Saving charcter as morph without losing correction morphs
Before you point me to all existing forum topics: I read them all :D
Is it possible to save a character morph created out of several morphs in a way, that would let you uninstall the source morphs later but don't lose all the correction morphs, etc.?
I know there is the "export to OBJ and re-import with morph loader" method, but isn't it going to break something? Generally I don't like having a ton of morphs in my parameters/shaping section so I'm looking for a way to save a full character preset as a single morph so i can uninstall/delete the source morphs once I'm done so they don't clutter my Shaping pane and don's slow down the loading times of the base G8 figure.
I'm afraid not. If you want to keep the correction morphs you need to keep the source morphs.
Exporting to obj and importing as a single morph will indeed break the correction morphs since you don't use the morph which triggers them anymore.
Darn, that's what I thought. But isn't there a way to re-link the correction morphs to the newly created morph? I mean... when vendors create their own characters, they need to somehow link the correction morphs to their base morphs. Can't this be done in this situation, and if so - how?
When vendors create their characters they don't "embed" existing morphs they used into a single morph, they create a master dial which applies those. So correction morphs still work.
And for custom morphs they create their own correction morphs if required.