Computer can't/won't render. Slow with loading too (especially in Daz Studio)...

N-RArtsN-RArts Posts: 1,525
edited October 2020 in The Commons

[Computer can't/won't render. Slow with loading too (especially in Daz Studio)] and there are black "bars" down either side of the screen (although that's not new, but I've forgotten how to fix it).

I'm not sure when the problems started. But (and it has to be a coincidence), it was around the time that I tried to get my first render/test render of the Q Suit. 

Normally, getting the latest update fixes everything. However, the last security and stability update (Windows 10) wouldn't install. So I skipped that one, and installed the latest update (the computer will download and install some updates automatically, or I have to get Windows to check for updates). As far as I'm aware, the machine is now up-to-date, but there's been no improvement. 

In task manager, I've noticed two processes which are taking up quite a bit of memory. Well, it's really three, but Cortana seems to be behaving herself today.

One is Antimalware Service Executable, and the other is SysMain. When Cortana was playing up the other day, I think "she" had three processes going in Task Manager. 

I thought I had fixed SysMain and ASE, but they've reappeared in Task Manager. 

Daz Studio, is on a D:\ (partition). That drive has (about) 60GB free space.   

As for the black bars down the side of the screen... I've fixed them before, but I can't remember how. Installing the latest update seems to have reset a lot of customised features. 

Attached is the log file for the Q Suit. I don't know how to read it, so that's why I've posted it. If anyone wants any screenshots from the performances tab or resource manager, just ask, and I'll get them uploaded. 

Thank you for any help.

Edited for Please put your question in the post body and the title - Daz 3D Forums

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,910
    edited October 2020

    Windows 10 has a tendancy to install its own GPU drivers, which are not always the best and may have done so when you updated. Be sure you have a recent driver from NVidia.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    edited October 2020

    2020-10-08 00:24:01.821 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(353): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.1 IRAY rend warn : CUDA module initialization failed with error 'CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version' (0x23); iray photoreal can only run in CPU mode. Please update your NVIDIA driver (

    That's the line that tells us that you need to update your driver. 

    Post edited by Sevrin on
  • N-RArtsN-RArts Posts: 1,525

    Windows 10 has a tendancy to install its own GPU drivers, which are not always the best and may have done so when you updated. Be sure you have a recent driver from NVidia.

    I've got an AMD CPU driver. But I'll check and see if Windows hasn't somehow interfered with that.

  • Not CPU, GPU (graphics card).

  • Post your full system specs.

  • N-RArtsN-RArts Posts: 1,525
    Sevrin said:

    2020-10-08 00:24:01.821 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(353): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.1 IRAY rend warn : CUDA module initialization failed with error 'CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version' (0x23); iray photoreal can only run in CPU mode. Please update your NVIDIA driver (

    That's the line that tells us that you need to update your driver. 

    Ah... Thanks for pointing that out. I'll have to check the driver later (it's bedtime here).

    Hmm... Maybe my AMD Radeon processor has reached it's limit in terms of rendering...


    Not CPU, GPU (graphics card).

    I can render in Iray on a CPU. Although I'm not sure how.


    Post your full system specs.

    It's attached to this post

    831 x 852 - 74K
  • AMD APU's cannot render in iRay. You're rendering on your CPU. That ancient dual core piledriver simply cannot handle the strain. I'm surprised it didn't catch fire TBH.

  • N-RArtsN-RArts Posts: 1,525

    AMD APU's cannot render in iRay. You're rendering on your CPU. That ancient dual core piledriver simply cannot handle the strain. I'm surprised it didn't catch fire TBH.

    Wow... Am I okay to render in 3Delight?

  • N_R Arts said:

    AMD APU's cannot render in iRay. You're rendering on your CPU. That ancient dual core piledriver simply cannot handle the strain. I'm surprised it didn't catch fire TBH.

    Wow... Am I okay to render in 3Delight?

    Sure. Don't expect speed but it should do ok as long as the CPU lasts. Poor thing isn't long for the world. 

  • N-RArtsN-RArts Posts: 1,525


    Sure. Don't expect speed but it should do ok as long as the CPU lasts. Poor thing isn't long for the world. 

    Okay. Well, it's been okay for 6 years. But retirement may be on the cards at some point in the future... If it continues to work into next year.

    Thanks for the help.

  • AJ2112AJ2112 Posts: 1,416
    edited October 2020

    Hi friend, you can try Reality software.  Reality is cpu based.  Years ago, I had no issues using reality with 2 and 4 core processors.  Just tossing out another option for unbiased engine smiley


    Post edited by AJ2112 on
  • N-RArtsN-RArts Posts: 1,525
    edited October 2020
    AJ2112 said:

    Hi friend, you can try Reality software.  Reality is cpu based.  Years ago, I had no issues using reality with 2 and 4 core processors.  Just tossing out another option for unbiased engine smiley


    I have Reality 4, but I couldn't remember (or find out) if it was GPU or CPU. But, now I know, I'll be using it more. 

    Thank you for replying :)

    Post edited by N-RArts on
  • AJ2112AJ2112 Posts: 1,416

    Your welcome, enjoy wink

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