Vampire Morphs - Before G8 ends...!

XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
edited October 2020 in The Commons

Before the G8 run ends, especially with Hallowe'en on the way, please tell me one of you PAs are going to finally give us a 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer'-style vampire forehead morph (along with the unique fangs)? At least for G8F, if not also G8M? Pretty please? smiley

It's one of the few things G8 still has missing from its gene pool!

The last time we had one, it was this piece of brilliance for the G7 line:

And I cannot express just how often I've used those used forehead and teeth morphs for BTVS-themed art! It has become one of my most frequently used products and it's strange we've not had anything similar since then.

So, here I stand, hoping beyond hope that maybe Hallowe'en for 2020 might finally deliver on something similar for G8's vampiric art, in case we're unknowingly in the twilight of its support before moving onto the next generation of figure. We've had some great undead costumes and props for it, along with even a fantastic 'Underworld'-style werewolf (although, sadly, still no G8 replica for Selene's famously styled hair). But still no authentic BTVS forehead and related teeth morphs! With the arrival of Face Transfer, it'd be great to depict various fandom characters 'vamped out' in the style which that show possessed. Just need those morphs.

Post edited by Xenomorphine on


  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited October 2020

    Have you tried transferring the G3M version of that product up to G8M using XTransfer? Or the G3F version to G8F, for that matter. There's nothing on the product page to indicate that the morphs are HD (XTransfer can't handle HD morphs because DAZ won't allow it), and the product can handle some pretty extreme looks.

    Now, you would lose detail in the transfer. That's sort of unavoidable, based on my own experience; Geordig also posted a conversion of an extreme fantasy morph over in this thread that shows how much you might lose. But it could be worth a shot and if it doesn't work out you could always return XTransfer if you've no further need for it, assuming that you don't own it already.

    EDIT: Changed the thread link.

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Now, you would lose detail in the transfer. That's sort of unavoidable, based on my own experience; Geordig also posted a conversion of an extreme fantasy morph over in this thread that shows how much you might lose. But it could be worth a shot and if it doesn't work out you could always return XTransfer if you've no further need for it, assuming that you don't own it already.

    You're just linking to this thread; here is the thread you're describing.

  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited October 2020
    Gordig said:

    Now, you would lose detail in the transfer. That's sort of unavoidable, based on my own experience; Geordig also posted a conversion of an extreme fantasy morph over in this thread that shows how much you might lose. But it could be worth a shot and if it doesn't work out you could always return XTransfer if you've no further need for it, assuming that you don't own it already.

    You're just linking to this thread; here is the thread you're describing.

    Oh lord, thank you. My computer's been super laggy lately, it looks like I copied the link thinking it had swapped tabs before it actually had. That's what I get for not paying closer attention.

    Updated my comment with the right one.

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    I would probably like something along the lines of XTransfer, if there was a one-click way of doing it. Any products which require designating folders or saving presets and the like, I avoid. Not had very good personal experiences with those.

    I'm just surprised nobody's yet done these vampire-related morphs as a product for the G8 era. We've had, what, two Hallowe'ens since it showed up? With another on the way!

  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,068
    edited October 2020

    Why for Buffy style vampires I continue to use Genesis 3, since the creature creator morphs for Genesis 3 were the closest we would ever get to that shape.. And so far have seen no PA Genesis 8 product that even comes close..

    Post edited by Ghosty12 on
  • These are the products being referenced:

    (The OP did not include the male product link.)

    These are the most similar that I've seen for G8:

    but the heads do not seem to be separate morphs from the stylized bodies (I haven't bought them yet and can't verify). Shape Splitter should be able to isolate the head morphs, or specific parts of them.

    That might produce acceptable results, but I agree that ready-made products for both G8F and G8M that look closer to the FWSA morphs would be great - I'd buy both.
  • These are the products being referenced:




    (The OP did not include the male product link.)


    These are the most similar that I've seen for G8:




    but the heads do not seem to be separate morphs from the stylized bodies (I haven't bought them yet and can't verify). Shape Splitter should be able to isolate the head morphs, or specific parts of them.

    Shape Splitter won't split the HD elements, though, only the SD morph.

    That might produce acceptable results, but I agree that ready-made products for both G8F and G8M that look closer to the FWSA morphs would be great - I'd buy both.


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191
    These are the products being referenced:




    (The OP did not include the male product link.)


    These are the most similar that I've seen for G8:




    but the heads do not seem to be separate morphs from the stylized bodies (I haven't bought them yet and can't verify). Shape Splitter should be able to isolate the head morphs, or specific parts of them.

    Shape Splitter won't split the HD elements, though, only the SD morph.

    However, you can use Shape Splitter to SUBTRACT the body morph from the head morph, thus preserving the HD of the head, and vice versa.


  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    See, thsi is why I'd love someone to give us a product like the one I linked to, where we can add the forehead shaping (and stylised BTVS teeth, if any also exist) to any existing G8F character. G8M woudl also be nice, but my primary interest would be G8F characters.

    Was curious if some PAs who read this forum might be able to give me hope for such a thing being scheduled for this Hallowe'en's products. :)

  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,068

    This is my interpretation of Buffy vamps and why I like the Genesis 3 Creature morphs.. smiley And why I am hoping for there to be a Genesis 8 version..

    550 x 1050 - 206K
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    It really does give them a nicely predatory edge.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    I'm noticing a simlar forehead shaping morph in one of the promotional images for this, but no indication of such a thing in the product listing:

    Can anyone confirm whether such a vampiric forehead shaping morph is included and, if so, if it can be applied to any character, regardless of whether Raven 8 is in your product library?

  • DamselDamsel Posts: 385

    When is g-8 supposed to end?

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    It really does give them a nicely predatory edge.

    I always thought it made em look silly.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Damsel said:

    When is g-8 supposed to end?

    Only Daz know.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    I wonder how hard it is for DAZ to transfer HD morphs, since the creature ones are DAZ originals and they could resell themenlightened

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    Damsel said:

    When is g-8 supposed to end?

    Nobody knows, but I can't imagine it has too much longer. It's been an enormously pleasant surprise that we've had this long. The typical generation jump has been a lot shorter than this.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    Damsel said:

    When is g-8 supposed to end?

    It won't "end".  New characters are still being produced for G3 and even V4, although the latter are mostly for the Poser crowd.

    As for the next generation, it's a Matthew 25:13 situation.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    Characters, maybe. Those aren't my concern, since I usually create my own. Clothing and prop creation generally shift immediately over. There's some slight cross-over, but as Sickleyield has written, it simply isn't economical for content creators to typically cater for more than one generation.

    And I would really like to use some of the G8 costumes, materials, shaping morphs and more for use with some BTVS fan art.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    Took a gamble on the product I linked earlier, along with the Raven base:

    But it doesn't include the vampiric forehead crest! No cosmetic, no morph. Does anyone know how it was achieved for that picture?

  • If you're talking about the second promo image, I'm pretty sure those are wrinkles caused by the brow being furrowed

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,748
    edited October 2020



    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,677
    edited October 2020

    There is a male vamp with that whole brow deelio by fw. And there is I think changeling chicks vampire character jack has teeth and claws and the skin. There is also aj anders.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,677

    And Fergal has the neck holes, as well as also being a vamp

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