transferring files

I have bought a new computer and copied my own saved files across.They dont show up in smart content as they did on the previous machine. What am I doing wrong?


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    did you copy over the metadata also since I believe that is what smart content gets it's info from (I never use it, so not sure)

  • Ive heard of that but dont know how you copy it. Ill have a look for it though thanks for the hint.


  • You can, with DS and any other applications that use the Content management Service closed and PostgreSQL not running on both machines, copy the whole database across - the location is given in Edit>Preferences>CMS, Daz Studio>Preferences>CMS for the Mac. This does require that both machines be using the same operating system and that the same version of PostgreSQL is installed on each.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,403

    You can not copy over the metadata, it is stored in a database. How did you install the content? If it is with Install Manager, then as long as the dsx files that are in runtime/support have also been copied over to the same area, then you can use DS to re-import the metadata.

  • Im transferring the files I created (saved) on a windows 7 laptop to my win 10 PC. these are scenes poses etc that i want to reuse now I have a better machine.


  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,403

    Im transferring the files I created (saved) on a windows 7 laptop to my win 10 PC. these are scenes poses etc that i want to reuse now I have a better machine.


    If you created your own smart content, for example with your poses, there is a way to transfer the metadata. Export it into UserData from your old machine, copy that file over, and then import into DS on the new machine. I should warn you though that this method is not foolproof, and things should be set up in the same way as on the old box. Alternatively copy the entire database, as Richard suggests above.

  • Thanks Ill give those ideas a try.

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