Update: DazCentral Version

DAZ_JacobDAZ_Jacob Posts: 21
edited October 2020 in The Commons

DazCentral is getting an update!

We’ve made a few small adjustments based on user feedback to continue to improve our newest Install Manager, and now offering offering DazCentral Version

Adjustments to DazCentral include:

  • Mac OS/Catalina
    We’ve added notarization for Mac OS. This resolves issues that Mac OS users (especially those running Catalina) experienced in previous iterations.
  • Multiple (Same) Products
    We’ve also resolved the error that makes some products show up multiple times with bridge downloads, despite being the same product.
  • New Font
    Because of a few reported issues with the previous font, we’ve adjusted DazCentral to use a new font that resolves them.

These changes come in addition to a few other minor bug fixes.

We thank all DazCentral users for your continued feedback and hope you enjoy DazCentral: Version!

Post edited by DAZ_Jacob on


  • Noah LGPNoah LGP Posts: 2,617

    Is it still a beta version ?

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    But the majority of user feedback has been to bury it in the backyard and pave over it.

  • 2sharp2sharp Posts: 54

    Will this update rectify the problems Dazcentral caused me three weeks ago? I still have no explanation why Dazcentral removed all access to my Content Library files and Smart Content Products or what to do about it.

  • Noah LGPNoah LGP Posts: 2,617

    I installed Daz Central yesterday, everything is fine.

    Note : I didn't install a product with it yet.

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