Craft Director Studio Import

I'm trying to export an FBX animation from Maya 2020.2 created with Craft Director Studio without the results you'd expect. Basically, the FBX translations/rotations import correctly in other 3D software, but when I import into Daz Studio the translations are horribly off. Daz seems to change all the transforms pivots and I can't find a way to prohibit this. 

Has anyone found a succesful method/workflow to import this type of animation into DAZ? This is really getting me down. 

Post edited by mhartman.art_53c60a8640 on


  • Figured it out. You have to manually re-center the "pivot points" in Daz Studio for each compontent using the joint editor tool. 

    Next I'm going to try to attach a joint sytem in Maya and export it this way into DAZ and see if it repsects world space. 

    Like, come on Daz, this is kind of silly now. Such a basic thing. 

  • edited October 2020

    Can't get the joint system to work. Bummer.

    You have to set everything up in Maya centered in world space at zero transforms. You cannot offset your car setup in world space, or else DAZ will do some wonky stuff on import. Again, this does not happen with other 3D software and it did not happen when I imported the exported FBX back into Maya to to test it. This is DEFINITELY a Daz issue. If Daz respected the export's object's pivot points this problem would simply not be. 

    What's the logic behind retranslating the import's pivot points? This might be optimal for a character joint system, but in terms of import simple translations and rotations acccording to the import's data this seems like a giganitc oversight. Not to mention readjusting the pivot point in DAZ is incrediably manual and convoluted. You can't even snap to any edges, faces, verticies, you have to do it all by eye, using the joint editor tool (weird?) unless I'm missing something? If not, an awful solution for moving mechanical parts.

    No offense, but I'm pretty unimpressed overall. In terms of character control Daz offers a solid package. For everything else, eh


    Post edited by mhartman.art_53c60a8640 on
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