An artist to watch? Carrara to 3d printer to sculptures.

Hi, I 'met' this chap Fred Braat on facebook, kind of random.
It turns out he uses Carrara to make some weird stuff (weird in a good way) - kind of like 3d construction sculptures (not sure how to describe them.)
He's also a traditional sculptor and painter and performance artist and lives in Wedderburn, a well known artist 'colony' in NSW, a colony that has generated such artists as the famous Elisabeth Cummings (famous here in Oz - she has produced a whole school of Cumming;s look alike painters.)
Anyway's Fred had just aquired a three d printer and is turning some of his unusual 3d virtual sculptured into real 3d works - bit by bit and joining the pieces up.
If anyone's interested in this type of art, I thought you might like a link to his work - it's early days with his three d printer but I think Fred's work is so left field (whatever that means) that it was worth pointing him out and perhaps keeping an eye on him to see what he produces.
you can also read more about Fred here.
one of Fred's works
regards from oz :)
very cool... my daughter doesn't know him but one of her friends is friends with him on FB.. as you are
Amazing!!! Thanks for this!
I met a fellow that works near my town who uses Carrara for CNC work! I was floored!
wow that's what I would like to do - sorry Dart just saw this!
Reminds me of a favorite artist, Jean Tinguely.