Bump/Normal maps
Every now and then I stumble over some characters with great looking diffuse maps that have weird, unfitting or even awfully unrealistic normal and bump maps, I usually step away from using these chars, but sometimes if I really like them I swap the normal/bump map with some of my own or other characters, or I try to enhance them in ps, but that's not always possible and also tedious, so I thought I'd ask what your favorite realistic looking normal/bump maps are.
It's not that there aren't any good maps out there, but it seems like a lot of maps don't really fit together, sometimes the torso bump doesn't match the face bump (despite being for the same character), sometimes the bump is all over the place insteat of having softer spots/lower bump on some places like on an actual body, sometimes the maps just look uncanny valey, etc.
Some characters use displacement maps to enhance bump, but imo that's not really necessary when you have good bump/normal maps.
So what are you favorites? They can be from characters/figures, Material presets, or texture packs.
PS: yes I know about uncanny valley enhancer, err... I mean Auto Face enhancer (no offense, I just don't think it looks realistic).