Question about Opus Magnum by Faveral

For an older, pre-Iray set it works very nicely. I converted some textures, replaced others. However, I'm baffled by one thing–the scene has several lights, but they don't seem to be doing anything. Is there a way to make them work? I got by without them, but I wonder.


1667 x 1000 - 321K


  • You mean the cnadle flames etc.? Apply the Emissive Shader Preset, or just apply a non-black Emission Colour after applying the Iray Uber base and adjust settings.

  • lou_harperlou_harper Posts: 1,163

    You mean the cnadle flames etc.? Apply the Emissive Shader Preset, or just apply a non-black Emission Colour after applying the Iray Uber base and adjust settings.

    I replaced candle flames with others from other sets and they work fine. The original had a number of point lights.

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