morph loader

I'm working on a sculpt of a figure i'd like to bring in to Daz with the morph loader.  I've done this before with various base mesh alterations, however right now I am working in Mudbox and would like to try bringing in a subdivided sculpt.  I'm not sure how i'm supposed to do this?  Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?  

I tried loading in a test sculpt with one level of subdivision. 65,472 polys rather than the base 16,368.  Morph loader wasn't having it.


  • I may have answered my own question.  I should be baking normal and displacement maps rather than trying to bring a higher poly model in to daz.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    Only Daz PAs have the tools needed to create HD morphs.

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