Medieval Fantasy Leather Armor Now Available (Commercial)

Edited to announce release
Hi Everyone!
I went silent here for quite some time. Thanks for all your comments a suggestions. It's finally here:
And as promised, here's the free chainmail :)
Hope you like!
Hi everyone,
Here's my manyfold attempt at many-folds :). It is still quite bare at the moment but a suitable undercorset and metal plus strings on clothing will be added as soon as the individual pieces has been re-topologized.
I went ahead and re-topologized and UV mapped the Boots first since I find them the most difficult to model and detail. The form has to be just right or it might not look like its made of hard leather. I ended up with 43k points which I'm satisfied with considering the many layers of folds embedded in the mesh.
Suggestions and questions welcomed :)
Thank you :)

This looks really good. As with your victorian gown, you have clearly taken a great deal of effort to make the folds and creases look as natural as possible.
A couple of suggestions. Firstly, make sure that the outfit can fit a lady with a much curvier figure (check out Sofia Vergara). Secondly, how about stilletto heeled boots?
This sounds very promising as with all the stuff you make!
Stilettos? In a suit of armour? Apage.
It looks as if it's leaving the stomach and lower back uncovered - is that right, or am I just misreading the mesh?
yeah, I'd love a covered-up option... if armour doesn't protect vital areas then i can't use it as armour.
...sure I can use quality kinkwear for pinups, but my preference for armour is to protect.
He did say that this armor is designed to be worn with a corset underneath. Based on that, I believe the intent is the corset (which he hasn't made yet, but will) is what provides the "Armor protection" to the vital areas.
Personally, I am a big fan of the cut outs.
NO SILETTO HEELS!!! I can't use B25's beautiful and interesting boots from his fantasy outfits because they were stilettos. Cut outs should be optional.
Completely agree. :)
Looks like you are going to have two opposing points of view from us buyers. If you've already decided on flat (as the preview suggests) that's fine by me. While I can understand that others have their own preferences, we could do with more practical outfits like this for the women. Optional cut outs seems a good compromise too.
Anyhow, beautiful work as always, the folds and wrinkles look fantastic.
Finally! I've made some progress on the outfit. The bustier plus corset has been reduced to 43k points total instead of the previous 200k+ points without losing much detail. The coat and pants will be detailed further with the aid of depth maps to prevent the polycount from multiplying like gremlins :)
I might have to go with flats this time :). cecilia.robinson requested for moccasin in another thread just when I was quietly planning to do flats for the next outfit. I then settled for flats which I actually found more difficult to model properly. Heels can be disguised to look more "shapely". As for flats, I had to get it just right.
So, here's the "protective" piece. Tho, I'm not entirely sure if it is protective enough. The bustier and the "corset" will be two separate pieces as with the undercoat, pants and boots :)
It's still miles away from completion but before I UV map all pieces and finalize the base meshes, I'd like to hear if the outfit now has sufficient skin coverage :)
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. :)
Maybe she should have a chainmail fichu?
Maybe she should have a chainmail fichu?
Gesundheit! ;) I had to go look up what the heck that is, thank you! :)
And a +1 for the flat boots/shoes and the full (or at leats optional) 'full' covering of the armour.
I really like the outfit as it stands.
I agree,
the addition of the corset is nice but I really did like the original and hope that it will still be possible to get that look.
The runtime is full of useless high heel fantasy boots, these ones looks great and useful!
The whole set looks useful!
Hi everyone,
Here's a quick update. I did some experimentation with chainmail and came up with this simple piece. I just wanted to see if I could pull off the chainmail look with the aid of depth, bump, texture and transparency maps. Another layer of mesh (like in image 3) may be needed so they can cast more shadows on the figure. In this case, I just duplicated the object to see if it'll do the trick. I'll refine and refit the clothing onto Genesis after I'm done mapping the other pieces :).
Thanks Richard Haseltine. I had to google "fichu" as well ;)
I think I'll package this little chainmail piece as a free download, seperate from the commercial set. It can serve a useful addition for future sets.
Hi scorpio64dragon,
I plan to make the other metal parts of the armor "hide-able" as well. Bustier and corset parts will be separate figures so one can choose to forgo the corset or retain the corset and forgo the bustier for a brave few. O_o
Thanks for your inputs everyone!
PS. to Totte and Alex. Agent Carter wears heels in combat! =P
Heh, glad my suggestion was useful - that piece will certainly be a help with many outfits.
If you want to lose the areas without shadows in your renders it should be enough to lower the Shadow Bias - that's an offset, in cm, and if it's bigger than the separation between layers of mesh no shadows will be cast, though if it's too low the result will be weird banding as surfaces shadow themselves.
Hi Richard Haseltine,
I've lowered the shadow bias to 0.30. In this case, the lower mesh may be too close to her neck parts. The duplicated mesh seems to have enhanced the piece but it's best with alternating chains. Thanks for the info :). A lower bias should work in this case.
The outfit looks really good. Thanks for not making the heals of the boots high. This is useful. What about the open back? You got the front covered and protected but then someone coming up from behind has an easy access point to stab her!
Very cool :)
I am looking forward to this :)
I suggest tassels and question the lack of tassels. Not really, lovely work as always.
I really really like the look of this!
and i second the "NO STILETTO" heels thought! :D I hate hate stiletto heels on fantasy warrior/hunter type outfits. :D
Hi Everyone!
This took a while. I was working on a new Victoria 6 based character that would be complimented by this outfit. In the render below, she's still using Domina's irises but she is more or less done.
Anyway, back to the outfit. It has finally been weight mapped and morphed to fit DAZ Characters! It actually suits the bulkiness of Gia quite well. Onto texturing!
Hi RAMWolff
I'll address her back exposure with the chainmail rig. It actually covers the back partially :)
Hi fallingfromcloud9
Always grand with your suggestions. I know exactly where to place those tassels should they be implemented =P
Thanks for your comments and suggestions everyone!
More images..
May I ask what are those scratches down her cheek?
Else she looks really pretty!
It's Wolverine's mom, he was quite feisty as a baby.
...or maybe it's just shadows from the hair.
Hi Everyone!
Here's some of the raw and unfettered renders :)
I'm doing the character textures simultaneously with the textures for the outfit as well as the "Fitting Fixes" for some character morphs so it fits G2F's little battalion of characters. The dark/black version will also be refined a bit more for a more velvety contrast. Clothing pieces are seperate so one can mix and match parts of the outfit with other sets,
As for the character, Hole's comment is quite timely :) It's Wolverine's Mom and her name is Clarice. I'm just kidding,, ;) She's the androgynous type some asian features around the eyes. A friend of mine says that she's a reminiscent of that assassin in Diablo 2 but that's just a fortunate accident.
I'll stop here since there still tons do before this project reaches completion. Shox-Design will also be creating additional textures for it so the outfit can have more use :)
Hi Kerya,
She can look pretty too I suppose. Thank you! :)
Hi Hole,
That made me chuckle so I made a reference to Lecter. I was already joking about it in my head while creating those splatters :)
Thanks for you comments and suggestions everyone!
Is that a release for Lilith 6?
Love your work shiftingimages - picked up the High Garden dress and looking forward to this as well!
Hi cecilia.robinson,
Both the character texture and outfit fits Lillith. The character morphs are Victoria 6 based tho and one would need Victoria 6 so that the morphs shows up as intended.
Hi Storypilot,
Thanks a bunch! :)
Finally done with the re-modeled chainmail!. The chainmail will not be included in the pack as I do like the outfit as it is. The contrast between flesh and leather is one I had anticipated from the onset. The chainmail will be a separate free download once this pack has been launched and was made for those who prefer a more protective set. Speaking of which, I will also create a separate accessories pack to cover her arms and head.
So here's the raw and untouched renders of the brown and black textures. Black to hide in the shadows with and brown so she can be mistaken for a tree. I'm kidding but a camouflaged assassin in the forest is indeed harder to spot.
Now onto the style morphs!
Hope you like! :)