suggestions for special comic like edged faces? --- Ghost Dynamics?

chromchrom Posts: 260
edited October 2020 in The Commons


I am looking for special comic like edged faces – like for existing batman drawings.

Do you have any suggestions?

I didn’t find any figure or tool/morph for this. (Dwayne is in that direction but to funny in its shape and could be more edged).


I tried editing a face mesh in DAZ but  seems not be really practible or I tried a wrong method.


Post edited by chrom on


  • chromchrom Posts: 260

    I found "Ghost Dynamics".

    Does it have only the shown primitives in pics or work with all primitives like plane or cube?

    So that could be perhaps used for flattening  face surfaces.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,051

    Bringing a finished render into Photoshop is really the best solution...

  • DripDrip Posts: 1,206

    Apart from Photoshop (which probably is the better option, as it should allow for a more managable workflow), you could look into using regular characters, but work with some light setups involving both hard and soft lights as well as tonemapping tricks, custom materials and finally, there are some products in the store that can give a render a more edged appearance as well. Line renderer is the name of one of those products that may be useful, but I'm pretty sure I've seen other products that could help as well. Definitely look through the stuff made by Marshian, his lights and shaders are very good to get high contrasting edges like those found in comics.

  • chromchrom Posts: 260

    Perhaps there is a missunderstanding, with edged faces I mean the mesh / shape be edged not an outline as edges of a drawing.

    I mean more straight lines than curves in the face  - e.g. an edged chin, ...  

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    there are some toon morphs to figures that might help you (eg have a look at these: or whatever you find when you put toon in the shop search field

  • chromchrom Posts: 260

    I already did and hoped someone have a concreete hint.

    But I looked now again at this product and perhaps the first one will fit - the others/most are funny round curved.

    Thank you

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