Applying Hair Texture

i found this interesting hair inOBJ. format ( shown without texture in first photo) , which included a single texture file. I attached all photos below. When I go into the surfaces tab and load the texture file into diffuse only I get what you see in the second photo, with no aparent feathering on the tips. When I apply the texture to the cutout opacity channel I get what you see in the third photo. The last photo is the hair texture included. Can anyone tell me how to apply this correctly? Is there a product that adds hair textures to OBJ. hair and feathers the tips also? I have Sloshworks UHT2 and it makes hair look great but it does not feather the hair tips. Any advice welcome...........Thanks.

obj. hair.png
800 x 640 - 88K
obj. hair with texture.png
800 x 640 - 56K
obj. hair with texture cutout.png
800 x 640 - 30K
hair obj..png
865 x 1005 - 295K


  • Invert the texture map in a photo editing program and put it in the cutout opacity channel. To get proper transparency in DS, remember: White is visible Black is invisible.

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