DS Defaults and other default assets not working, show file missing but it is not
Have searched for answers to this to no avail, but please feel free to point me to an already existent discussion on this topic.
While attempting to use DS Defaults, like shaders, lights (the distant light, spot light, etc buttons work fine), age of armour subsurface, supersuit, etc I get a dialogue box asking me if I want to save changes to current scene before closing it, after making that odd choice, there's a notice that says Could not open file: [gives directory location] File does not exist.
However, the files do exist. Have attempted uninstalling and reinstalling. Fixing registry through DIM (though perhaps this needs to be done differently than I've been doing it - have tried the same way you fix registry when using DIM to reinstall a manually installed item so you can uninstall it).
This problem happens for me whether I use DS 4.10 or 4.12.
Should not be of any relevance, but I am using 3delight to render.
Operating system is macos.
Everything is installed in the default locations, have not moved any of the folders, changed any hierarchies.
If you find the Default resources in the Products tab of the Smart Content pane and, without opening it, look at the thumbnail is there a triangle in a circle at top-right?
This is what I'm seeing (I don't generally use the Smart Content pane, so not familiar with it)...
Okay, I see I need to update some things, thank you. Any further suggestions regarding this? Do you always need to manually check if products need updates?
That is probably indicating that the system shows the content as having been installed through DS (the Install pane or one of the product lists) - you can either update it, or you can uninstall it from theer which should then allow the DIM-installed files to be used.
Almost forgot - thank you, that helped immensely.