Why won't DAZ let me make a purchase?

Referring to the attached image, it can clearly been seen that I have three items in my shopping cart but when I go to make a purchase, I am told that I having nothing in my cart.See message in image.What's up?

shopping cart.png
918 x 356 - 44K


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    That happens from time to time. Try adding another item in the cart, that usually fixes the display.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    Are you trying to buy the "Food for the Hungry" bundle that is showing up as free? I thought they had made it a freebie too but it's some sort of mistake. It's actually not even availble to buy at whatever the old price was.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Happens to me a lot.  This morning I added three items, the cart icon showed three items, but after clicking on it, my cart only showed two items and had to add the second item selected again.


  • Are you trying to buy the "Food for the Hungry" bundle that is showing up as free? I thought they had made it a freebie too but it's some sort of mistake. It's actually not even availble to buy at whatever the old price was.

    That tends to happen in the process of removing items from the store. It was not free and was only going to be available for sale until the end of Sept.

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