Winter is coming Commercial

It's true it's always winter somewhere. So as another season of my favorite shows came to close I was left with a hole in my Sunday nights.
To fill the void I created the HD Walker for Gen1 complete with icy skin texture set. He looks great with most of DAZ's new monster skins as well but he needed that icy glow.
So if you are a fan of a certain show or just need a break from summer I hope you enjoy.

1538 x 2000 - 3M
He looks wonderful and I plan to buy him later today. I think I may use him to make an Alien Sith character from Star Wars...
Always a great fan of your works. Your attention to detail is always grand. Some of your stuff even transports me to psychadelia utopia :)
Hey Thanks I love your work too.
Downright hideous — excellent! ;-)
(Went straight into my wishlist for later in the week, of course.)
Awesome character work!
Thanks, together we could do my walker Vs. your Spartan. Oh the Humanity.
Lol, Sounds like a X'over in the making.
Though I can't claim credit for making the Spartan outfit that was all Mec4D's work.
I did make a hierarchical pose pack to go with it though :)
Now he has to battle the flood of Lee. It will take expert timing.
Fantastic Character AntFarm...I do love your work..
I shall be purchasing shortly..
Really cool character! I love your makes my runtime more diverse!
The flood lately is to extreme ..everything get buried after a day ( Lee included ) what a waste ..
Great work on the Walker.. I am big fan of the show!
We'll see if the forums show it. I made an Inquisitor from Star Wars with your character. I changed the diffuse color and added red eyes but like I said in my original post this particular character jumped out at me when I saw this release.
just got back from Comic Con but the renders are way cool! Sorry it took so long to respond.