3DLight Spotlight

Ok, so I got a discoteque model from another site, and discovered that it was intended for use with 3DLight.  I selected all the surfaces in the surface tab and applied the Uber shader which made them visible in Iray. The spotlights however are still non photorealistic. Does anyone know where the settings are on spotlights that are already in a scene, to change them to photorealistic? Should I be approaching this a different way to convert it to Iray?


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    What is "not photorealistic" about them? Are you talking about the models for the spotlights, or the light they emit?

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    If it's a spotlight you can go to your lights tab in the parameters, select the spotlight/light, there is one dial where you can select Photometric Mode, switch that to on.

    Then go to Luminous flux (lumen) a bit further down and add a handfull of "0" to those 1500. it's a bit of trial and error to find the right ymount there. You probably as well wna to change the light geometry to square and maybe increase hights and weight

  • kwanniekwannie Posts: 869

    I'm talking abot the light Gordig, I thought that I had seen before that you could select a photorealistic mode on spot lights. I seem to remember that in 3DLight mode you could chose to not cast shadows, but in photorealistic mode you could not. Anyway The scene came with a complete lightset, but as I said it was originally created for 3DLight, the product name is simply 70's Disco.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    kwannie said:

    I'm talking abot the light Gordig, I thought that I had seen before that you could select a photorealistic mode on spot lights. I seem to remember that in 3DLight mode you could chose to not cast shadows, but in photorealistic mode you could not. Anyway The scene came with a complete lightset, but as I said it was originally created for 3DLight, the product name is simply 70's Disco.

    As @Linwelly indicated, I think you are thinking of photometric mode, not photorealistic.

  • kwanniekwannie Posts: 869

    Thanks for the heads up Linwelly, I found the photometric mode now.

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