it to work?



  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,051

    Is that a pre-Iray product? If I remember, you have to delete the dome meant for 3Delight and just plug the HDRI image in the correct spot.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited September 2020

    Looks like it's a sort of merchant resource pack, without presets.  I guess you can just load the HDRIs into the Environment Map slot.

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    It mentions Uber Surface which is a 3Delight shader.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    It mentions Uber Surface which is a 3Delight shader.

  • I don't click and load any settings 

    I just whack the HDRi, EXR or tiff files onto my environment dome and use the default or my own settings 

  • Don't use the environments or shaders tab. The Render Settings tab will load the HDRI and apply dome rotation of 0 degrees. The other preset: Rotation options will just rotate the dome - you can do that also manually in the render settings->Environments. Tone Mapping and White balance will change the related areas in the render settings as well. The presets kind of gives you a visual clue e.g. how the white balance is affected. 

  • FauvistFauvist Posts: 2,152

    It is the IRAY version.

    "I just whack the HDRI, EXR or Tiff files onto my environment dome" and "the Render Settings tab will load the HDRI" sound wonderful.

    I look at the Render Settings tab, and I see an Environment Map slot with the instructions "Choose Map".  So, where is the map?  What is the name of the map?  With other HDRI products I've purchased I click on the icon of a beach, and it loads the beach into the Environment Map slot.  I have probably hundreds of HDRIs at this point.  If it doesn't load when I click on the icon, how am I supposed to find it?

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  • Fauvist said:

    It is the IRAY version.

    "I just whack the HDRI, EXR or Tiff files onto my environment dome" and "the Render Settings tab will load the HDRI" sound wonderful.

    I look at the Render Settings tab, and I see an Environment Map slot with the instructions "Choose Map".  So, where is the map?  What is the name of the map?  With other HDRI products I've purchased I click on the icon of a beach, and it loads the beach into the Environment Map slot.  I have probably hundreds of HDRIs at this point.  If it doesn't load when I click on the icon, how am I supposed to find it?

    on my Mac, the file path is /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Light Presets/DimensionTheory/iRadiance/Merchant Resources. But you can just double click on any of the spheres in the upper part of the Render Settings section of the product

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  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    Fauvist said:

    It is the IRAY version.

    "I just whack the HDRI, EXR or Tiff files onto my environment dome" and "the Render Settings tab will load the HDRI" sound wonderful.

    I look at the Render Settings tab, and I see an Environment Map slot with the instructions "Choose Map".  So, where is the map?  What is the name of the map?  With other HDRI products I've purchased I click on the icon of a beach, and it loads the beach into the Environment Map slot.  I have probably hundreds of HDRIs at this point.  If it doesn't load when I click on the icon, how am I supposed to find it?


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