looking for a ray or beam
Drogo Nazhur
Posts: 1,155
Something that starts out small and expands as it goes forward. Something like this --> https://www.deviantart.com/livinlovindude/art/Green-death-beam-550669961 or this --> https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/media/library/images/tv/green-lantern-the-animated-series-premiere-3.jpg
Any products out there like that?
The beams in both of those images might not necessarily be expanding outwards, but rather appear that way due to perspective. You could just create a cylinder primitive and slap an emissive shader on it.
Here's a hastily thrown together example of an emissive cylinder.
So how did you create that cylinder?
Create -> New Primitive. You can also make a cone if you need to.
The general term, if you want a search term is volumetric light