Wind, dforce, aniMate Lite and getting different frames merged into one dedicated?

arnonarnon Posts: 90
edited October 2020 in New Users


an additional question to my topic about how to get (all) frames in the timeline deleted (and experience that it isn't possible).

I got Figure A with dforced hair (windnode) with a perfect effect in let's say timeframe 10. I merge Figure B into the scence with a perfect dforced cloth in timeframe 30. Now I got a problem that I cant merge frame 10 and 30 into a single one (due to Studio's inability to get rid of time) to make both figures look perfect.

I tried a workaround like freezing Figure A's hair in frame 10 to be effective through all frames, so that Figure A "takes" its hair to frame 30. And then I got a perfect frame 30.In "edit" -> "object" there is memorize (and restore later in frame 30) and lock pose/shape/rigging. Both don't work for me. The question is

How can I lock Figure A in frame 10 and get its look back in frame 30?

Post edited by arnon on


  • Export the base item (only oen single item, base resolution, no interpolated hairs) as OBJ, clear simulation, import as morph (with Reverse Deformations on) through Edit>Figure>Morph Loader Pro. Wasn't that suggested in your other thread?

  • arnonarnon Posts: 90

    yes, but it did not work with those items. So there is no possibilty ot freeze an animation?

  • Yes, but Freeze Animation doesn't do what you want. Are you sure when you exported the clothing as OBJ it was the only visible item (with any button props attached to Rigid Follow Nodes also hidden) and was at base resolution?

  • arnonarnon Posts: 90
    edited October 2020

    For a better understanding why it's not so easy for me. I try to rebuild Boticelli's "Birth of Venus" so (the famous picture with Venus standing in a seashell) and Aura's hair (the woman on the left) deformation time-collides with Hora's blanket (the woman on the right) being deformed by wind.

    So when I export Aura - she got an aditional anatomy shell on her, which isn't visible in the scene and can be deleted, but wings attached and hair which are part of the figure. The hair is deformed so I think this is the base item, I export the hair, base resolution, there is only edge interpolation with no possibilitty to set to off. I load a fresh figure, put the same hair on it, activate the undeformed hair, load edit->figure->morph loader pro, set rev.def. to on and.. and "geometry failed". I don't understand.. I choose simple hair, no extra on it. I load simple hair, no extra on it, exactly the same. Then I load the morph and it says different geometry.

    In the other topic I noticed the problem may be a too complex cloth, so this time I chose an undercomplex item.

    In this scene I got 3x dforced cloth, 1x dforced hair and two times I just was fed up with these animation flaws I edited the bones / joints to align the hair with the wind. I did 3 base scenes (left, middle, right figure(s)) and merged them into one. It works with neither item in neither scene. And even with a base figure it doesn't work out. I don't understand it, tried 3hrs just today (long load times despite it's all on ultrafast M.2 SSD).

    Thanks for your time and effort to help me. I give up. Solution for me is to use the delivered scripts for deforming Aura's hair and not to use dforce in somewhat complex scenarios.

    Post edited by arnon on
  • I adnmit I've not tried loading morphs for dForce hair, but I thought it was doable - though you would need, at least, to be sure that you have only the guide hairs and that theya re not being converted to strips or tubes.

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