Tesla3dcorp Dance Studio no floor png

did anyone else buy the dance studio tesla3dcorp. It renders wonderfully but I had to take a floor from some other product to get the floor, its polished well but it is such a shame that there is no actual png for the floor, I even downloaded the zip to see if it was missing.



glossyfloor dance2.png
520 x 714 - 405K


  • Do you have Default Resources for DAZ Studio 4.9+ installed?

  • I bought that a long time ago.  It had a floor then.

  • Thank you I will have a look for Daz 9 Defaults, Mark I wonder what happened to the floor ? xxx

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    According to the file list there is no floor texture

    http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/read_me/index/37531/file_list :

    • /Runtime/Textures/Tesla3dcorp/Dance Studio/amplifier body.jpg

    • /Runtime/Textures/Tesla3dcorp/Dance Studio/clock.jpg

    • /Runtime/Textures/Tesla3dcorp/Dance Studio/dance wallpaper A.jpg

    • /Runtime/Textures/Tesla3dcorp/Dance Studio/dance wallpaper B.jpg

    • /Runtime/Textures/Tesla3dcorp/Dance Studio/dance wallpaper C.jpg

    • /Runtime/Textures/Tesla3dcorp/Dance Studio/dance whiteboard.jpg

    • /Runtime/Textures/Tesla3dcorp/Dance Studio/speaker mesh.jpg

    • /Runtime/Textures/Tesla3dcorp/Dance Studio/wall art.jpg

  • Thats right, I just wish they stated what else they used for their renders so that we knew how to emulate their work you know, its a lovely studio and I added the floor from dream home, so it should be okay, just don't add too much gloss or you end up reflecting like a pool xxx

  • ChatjdChatjd Posts: 152

    I just checked and it has the floor.  It is using the mahogany_floorboard.png that is installed as part of the base Daz Studio 4 program.  The png is not located in the the runtime\textures, but in the actual program folder structure with the DS program files.  As this png is in both the public and the general DS build, I believe everybody should have it.  I found it here:

    C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\shaders\iray\resources

    C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4 Public Build\shaders\iray\resources


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