New addition! The Sleuth v3 for M4 (aka Deckard from BR). INJ files only. No textures.

AOBBAOBB Posts: 957
edited December 2020 in Freebies

I didn't have some nice trench coat or fedora to finish the look of the character on the images but in the end it's the face that matters...

Don't skip reading the readme.txt file, as there is some important information there on how to load the pose!

Enjoy this new freebie from me (AOBB) and please create some nice art with it!

Non-commercial use only.



The Sleuth.jpg
600 x 600 - 203K
Post edited by AOBB on


  • Thank you :-)

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    You are very welcome, Catherine! :)

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,246
    edited October 2020

    In case anybody is interested, "smoke" is availabe on sale today :-) [Plat for a day sales]

    oopsie, wrong thread.

    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957
    edited October 2020

    Attached is the modified, sligthly more handsome (at least imo) version 2 of The Sleuth.

    Please be sure to read the ReadMe.txt file before installing the INJ files.

    Non-commercial use only.

    Enjoy! :) 


    The Sleuth v2.rar
    The Sleuth v2.jpg
    489 x 508 - 211K
    Post edited by AOBB on
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,544

    Kinda reminds me of Harrison Ford and thank you.

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957
    edited October 2020

    You are welcome! :)


    Post edited by AOBB on
  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957
    edited October 2020

    Just as in Lady Noir's case, I am attaching here a basic diffuse texture that I made for The Sleuth v2 (it might work nicely just as well for The Sleuth but I haven't checked). It is meant to be only a basis for you to work with (if you want to use it), not a finished face map. I am also attaching the UV map render for The Sleuth v2 which you can superimpose on the diffuse map in a photo editing program to use as a guide.

    As I have used to a small extent non-commercial Mari to create the diffuse map, then the texture is for non-commercial use only too. Most work was done in Photoshop CS6 (commercial version).

    For the moderator: no one's textures were used to create this map and I have Foundry's blessing to distribute my textures created in Mari as long as no one makes a profit off them.

    Have fun!


    The Sleuth v2 UV map.png
    4000 x 4000 - 403K
    The Sleuth v2 diffuse.jpg
    4000 x 4000 - 7M
    Post edited by AOBB on
  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957


    The new version of The Sleuth (v3) for M4 is not a perfect rendition of Deckard but I thought he looks reasonably similar to him and decided I might as well share this updated version of The Sleuth with you. After all Lady Noir and Lady Noir v2 (aka Rachael from BR) could use a companion. Just type into the DAZ search engine "Lady Noir v2" and you'll find her.

    You might want to use the generic bald Michael 4 face map with this model. Just remove the brows from the texture and add some nice fibermesh ones to increase the likeness.

    Please remember - noncommercial use only. 

    I'd love to see your fan art with my new Sleuth.

    Have fun!



    The Sleuth v3.jpg
    460 x 584 - 172K
    The Sleuth
  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,156

    Faeryl Womyn said:

    Kinda reminds me of Harrison Ford and thank you.

    Harrison Ford played Deckard in Bladerunner.

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957
    edited January 2021

    Dead on, Torquinox. I have only yesterday changed the title of this thread to include Deckard's name though, so Faeryl Womyn could not have made the connection to the BR character when she posted her comment.

    The reason I say Deckard not Harrison Ford is that I specifically tried to recreate Ford's features at that particular age when he starred in Blade Runner. I ended up using images from this movie as well as photos of his head sculpts by Trevor Grove and the Indy 3d model by TOSHI_TNE to gather as much information as I could about Ford's bone structure. The problem I had with recreating this likeness was almost complete lack of precise (expressionless and taken exactly from the side) profile photos of Harrison Ford in Blade Runner (lack thereof in general). Another problem - Deckard has always some sort of expression on his face and I needed to give him a neutral look. I tried to "guesstimate" the information I didn't have and work around lens and perspective distortions of the photos, so that is why the model isn't closer to the real Ford. It is my impression of Ford as Deckard.

    If you find my head model similar to Harrison Ford in his early forties I will be honored.


    Post edited by AOBB on
  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,156

    I see. I did not realize blush He looks good. Even without extra info, resembles HF. Cheers to you and Happy New Year.

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Thank you, Torquinox. I also wish you a Happy New Year. blush

  • Thank you and Happy New Year!

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Have a great New Year, Catherine, and get the vaccine fast! Enjoy the model. smiley

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957
    edited January 2021

    I've rendered The Sleuth v3 (S3) in Iray, so those of you who don't use Octane, which I have used in the previous rendering, can see better what they will be getting. The model has the standard issue bald head M4 texture with eyebrows removed and I have changed the eye texture to MRL's Andromeda brown eyes with gentle reflections.

    In the meantime I have adjusted S3's features a bit. I made his face slightly more heart-shaped, narrowed his mouth, moved back his chin and strengthened his jaw a smidgen then narrowed the mandibles back to how they were before. All those changes are very subtle, so they don't make much of a difference. It's just me tinkering. wink



    The Sleuth v3 Iray render.jpg
    421 x 468 - 103K
    Post edited by AOBB on
  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Check out my rendering of Lady Noir v2 and The Sleuth v3 here:

    I hope you'll enjoy it!

    Happy New Year to all of you!


  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,156

    I looked. Looks good! :)

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Thank you!

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