The New GUI

This is a bad idea for the following reasons:

- The "Sale" and "New" Flags cover up some of the artwork, including people's faces and the first letters of some titles, on the display graphics.

- The icons below the images don't actually do anything except increase the amount of scrolling people have to do. If you clicked on the button and it eliminated, say, all of the "poses" or all of the "tutorials", that would make them the single most useful upgrade to this Web site in its history. However, they still shouldn't be under each sale item; they should be one of the drop downs next to "figure" dropdown.

- Many of the figures, their icon says "people" instead of female.

- Bundle sets, like the "Twosret 8 Pharaoh Living Bundle" have so many icons they intrude on the icons of the store item to their right.


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